PUM19930722PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Woodard, Mayor De Angelis, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects: Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water On -going negotiations with Bond Company. valley/Lions Drive/Pioneer Water Project Final restoration is nearing completion. Southeast Sewer City Engineer Mike Campbell appeared before the Committee and presented the following report: Field work has been completed for force main. Preliminary plans to be completed by August 2, 1993. • Final design anticipated by September 1, 1993. Lift Station Flows being developed Field work on gravity sewers for Ryan/Groveway/Boxhorn to be completed by mid -October. Mr. John Witunski appeared before the Committee to further discuss request for sewer service for property in the City of Franklin. Ald. Sanders moved to deny connections because of the impact to peak flows that the District will count against the City of Muskego's allocations. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. Mr. Witunski requested a copy of the adopted minutes of July 22, 1993 mailed to him. The Committee further discussed proposed Sewer and Water Assessment policies and deferred action until the August meeting in order to be able to review final proposals after meeting with consultants and staff (Ald. Sanders, Utility Supt. Kloskowski, Mayor De Angelis, City Clerk Marenda, Attorney Molter, Seegar Swanson and Engineer Ken Ward). The Committee discussed REC charge for Lakeridge Apartments which have recently converted several buildings into Condominiums. The Committee reviewed charges associated with one and two -bedroom apartments and Condominiums and determined that there was a disparity in charges to like units. Ald. • Sanders moved to recommend an amendment to Chapter 21 of the municipal code to amend the REC Chart which is an attachment to Chapter 21 to stipulate a one (1) minimum REC for each dwelling Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 July 22, 1993 isunit, with the sewer usage charge to remain the same. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee reviewed MMSD Quarterly billing statement in the amount of $144,331.81. Ald. Sanders moved to approve payment. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee reviewed memorandum dated July 8, 1993, from Utility Clerk Kowalik advising that she had discovered that the apartments addressed S81 W18051-3 Riess Drive (Wind Song Apartments - Tax Key 2221.993.004) are being charged for one (1) connection, and there are actually two (2) connections. Ald. Sanders moved to back -bill for two (2) years (1991, 1992, and current year, 1993). Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. Mr. Scott Krause and Mr. Boris Sodos appeared before the Committee to discuss fire hydrant requirement for CCV (Country Club Villages). Ald. Sanders moved to require fire hydrants. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee discussed MMSD User Charge Billing and reviewed memorandum from City Clerk, dated July 16, 1993, which advised that the Utility has been notified by MMSD that we must meter certain connections. All unmetered commercial and industrial • users shall be metered upon change of occupancy or use. Also, any connections using 90,000 or more gallons of water per quarter must be metered (which would include all eight (8) family apartment buildings). In the past the City has not required meters to be installed unless connected to municipal water, or identified as a high water user. Ald. Sanders moved to implement MMSD regulations on mandated metering. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee reviewed request for Acceptance of Improvements for Settler's Creek Subdivision. Ald. Sanders moved to deny pending completion of Punch List. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. Ald. Woodard moved to recommend Acceptance of Improvements for Tom Ferguson off of Gold Drive. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. City Engineer Mike Campbell reviewed with the Committee the results of the sewer capacity analysis on the area south of Enterprise Drive and north of Woods Road, including Woodcrest Heights, Woodcrest Heights Addn. #1 and Woodside Estates. The objective of the analysis was to determine the existing and remaining capacity of the existing sewer system and to determine if the proposed District Office, Grade School and Middle School can connect to the system. The report concluded • that, at this time, it is most feasible to add the additional flow from future school district developments to the existing pumpstation at the High School via a new small lift station and Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 July 22, 1993 a 4" forcemain. The Committee agreed with the City Engineer's recommendation. The Committee reviewed the invoice from the Town of Norway Sanitary District No. 1 in the amount of $18,482.14. Ald. Sanders moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared before the Committee to request 27 sewer connections for the Lawrence Yeager property on Hillendale Drive. Ald. Woodard moved to grant connections. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed Geophysical and ground water services contract between the City of Muskego and Northern Environmental to locate and identify future well site at the following estimated costs: PHASE I Estimated Cost Geologic Reconnaissance Study $4,500.00 PHASE II Estimated Cost Electrical Exploration for Dolomite Wells (assuming a minimum of • three sites) $2,500.00/site Estimated Cost Geothermal Exploration (assuming no unusual drilling conditions) $5,000.00/site Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of Phase I. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski updated the Committee on the Kristin Downs Water quality and reviewed claim in the amount of $81.00 submitted by Mrs. Lois J. Seefeldt for Laundromat expenses. Ald. Sanders moved to deny claim. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee discussed status of water reservoir investigation. Soil borings have been taken and appear to be satisfactory. A discussion was held regarding community well requirements for new developments. Ald. Sanders moved to establish a policy whereby any development, five lots or more, will be required to install a community well unless waived by the Public Utilities Committee and request that the City Engineers draft an amendment to Chapter 28, Water Ordinance, to facilitate above recommended policy. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. • The Committee reviewed request for Computer Software enhancement for Utility Billing from Information Systems I Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 July 22, 1993 • Director Joe Sommers. When the interface from Cash Receipts to the Utility Billing system was installed, we inadvertently lost the ability to interface the utility payments to the general ledger. A quote of $1,400 has been received from BRC which would allow us to have the existing functions plus interface the utility payments directly to the general ledger. Ald. Sanders moved to approve purchase. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee reviewed sewer plans for Foxboro North Subdivision and directed the City Engineers to submit plans to MMSD, subject to possible revision due to drainage and other concerns. The Committee reviewed sewer plans and as-builts for the Treba property on Hillendale. Ald. Sanders moved to approve subject to a sewer main easement being identified on the Certified Survey Map and the as-builts for the sewer forcemain which crosses the affected property. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee reviewed correspondence received from the City Engineers, Ruekert & Mielke, dated July 20, 1993, which was a follow-up to a meeting held July 14, 1993, wherein engineering services with the City of Muskego were discussed. Since January of 1993, someone from the engineering firm has been • attending Public Works, Utilities and Plan Commission meetings without any charge to the City. The reasons for their attendance were to show that their engineering input can be of value in the City's decision making process and to familiarize themselves with the concerns of the City regarding projects and to be able to respond to those concerns in person. Ruekert & Mielke proposed a reduced hourly rate schedule to be used on an "as -needed" basis for the remainder of 1993. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend City Engineer attendance at the Public Utilities Committee meetings. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. :WA 40 Respectfully submitted, Ald. Donna M. Woodard Secretary 2zjl��. 9� A _0