PUM199305200 *CORRECTED PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Schneider, Woodard, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Ald. Schneider, Mayor De Angelis, Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson, City Engineers Mike Campbell and Ken Ward, and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed status of the following projects: Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water Project - Mayor De Angelis reported that he, Superintendent Loughney and Superintendent Kloskowski had met with a representative from Madison Underground, the bonding company, and the bonding company's attorney to solve road conditions. Valley/Lions/Pioneer Water Project - Restoration has started. Southeast Sewer - Approval has been received from MMSD and the DNR and the City Engineers have started design. The Committee reviewed results of surveys received from affected property owners in the Boxhorn/Ryan/Groveway areas as to the need for sewer service. Surveys were mailed to 104 properties and returns were as follows: 42 "Yes" and 24 "No". The Committee reviewed correspondence received from Waukesha County Department of Health, dated May 19, 1993, which included a list of the information found in their files for properties on Boxhorn Drive and Groveway Lane. The soils in this area are classified as having severe and very severe limitations for the use of a soil absorption system. Private sewage systems installed in this type of soil require more frequent pumping and water conservation to maintain the system, however, satisfactory long-term service cannot be expected. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend approval of the design and installation of the second lift station and collector sewers for the Boxhorn/Ryan/Groveway area and to recommend approval of the a Preliminary Resolution Declaring Intent to Exercise Special Assessment Police Powers Under §66.60, Wisconsin Statutes, as to Sanitary Sewer Assessment Area for Boxhorn/Groveway/Ryan Sewer Project. Seconded by Ald. Woodard, motion carried. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Zimmerman Engineering Corporation, dated May 12, 1993, which addressed the City's request to locate the proposed flow restrictor facilities on the force main, downstream of the McShane Lift Station, with Representative Scott Anderson. MMSD has agreed with the request. Ald. Sanders moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the correspondence indicating that the City concurs with Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 May 20, 1993 6 • the concept of installing flow restrictor facilities on the force main downstream of the McShane Sewage Pump Station. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee reviewed correspondence from MMSD regarding connection to floor drains in garages which states that garage floor drains cannot be connected to the sanitary sewer. MMSD also states that the City's Municipal Code should have a section which prohibits this. Ald. Schneider moved to direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance incorporating MMSD Rules and Regulations which prohibits anyone from running a drain from a garage to a sanitary sewer in an area where a separate system of sewers is required or is in use, catch basins, foundation drains, downspout drains, floor drains receiving unpolluted water, or any other fixtures or appurtenances which do not carry or convey sanitary sewage shall not be connected, directly or indirectly, to District sewers, including intercepting sewers or branches thereof. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Mr. James V. Miles, MSI General Corporation appeared before the Committee to request sewer and water service for two possible locations for the Muskego/Norway School District. Ald. Schneider moved to request the City Engineers to review sewer capacity and connection options for proposed administration building and future school at Woods Road and Racine Avenue site. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The District has also requested permission to install a septic system for a possible District Office at the Mill Valley Site since the nearest sewer connection is 1300 feet away. Ald. Sanders moved to deny request and direct that the site be connected to sewers. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee reviewed request for determination of REC charge for the following: Overlook Bay Club House The Committee determined that a charge of two (2) RECs will be given to start pending actual usage history received from meter. VFW Post The Committee determined that a charge of one and one -quarter (1.25) RECs will be given as per Chart. The Committee requests that the Sewer Utility Clerk provide the Committee with a list of other existing club houses for their review at the June meeting. The Committee reviewed the proposed amendments to the Sewer Assessment Policy. Seegar Swanson recommended that when controlled access status ends, the assessment will be paid at the rate of the original project's assessment, plus accrued interest at the rate in the Final Resolution of the original project. This would be uniform for both the Sewer Assessment Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 May 20, 1993 Policy and the Water Assessment Policy. The Committee will further review at the June meeting. Stan Potrykus appeared before the Committee to discuss sewer connections to three lots on Mystic Drive and Woods Road for Ludwig/Strampe. Ald. Sanders moved to allow lots 1 and 3 to connect to existing manholes; one on Woods Road and one on Mystic Drive, and lot 2 to be connected to an existing riser in the main. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee determined that there would be no assessment for Parcel 2 as it received an assessment as part of the Woods Road/Mystic to Durham Sewer Project; there would be no assessment for Parcel 1 as any sewer main installed on Woods Road, west of Mystic Drive, will be put in by the developer; there will be a theoretical assessment for Parcel 3 for the 120 ft. of frontage at the last project rate of $43.16; with the understanding that if the landowner extends a sewer main south on Mystic Drive, within the next five (5) years, the City would reimburse the front foot assessment. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski discussed with the. Committee the status of Well Site Investigations. The Committee determined that a letter should be sent to Waste Management clarifying that there is a 400 ft. setback from center line of Hillendale Drive. It is the City's intent to use the full 400 • ft. setback for a water storage reservoir site. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the City Engineers to implement the first phase of the geophysical study. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee discussed with the Finance Consultant the interest rate for MW6-88 Water Project. Seegar recommended that the City does not attempt to adjust interest rates for individual past projects and the Committee agreed. The Committee was advised by the City Clerk that David Beierle, W180 S7695 Pioneer Drive would appear at the meeting to request water service. Mr. Beierle did not appear and the Committee recommends that Mr. Beierle be contacted and advised of the Committee's policy on receipt of a petition of 50% of the participants requesting water service. The City discussed PSC water rate proposed increase and will review at the June meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Donna Woodard Secretary ca UTl L A41- % E15 T l NG s, CIF C1oczY�4st S S 9 Tn� CRKid2ff-- — S 711 Gv'/1/3 y �� • LJCN SE J C�(c N p 1 Sc7 / cj /ya9� �eoyPcuc L V