PUM19930415PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 15, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and Misko, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Dumke, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Mr. Dale Lofquist appeared before the Committee representing property owners on Hillendale Drive, north of Hwy. L, and presented a petition with 44 signatures which states, "WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OBJECT TO THE CONDITION OF HILLENDALE DRIVE, REALIZING THAT WE HAVE PAID FOR A NEW ROAD THROUGH OUR SEWER AND WATER ASSESSMENTS". The Committee advised that the contractor, Madison Underground, had filed bankruptcy and that the City was now working with the Bonding Company. The Committee acknowledged the condition of the road and will forward this information on to the City Attorney to use in the negotiation process for completion of this project. Ken Ward, Ruekert & Mielke, and Seegar Swanson, the City's Financial Consultant, appeared before the Committee to discuss engineering and proposed financing for a second lift station to be part of the Southeast Sewer Project which would provide . sewer service for the area of Boxhorn, Ryan and Groveway. All affected property owners had been invited to attend the meeting to discuss. In order for the Committee to make a final determination, Ald. Sanders moved to have another letter sent to all affected property owners, enclosing a self-addressed stamped postcard, so that each property owner can indicate his preference and return the postcard to the City. The letter will indicate that this item will be further discussed at the May 20, 1993 Public Utilities Committee meeting. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. It was noted to check on the change of ownership for the property addressed S94 W14508 Groveway. The Committee reviewed with Ken Ward correspondence received from J. C. Zimmerman with regard to the installation of flow restrictor systems. The engineers are not happy with the idea of the flow restrictor being installed within the gravity sewer portion of the interceptor prior to the McShane Lift Station. It is their recommendation that the flow restrictor still be placed on the forcemain down stream of the lift station. Superintendent Kloskowski will contact Zimmerman Engineering to discuss proposed location and report back to the May meeting. Mr. Ervin Kablitz and Mr. Bob Pelzmann appeared before the Committee to request a pro -ration of deferred sewer and water assessment for his property on Woods Road which was part of the Woods Road South of HWY. L Sewer & Water project. Ald. Sanders moved to approve request for pro -ration subject to the following conditions: Upon sale of one lot, the property Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 April 15, 1993 • owner will be responsible for payment of the front foot assessment and balance due on the lateral; Upon sale of second lot, same provision; and upon sale of third lot, total remaining deferred assessment must be paid in full. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Mr. Tom Hooper appeared before the Committee to request sewer service for three homes and one vacant lot that are abutting College Avenue between Lentini and Shagbark Lane of which one of the homes is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hooper. The Committee determined that they are receptive to the request and Mr. Hooper is going to look into a private sewer main extension and will return to the Committee with a final determination. The Committee reviewed a request foA dditional sewer connections for Lake View Highlands They were originally allocated 30 connections and are requesting an additional nine (9) to bring them to a total of 39 connections. Ald. Schneider moved to approve the additional connections subject to wetland restoration plans and all subdivider's agreements being approved. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-1 with Ald. Misko casting a dissenting vote. The Committee reviewed the revised plan and calculations for the proposed easement sewer for Lake View Highlands North, isalong with the City Engineer's correspondence of April 15, 1993, wherein they state they have no objection to the design revision. Ald. Sanders moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried 2-1 with Ald. Misko casting a dissenting vote. The Committee reviewed revised Sanitary Sewer and Water plans for Plum Creek East along with the City Engineer's correspondence of April 15, 1993, wherein they state they have no objections to the revised plans. Ald. Sanders moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. It was noted that one (1) REC is to be reserved for the Bishop property on Woods Road. City Engineer Steve Schultz discussed with the Committee the proposed Water Facility Site for the City of Muskego on Hillendale Drive which is presently owned by Waste Management. The proposed site dimensions are being negotiated with Waste Management. The northern boundary of existing parcel .996 will serve as the southern boundary for the site. This item will be discussed at the May 20, 1993 Public Utilities Committee meeting and a determination will be made on the need for soil borings and surveying of the site. The Committee recognizes that the deferred assessments on this parcel would become the City of Musekgo's responsibility for this portion of the . frontage, if property is acquired. City Engineer Steve Schultz discussed with the Committee his report after investigating existing wells in the City and Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 April 15, 1993 • evaluating their potential use as a municipal well. The results are as follows: The well at Muskego High School would not be acceptable for use as a municipal well because the casing is not grouted to the minimum 60 feet as required by code. The well at Bay Lane School, based upon specific capacity, is doubtful as it is not believed that more than 200 gpm cold be reliably obtained from this well without addi- tional work such as deepening. The well at the Muskego Rendering Company, it is doubtful that more than 150 gpm can be obtained from this well. The well at the Metro Landfill has an estimated maximum yield of 75 gpm. Steve indicated that after discussions with DNR officials, it was determined that there were other potential high capacity wells which may be used as a municipal source. In additional discussions with the DNR, it was indicated that the requirements of the Well Site Investigation Report and the Well Head Protection Plan would still be in effect if the City were isto take over an existing well. Estimates of the cost to perform these tasks are $20,000-$35,000. Two other potential sites are the Pioneer Center or Willow Glen Apartments. The Committee directed that a letter be sent to Carol Fischer,_ President of the Pioneer Center Homeowner's Association, to inquire if the Association would be willing to have the well tested for municipal use. A discussion was held on the status of Modification of Well Pump Station #2 project. City Engineer Steve Schultz advised that the contract was not adhered to and that possible liquidated damages will be withheld in the future. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski discussed with the Committee a proposal for establishing a deadline policy for submittal of sewer and water plans for Committee review and approval. Ald. Schneider moved to establish a policy whereby all plans must be submitted to the Plan Director two (2) full weeks prior to the Public Utilities Committee meeting. The Committee reviewed a final proposed draft for revisions to the Water Assessment Policy. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of policy subject to all recommendations listed in Attorney Molter's correspondence of April 6, 1993, being incorporated into the policy. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Mayor Salentine asked the Committee to establish a REC charge for second garage connections to the sewer system. The Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 April 15, 1993 • Committee requested that the Utility Superintendent contact MMSD to determine how they will be charging for the connection. The Committee acknowledged receipt of correspondence from the Public Service Commission enclosing an issues list resulting from the hearings held in the City of Muskego on January 11 and February 4, 1993. The Committee reviewed correspondence received from the City Clerk regarding a 5 year review of Water Assessment interest rate for MW-6-88 (Bay Lane Water Project - Reso. #61-88) asking for a determination as to whether or not the interest rate of 8% will remain the same or adjustments made. The Committee requests that, before making a determination, the City Clerk provide them with information as to whether or not this was part of the recent refinancing. The Committee will review at their May meeting. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the purchase of 200 new water meters and authorizes expenditure of $14,600 from the Water Utility Borrowed Money Account. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ca V Ald. William H. 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