PUM19930318PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 18, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Schneider and Misko, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Dumke, Superintendent Kloskowski, Mike Campbell and Steve Schultz from Ruekert & Mielke, and those per the attached list. The Committee discussed status of the following projects: and Water - Nothing Valley Drive/Lions Park/Pioneer Water - Restoration is being completed. Southeast Sewer Project- Residents from the Boxhorn/Ryan/Groveway area appeared before the Committee as a follow-up to their petition requesting installation of the lift station on Boxhorn which will provide sewer service to their area. A decision to continue to proceed with the design of the Boxhorn Drive lift station will be reviewed at the April 15, 1993 meeting with all of the affected residents for the petitioned area; west of the proposed lift station to Boxhorn to be sent a letter inviting them to attend the meeting to voice their concerns. The Committee discussed the Hwy. 36 lift station and interceptor. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the City Engineers to commence with the design of the Hwy. 36 lift station and interceptor. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Mr. John Witunski appeared before the Committee to further discuss his request for sewer service to his land in the City of Franklin abutting the City of Muskego. Ald. Misko moved to direct Mr. Witunski to contact Metropolitan Milwaukee Sewerage District to receive a determination on how the District will calculate capacity and deal with additional flows that will be added to the City of Muskego's flow calculations. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee further reviewed the Assessment Policies for Water which consists of an existing policy for water assessments levied prior to March 26, 1991 and a new policy for water assessments levied after March 26, 1991. The Committee recommended approval of the policies, as proposed, with the 40 following amendments to the 150 ft. policy: 1. Add to 6. Payment of Deferred Assessments, A. (1) "To be considered for an additional deferral, the front Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 March 18, 1993 footage of the property shall be a minimum of 500 ft." 2. Add to 6. Payment of Deferred Assessments, A. (2) (f), after "be placed on the tax roll, plus interest, to January 31st. 3. Add to 6. Payment of Deferred Assessments, A. (2) (g), The property owners shall be liable for all costs associated with the pro -ration. The Committee reviewed the City Attorney's correspondence of February 23, 1993, regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 21, Sections 21.21 and Sections 21.22 to incorporate language for Sewer Extension Permits. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the City Attorney to draft the ordinances inserting the date of December 20, 2002, which is the latest date that requests for existing capacity can be deferred, and is the month and day that coincides with the signing of the existing contract with MMSD. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reviewed with the Committee the following quotes received for sewer televising: Price Per Foot Area #1 Area #2 Total National Power Rodding Corp. $0.51 $0.51 $12,750.00 General Pipe Services $0.275 $0.310 $ 6,997.50 Visu-Sewer Clean & Seal $0.43 $0.54 $11,135.00 Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of low bid from General Pipe Services in the amount of $6,997.50. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reviewed with the Committee the following quotes received for a new Utility Truck which was approved through the Budget process. Specifications were sent to five dealers, but only the following two quotes were received: Hiller Ford $15,881.00 Badger Ford $17,838.00 Ald. Schneider moved to recommend approval of low bid from Hiller Ford in the amount of $15,881.00. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee discussed establishing a policy on timeframe for issuance of building permits for Certified Survey Maps and determined that the same policy will be used as in the Subdivider's Agreements which is that building permits can be issued when improvements are in the ground and the first lift of asphalt has been installed on the road right-of-way; with the exception of special provisions for model homes. Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 March 18, 1993 • The Committee reviewed the Town of Norway's Audit which indicates that the balance due for 1992 is $9,909.13. Ald. Sanders moved to approve payment of $9,909.13. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee discussed acceptance of the lift station and sewer mains for Settlers Creek Subdivision. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend acceptance of the partial improvements of the lift station and the sewer main. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared before the Committee to present a sketch for an 11 parcel division of the Lutsch property (which includes the existing farmhouse) which would require the allocation of 10 RECs; 5 of which have already been assigned for Basin 2 (vacant land) and submitted to the District. The Committee was receptive to allocation of the 5 additional RECs,' but will wait for final determination as to whether any parcels will be purchased by the city for park purposes. The Committee reviewed concerns from Patti Philaja that were given to the Committee in writing at their meeting held February 18, 1993. Mrs. Philaja was not in attendance, but the Committee reviewed correspondence from Utility Superintendent Kloskowski that was sent to Mrs. Philaja. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reviewed with the Committee the following quotes for the installation of 60 ft. of watermain between the Kristin Down and Meadow Green West Subdivisions: Underground Pipeline, Inc. $6,000.00 Rawson Contractors, Inc. $9,225.00 Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of low bid received from Underground Pipeline, Inc. in the amount of $6,000.00. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee acknowledged that there was nothing to report on the PSC water rates. Mayor Salentine advised that he was working with Waste Management to secure an agreeable meeting date with Waste Management, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and a member of the Committee to discuss acquisition of the site on Hillendale Drive for future water facilities. Steve Schultz of Ruekert & Mielke appeared before the Committee to make a presentation on determining a new well location and indicated that the site in the Industrial Park may not be an acceptable site under new DNR regulations. The Committee directed Mr. Schultz to provide to the Committee a determination as to the possible addition of one of the existing wells at the High School, Anamax, and Bay Lane as to Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 March 18, 1993 is 9 their potential to be used as a water source and report back to the April 15, 1993 meeting. The Committee reviewed memorandum from City Clerk Jean Marenda requesting a determination as to removing a controlled access water assessment on Tax Key 2225.999 for the former Elger property. Because this property has now been developed single family residential and served by internal water mains installed by the developer, this assessment is no longer collectable. In order to remove this assessment from the City's accounting books as water utility receivable, she would like to request that this controlled access assessment be recognized as no longer being an assessment and that it be written off. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend that the Controlled Access for a total of 1529.5 ft. be written off which is carried on the books at the original $14.00 front foot rate for a total of $21,413. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee reviewed memorandum from City Clerk Jean Marenda recommending separation of Special Assessments that are now placed on the Tax Bill as one amount. She advised that it is now possible to separate principal and interest and show both amount and is recommending showing both as the interest is tax deductible. Ald. Schneider moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the sewer and water plans for Plum Creek Addition #1 Subdivision and recommended approval subject to requiring sewer connection for the Bishop property by easement through Plum Creek Addn. #1, with the cost to be supplied for Committee review and the Committee is receptive to an assessment plan for the payment of the costs. The extension of the watermain on Woods Road will benefit existing properties. Ald. Sanders will contact those properties to request a Waiver of Assessment and the City Attorney is requested to provide the procedure that the City will follow to be able to assess property that are not agreeable to signing the required Waiver of Assessment. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M. ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. 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