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PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 18, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Misko and Schneider, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects: Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer - City Attorney is contacting the bonding company to discuss the repairs to Hillendale Drive Valley Drive/Lions Park/Pioneer Drive Water - Safe water samples have been obtained, letters are being sent to affected property owners to advise that they can hook up, and restoration will be completed in Spring of 1993. Southeast Sewer - The Facilities Plan revision has been approved by MMSD. Hwy L West to Crowbar Sewer - As-builts have been received from MMSD and letters have been sent to affected property owners alerting that they have 9 months in which to connect to the system, unless under orders from the Department of Health and then they must connect within 30 days. The Committee deferred action on proposed amendment clarifying timeframe for use of allocated RECS as the City Attorney is finalizing amendment which is anticipated to be reacted to at the March 9, 1993 Common Council meeting. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported that he had requested six contractors to submit quotes for forced hookup for the Lawrence Schmidt property (W208 58285 Hillendale Drive) and that no quotes have been received. Mr. Schmidt appeared before the Committee and indicated that he would solicit quotes and connect voluntarily, but requested connection to the manhole in Hillendale Drive. The Committee approved connection to the manhole subject to the Public Works Committee approving road opening. Mr. Schmidt was requested to report to the Utility Superintendent on his progress of hiring a contractor to do his connection. If he is unsuccessful, the Utility Superintendent will resubmit request for quotes. The stand-by charges, as per the June'1992 Public Utilities Committee minutes, will continue to be charged. The Committee reviewed engineering report on the forcemain . relay for the Jensen Park lift station along with the following bids: Underground Pipeline, Inc. $42,527.50 Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 February 18, 1993 , United Sewer & Water, Inc. Globe Contractors, Inc. Rawson Contractors, Inc. Rock Contractors, Inc. Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc. Reeseman's Excavating & Grading, Inc. Super Excavators, Inc. Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc. J. R. Tomasini Contractors, Inc. 46,304.50 50,150.00 52,390.00 53,580.00 53,750.00 54,291.00 55,700.00 64,685.50 65,825.00 Ald. Sanders moved to approve the low bid received from Underground Pipeline, Inc. at $42,527.50 (base bid) plus an addition of $875.00 for sod in place of topsoil in the park area, subject to DNR and MMSD approval. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee discussed sewer service to the Bass property on Mystic Drive. The Developer of Foxboro South Subdivision extended the sewer main to a manhole in front of the Bass property and extended a lateral off of the manhole to facilitate connection of the Bass property. The City Attorney has supplied the City with a legal opinion stating that the City could legally enter into an agreement to assess the property as there is potential for sewer extension in the future. Ald. Schneider moved to direct the City Clerk to is of a Waiver of Assessment for 150' of frontage at a cost of $43.16, which is the rate of the last sewer project, along with the cost of the lateral which will be supplied by the Developer. The Clerk will work with the City Attorney to prepare the Waiver of Assessment as it will include an agreement that if and when a frontage ever passes their property, they will not be assessed, and also that if they divide the property, that they will be liable for the frontage in excess of 150 ft. The Committee also determined that they will be allowed to put this assessment on the City's ten (10) year payment plan. The committee reviewed request for Mr. L. Wilkinson for pro -ration of deferred assessments. Ald. Sanders moved to approve request for pro -ration subject to the following conditions: Upon sale of one lot, the property owner will be responsible for payment of the front foot assessment and balance due on the lateral; Upon sale of second lot, same provision; and upon sale of third lot, total remaining deferred assessment must be paid in full. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Mr. Thomas Martinez appeared before the Committee to request that the City waive the interest on his RCA charge as the bill was inadvertently sent to the Developer/Contractor and never . forwarded to him. The Committee agreed that Mayor Salentine would attempt to recapture the cost from Terra Development as they had neglected to forward it to Mr. Martinez. Ald. Misko moved to forgive the interest if it could not be recaptured Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 February 18, 1993 from Terra Development. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried 2-1 with Ald. Sanders casting a dissenting vote. The Committee reviewed proposed amendment to Deferred Assessment Policy (150 ft. rule) for Sewer and Water and will continue discussion at the March meeting. Correspondence was received from SEWRPC, dated February 18, 1993, regarding an amendment for a portion of the year 2010 Sanitary Sewer Service Area Tributary to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District sewage treatment facilities. This amendment is requested prior to SEWRPC approving the required amendment and returning to MMSD with their approval. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend Council adoption. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee further discussed location for a future water tower site. Ald. Schneider moved to recommended the Hillendale site subject to acquisition from Waste Management at no cost. Mayor Salentine has been requested to start negotiations for the property. The Committee recognizes that assessments for sewer and water mains across this property will have to be forgiven. The Committee also recommends that a ground level tank will be the recommended structure. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. • Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised that all but one property owner has complied with the well testing requirements. The one property owner, Mr. Imme, has been difficult to locate. The Utility Superintendent asked direction as to whether to proceed with abandonment procedure or to issue citation. The Committee direct that the property owner receive a citation at the present time. It was noted that the PSC will be reviewing transcript from the Public Hearing along with data submitted by the City's auditors and it is anticipated to be approximately 6 to 8 weeks before an answer is received. The City Attorney is drafting the language proposed by the Public Utilities Committee for Well Abandonment and the ordinance will have its first reading at the Common Council meeting of 2/23/93. The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Engineer, dated 2/3/93, regarding Geophysical Investigations for a search for an additional well. Superintendent Kloskowski was direct to meet with the City Engineers to determine feasibility of lot adjacent to the City Garage. Property owners from the Kristin Downs Subdivision and the • Guernsey Meadows Subdvision appeared before the Committee to discuss concerns about the water rate increase and the acquisition of their water trusts by the Utility. Patti Philaja, Guernsey Meadows resident, read a written statement Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 February 18, 1993 ' which is attached and part of the minutes. The property owners requested that they be supplied with information as to the feasibility of having their water trusts revert back to Subdivision ownership. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. William H. Schneider Secretary COITRIITTEE DATE NAtIE ADDRESS I,L'), 16 2 ( ST- ( 573(,E 5i L kx4-�- bo LoOLYS ,_;�c�-: �`e 10 �Co �-c5 :.Q.rs-��al-��vi �o ✓ - h�a-�o�- .� - tv. Q s`� 5 0 r1 p�Q � �+-.,. ado cs-u�'{- p.0 a Y' ._ra- e 1 h e r e,cc s Cam►• %9 iz, e SoC.d ale_ et s t.RCQ wl -e e. 4- t h - h Lo U b Oar w r- e - /L o Ls� CLL� eV��ohJwco�rv�ce-Q i/�Q-Ifs Tl�� tVL©Y.utac v\ Vl C y Vic G�% r( c4 c - `� IS eS ----1_v�e-rea.-s aJ ..1'�vnnzen L`munCi ��v�PGcC�Ps -7 o �p/✓O l. 00. JvtCfUGeCYt,1fS - --____ •'L!(`S vL6-tJ t t�s .-. �1 "E)�t'�r,.�l e�. � O 'i She £1%7 e � n_4) E �-!'cal- 7'0../ 6r � ._ it er'lsLy S r c �v 2 t S`�i-�� �. Q ►n �M ac ll�N D 917 -31 ---^���rdC NS "� _"� �e ;c9cfe-tr�l^ C.`�'�`��i_l:Li D �C4.-kc �•, �'�1 e CL�/._�i_---._(_S_!.-a -=------ --_-- —__--------- -- -- i__._..w --- _._. L-`�'H_rvU l� ._tT S _:- ._.Z'H i �it►�YDIL Sti�1� , _Sr-1r7�i /�5--- ° ePe itu_ e�'dotP-- C`t y_�Uff w C1(-� GYf�2L2�n�El_: �-�/ ��. 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