PUM19930121PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Misko and Schneider, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Building Inspection Director Chuck Dykstra, and those per the attached list. The Committee discussed status of projects: Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water - Utility Superintendent noted that the property W208 58285 Hillendale had not connected to sewer. Ald. Schneider moved to proceed with obtaining quotes for forced hook-up to be reviewed at the February meeting. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. Valley Drive/Lions Park/Pioneer Water - Work is completed and final restoration being done. Southeast Sewer Project - Facilities Plan is on MMSD agenda for January 25; 1993. Hwy. L West to Crowbar Road - Verbal as -built approval has been received from MMSD. Mayor advised the Committee that he had received a call from John Witunski's attorney to discuss the status of Mr. Witunski's sewer request. The City of Franklin has not responded to MMSD's request for further information. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Attorney Molter dated January 20, 1993, regarding phasing the use of sewer permits along with an ordinance adopted by the Town of Delafield. The Committee determined that sewer connections are granted for one year from the time that the Common Council approves the minutes of the Public Utilities Committee that grants the connections or the connections will be lost. A subdivider's agreement shall be entered into within one (1) year of the date of the Common Council approval of the minutes of the Public Utilities Committee meeting or the connections will be lost. If a subdivider wishes to phase in the remainder of the development, the connections are reserved for an additional four years. If another phase is approved by a subdivider's agreement and the connections have not been used, the remaining connections will be reserved for an additional four years. The longest time anyone can repeat the above process or return the connections is the year 2002. Attorney Molter is requested to proceed to draft the appropriate ordinance for Council review. Scott Kloskowski gave an update on the recent meeting with MMSD on Flow Restrictors. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 January 21, 1993 The Committee reviewed information provided by City Clerk Marenda regarding deferred sewer and water assessment for the Wilkinson property. Mr. Wilkinson has been advised that the balances are accruing interest at the rate of 8% per annum until paid. The Committee determined that the payment of the deferred assessment, which is required when a land division is made, will be at the time the final plat is recordable. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Plan Director Larry Kirch on Tax Key #2174.853, lots 18 and 19, Block 10 of Oak Ridge Unrecorded Subdivision. Mr. Stefaniak, who is now the property owner, is attempting to release a land covenant that was placed on the property in 1970 to limit the property to one residential unit. Two residences now exist and both residences N meet the zoning lot size requirements since the zoning is RS-3/OED. Ald. Schneider moved to establish a theoretical assessment front foot rate of $43.16; which was the rate of the last sewer project. The assessable footage is 62.5 for a total assessment of $2,697.50. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee reviewed claim due to McShane Lift Station sewer backup received from Curt Bahringer in the amount of $275.57. The City's deductible with Wausau Insurance Company is $500.00, and therefore, would not be applicable. Ald. Sanders moved to approve payment of the $275.57. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. C The Committee discussed future site of Water Tower and reviewed correspondence from Mr. James Dunham, Waste Management, stating the it is Waste Management's belief that the setback limit is 350 feet west of the westerly right-of-way line of Hillendale Drive. This conclusion was reached by reading the narrative in the Stone Ridge I Landfill Final Negotiated Agreement, Exhibit H General Fill Borrow Pit; #2 states that there is a 350 foot street yard setback. The Committee deferred action to allow members to view the property. The Committee reviewed the status of well testing. Mrs. Haerter, W207 57882 Hillendale Drive, appeared before the Committee requesting an extension as she is awaiting results after having the well retested. Mr. Budish appeared and submitted a safe well test. The Utility Superintendent will verify any noncompliance and proceed with citations. Chuck Dykstra appeared before the Committee to continue discussion on his proposed new well abandonment policy. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend the following: Amendment to Chapter 28, Section 28.05(4)(e) to read: Persons intending to abandon a well shall pay a $30.00 registration fee to the Building Inspection Department, fill out a Registration Form and pick up a triplicate copy DNR Form #3300-5W. The DNR requires 1 (one) copy of the completed form to be retained by Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 January 21, 1993 hethe well owner, 1 (one) copy to be retained by the person performing the abandonment, and the final copy to be forwarded to the DNR; in addition, a zerox copy of the DNR form must be returned to the Building Department within 30 days. Failure to return a zerox copy of the DNR form to the Building Inspection Department will result in the City assuming that the well has not been abandoned". Amendment to Chapter 16, Section 16.07 to remove "Well Abandonment $40.00" and insert "Well Abandonment Registration $30.00". Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. Scott Kloskowski and Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the Public Service Commission's public hearing on water rates held in Madison on Monday, January 11, 1993. The PSC is recommending lower the proposed rate of $2.66 per 1,000 by 36¢ per 1,000 gallons to an amount of $2.30 per 1,000 gallons. The public hearings scheduled for Muskego are to be held on February 4, 1993, at 1:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Review of Facilities/5 Year Capital Project report was deferred to the February meeting. Scott Kloskowski alerted the Committee that the easement for the watermain for Kristin Downs to Meadow Green West connection had been received from Wisconsin Electric Power Company. The cost of the project will be approximately $5,000.00. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the project and authorize signing of required easement. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. The Committee discussed front foot water rates for 1993 and reviewed correspondence that was supplied by the City Engineers in February of 1992 and Financial Consultant in January of 1992. Ald. Sanders moved to establish front foot rates for 1993 at $31.00 per foot for residential and $35.00 per foot for Industrial. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. Joe Sommers appeared before the Committee to discuss an interface program between cash receipts and utility billing at a cost for software of $1,632.00. The funds for the program will come out of the borrowed money account with anticipated on-line time of April 1993. Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared before the Committee to discuss the development of the Kelly Estates project and the feasibility of providing sewer and water to the three properties on Kelly Drive through the development. The properties will be assessed the actual cost of the project, copy attached, plus a 10% administration fee to cover engineer and attorney fees and will is be required to sign a waiver of assessment. The property owners will be able to put assessment on a ten (10) year payment plan at an 8% rate of interest. Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 January 21, 1993 Scott Kloskowski discussed with the Committee the creation of a Utility Foreman Position which was part of his 1993 Sewer Budget. This position is requested due to increased responsibilities as a result of Scott's administration time in the office and required meetings. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the Utility Foreman Position at the 1993 rate of $14.97. Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. William H. Schneider Secretary ca COiRfITTEE i��i� /,{ �� /A� DATE / 2 tdAII E ADDRESS %/007 am �s Z� Ire 7�>- C— ' U " � 7c �J{EI"s�S is Ie. � �e=s 0 �0875 Crossroads Circle Suite 150 METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS — LAND SURVEYORS • Waukesha, WI 53166 • (414) 782-2221 Fax 782-4426 UANTITY BREAKDOWN FOR LOTS 1 & 2 OF BELLY ESTATES AND PARCELS ON EAST SIDE OF STREET SANITARY SEWER *148 LF 8" SANITARY SEWER GR BF @ $ 26.00/LF $ 3,848.00 *1 EA SANITARY MANHOLE @ $1540.00/LF $ 1,540.00 *4 EA 6" SANITARY LATERALS @ $ 650.00/LF $ 2,600.00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER $ 7,988.00 WATERMAIN 265 LF 8" WATERMAIN SP BF @ $ 16.00/LF $ 4,240.00 1 EA HYDRANT COMPLETE W/ VALVE @ $1400/EA $ 1,400.00 5 EA 1" COPPER WATER LATERAL @ $ 450.00/EA $ 2,250.00 TOTAL WATERMAIN $ 7,890.00 STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT & RESTORE EXISTING CULVERTS & DRIVEWAYS (3) LUMP SUM $ 3,000.00 ROADWAY 1) ROUGH/FINE GRADE, REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT, RESHAPE BASE COURSE, RESHAPE SHOULDER, PROVIDE 18" 3/4" TB GRAVEL SHOULDER LUMP SUM $ 1,998.14 2) 619 SY 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT @ $ 3.59/SY $ 2,222.21 TOTAL ROADWAY $ 4,220.35 TOTAL COST $ 23,098.35 * NOTE PARCEL C OF C.S.M. NO. 3037 DOES NOT TAKE PART IN PAYMENT OF THESE ITEMS. • 6 20875 Crossroads Circle Suite 150 METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS • Waukesha, WI 53186 COST BREAKDOWN FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS I & 2 KELLY ESTATES AND PARCELS ON EAST SIDE OF STREET SANITARY SEWER 7988/4 = $ 1,997.00 WATERMAIN 7890/5 = $ 1,578.00 STORM SEWER 3000/5 = $ 600.00 ROADWAY 4220.35/5 = $ 844.07 ADDITIONAL SHARE PER LOT FOR EXTENSION OF WATERMAIN TO JANESVILLE ROAD $ 354.00 PARCEL C = 1578.00 + 600.00 + 844.07 + 354.00 = $ 3,376.07 PARCELS A & B = 1997.00 + 1578.00 + 600.00 + 844.07 + 354.00 = $ 5,373.07 (4141 782-2221 Fax 782-4426 y C01,21ITTEE DATE / 2