The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were Committee Members Schneider and Misko (arrived
at approximately 7:30 P.M.), Mayor Salentine, Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski and those per attached list.
The Committee discussed the status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer and Water The City
Attorney is working with Madison Underground to resolve the
Valley Drive/Lions Park/Pioneer Water Construction is in
Southeast Sewer Project The Facilities Plan is anticipated
to receive final approval at the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage
District Commissioner's meeting in January and will then be
forwarded to SEWRPC and the DNR for approval.
Hwy. L West to Crowbar Road The City is awaiting MMSD
As -built approval to allow connections.
Further discussion was held on properties on Mystic Drive butting
Foxboro North Subdivision. The Committee is receptive to
providing sewer service to the Frei property, Tax Key #2203.991.
The Committee discussed ordinance amendment for time -frame for use
of allocated REC's. Ald. Schneider moved to request that the City
Attorney investigate if the Committee has the authority to require
phasing in of a development and to incorporate language, as per
the City Attorney's letter that indicates that the sewer plan
approval by the State and District for connections that have not
been installed, be addressed in the ordinance and that a financial
guarantee is not required by the developer. Ald. Sanders
seconded, motion carried. The Committee discussed the cost of
tracking sewer connections.
The Committee reviewed request to pay a portion of Deferred Sewer
Assessment for Tax Key 2201.988 (Michael Bartz). Ald. Misko moved
to allow a partial payment of $5,000.00 and to recommend another
five year extension for the balance of the assessment. Seconded
by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. Ald. Sanders moved to
recommend amending the Deferred Sewer and Water Assessment policy
to allow for partial payments of sewer and water agricultural
deferred assessments with a minimum amount of $5,000. Seconded by
Ald. Misko, motion carried.
The MMSD Capacity Utilization and Conveyance Limitations report
for the City of Muskego was reviewed and placed on file. Utility
Superintendent Kloskowski discussed the need for a program
limiting infiltration into the sewer system.
The MMSD 1993 Residential Occupancy Factors and Schedule for
Transmission of User Data was reviewed and it was noted that the
1992 occupancy factor of 3.07 was reduced in 1993 to 3.02
The Committee reviewed Sewer Extension Permit for R. S. Lowe, for
ten (10) connections for his property on Hillendale Drive. Ald.
Schneider moved to approve six (6) connections instead of the ten
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
December 10, 1992
(10) requested based upon the sketch approved by the Plan
Commission which shows six lots in the Sewer Service area.
Mr. Ed Thaves, S77 W16555 Bridgeport Way, appeared before the
Committee to request that he be relieved of the Sewer Usage
Penalty and RCA interest charge. Ald. Schneider moved to relieve
Mr. Thaves of being responsible for the $15.62 interest penalty
which appeared on his tax bill for a delinquent sewer usage fee
charge. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried. This action also
applies to Mr. Daniel Korotka, S78 W16702 Spinnaker Drive. The
Committee's action is not precedent setting and there is no intent
to change the present policy.
Correspondence from the City Engineers, dated November 23, 1992,
was reviewed in regard to replacing 1510 ft. of 10" forcemain for
the lift station in Jensen Park. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the
City Engineers to proceed with specifications and bidding for the
needed repairs. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried.
Further discussion on Water Tower Site Study was deferred to
January meeting in order to receive correspondence from Waste
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the Water Utility Clerk
updating compliance with well testing. Ald. Misko moved that a
letter be sent to the following property owners giving them an
extension for compliance until the January 21, 1993, Public
Utilities Committee meeting:
Mr. Ervin Kablitz
W200 S8533 Woods Road
Mr. David Burns
S74 W17586 Lake Drive
Mr. Walter Kehl
S83 W20765 Janesville Rd
Mr. David Roso
W172 S7735 Lannon Dr.
Mr. Donald Chappel
S77 W18359 Janesville
Ms. Eileen Baseler
W181 S7770 Valley Dr.
Mr. John Budish
S78 W16355 Woods Rd.
Ms. Margaret Haerter
W207 S7882 Hillendale
Mr. James Adkins
S82 W19758 Janesville
Mr. Thomas Aschenbrenner
S77 W18338 Janesville Rd.
Mr. Robert Wiza
S78 W17246 East Tower Dr.
Ms. Mary Gehling
S76 W18173 Janesville Rd.
Mr. Bucky Lowe
W208 S8151 Hillendale Dr.
Mr. Thomas Imme
Property Address:
S76 W17815 Janesville Rd.
Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee discussed PSC recommended Water Rate Increases and
are awaiting notification of the date selected by the Public
Service Commission for their public hearing.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
December 10, 1992
The Committee reviewed a suggested amendment to the Well
Abandonment Policy, along with proposed form, from Building
Inspection Director Chuck Dykstra. The Committee determined that
the City Inspector is to be on site before abandonment and to
check after job is completed and request that Chuck Dykstra review
the fee and report back to the Committee as to whether or not the
$40.00 proposed fee is sufficient.
The Facilities Capital Project Report was deferred until the
January meeting.
A memorandum from the Director of Planning, Lawrence Kirch, was
reviewed in regarding to acceptance of water and sewer
improvements for the Breann Ridge Subdivision. Ald. Schneider
moved to recommend approval of acceptance of improvements.
Seconded by Aid. Sanders, motion carried.
Ald. Misko moved to approve Seminar for Utility Superintendent
Kloskowski to be held in February at a cost of $565.00.
The meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider
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