PUM19921124Amended and approved by Common Council on 11/24/92
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Misko and
Schneider, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Patterson and Utility
Superintendent Kloskowski.
The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer and Water - Patching is in
Highway L West to Crowbar Sewer - Utility Superintendent
advised that City Engineers have sent As-builts to MMSD for
approval. The Committee requested that the Utility
Superintendent contact MMSD to request approval for immediate
connection for the Wagon Wheel.
Valley/Lions Park/Pioneer Drive Extended Water - City is
awaiting Chapter 30 permit from the DNR.
Southeast Sewer - The Committee reviewed correspondence from
Scott Krause, Muskego Lakes Country Club, dated November 5,
1992, and made the determination that since the Hwy. 45
Corridor is included in the Facilities Plan area, and Mr.
Krause agreed to pay or one-half of the Facilities Plan, Mr.
Krause's request to be exempt for the costs of the Hwy. 45
Corridor was denied.
Representatives from Towne Realty, Inc., appeared before the
Committee and submitted the following requests for the proposed
Candlewood Creek Subdivision:
1. Permission to extend the sewer main in Woods Road,
via interceptor, in order to access and service the western
portions of tax key #2201.994 and tax Key 2201.994.001.
2. A request for 120 sewer connections which would
ultimately be serviced by the sewer main extension granted in
3. A request for 31 sewer connections to be serviced by
sewer already existing in Woods and Durham Road for Phase 1 of
the development of the property, which I understand, is not
dependent upon the sewer main connection in #1.
Ald. Schneider moved to approve above requests with the
understanding that all costs would be the responsibility of the
Developer. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-1 with
Ald. Misko voting "no".
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November 12, 1992
The Committee indicated that there has been no response to the
City's request to MMSD to allow sewer connection to a property
on Woods Road, owned by John Witunski, which is in the City of
Franklin and borders the City of Muskego.
Several affected property owners appeared before the Committee
to discuss possible sewer extension to their properties on
Mystic Drive through the proposed Foxboro -North Subdivision.
The Committee requests that Stan Potrykus, the engineer for the
project be contacted and requested to provide costs for the
legal descriptions for the easements to the Committee for their
December 10, 1992 meeting. If Mr. Potrykus determines that the
property, tax key 2203.991, can be served by the project, the
Utility Superintendent will again contact the owners and asked
that they either appear at the December meeting or respond to
the City's inquiry.
The Committee discussed policy for determining length of time
for Sewer Extension Permits. The decision was made that each
request will be considered on its own merit at the time of
approval of the Subdivider's Agreement, as now indicated in the
ordinance. The Committee requests that prior to the
Subdivider's Agreement being sent to the Finance Committee and
Common Council for final approval, that it be sent to the
Public Utilities Committee for deadline for use of connections.
• The Committee determined that four years would be granted to
the Plum Creek Subdivision for use of connections. This will
be incorporated into their Subdivider's Agreement.
The Committee reviewed sewer/water service to properties on
Kelly Drive through the Kelly development. The Utility
Superintendent will contact affected properties with a letter
of explanation and a Waiver of Public Hearing Assessment notice
and request that they be present at the December 10, 1992
Correspondence from the City Engineers regarding suggested
amendment to Chapter 21, Section 21.06(9) of the City's
Municipal Code was reviewed. The amendment would be to
incorporate a one Rec minimum for vacant buildings and to
specify that the Utility Superintendent will do the required
inspection. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of above
amendment. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried.
Ald. Schneider moved to create a policy whereby when utilities
are installed in properties by a Developer, a 10% contingency
fee will be added to final assessment to cover all engineering
and legal fees. Seconded by Ald. Misko, motion carried.
The Committee further discussed future Water Tower Site
location. It was noted that Waste Management has not responded
on whether a 200 ft. or 400 ft. offset on Hillendale is
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November 12, 1992
. required. Ald. Sanders will contact Mr. James Dunham to
receive clarification.
The Committee reviewed report indicating status of required
well testing and directed that all properties in noncompliance
be sent a letter indicating that they appear at the December
meeting to discuss noncompliance and if they do not appear,
daily fines will be issued.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the Public Service
Commission with recommended water rate increases. The
information was been forwarded to the Auditors for review.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider
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