The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Misko, Schneider,
Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those
per the attached list.
The Committee discussed status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer/Water - The Contractor is
scheduled to begin work on required repairs on Friday,
September 18, 1992.
Highway L. West to Crowbar Sewer - Final lift of asphalt to
be installed in Fall of 1992.
Valley/Lions Park Extended Water - The Engineers are
finalizing bid documents and advertisement for bids will go out
this week. Ald. Misko moved to authorize the Finance Committee
to review bids and send recommendation to Council.
The bids will be reviewed on Tuesday, October 13, 1992.
Southeast Sewer - The City Engineer is working with MMSD to
schedule feasibility study for an upcoming meeting.
The Committee reaffirmed their decision to deny request for
sewer extension for the Diekfuss property and will verbally
request an opinion from the City Attorney when he appears
before the Growth Management Committee at their meeting
scheduled for Monday, September 21, 1992.
Mayor Salentine and Superintendent Kloskowski updated the
Committee on their meeting with the Town of Norway Sanitary
Sewer District #1 on Thursday, September 11, 1992. The Town of
Norway will review the status of the City of Muskego's
inflow/infiltration reduction program in Spring of 1993.
Richard Eberhardt, Ruekert & Mielke Engineering Co., appeared
before the Committee to discuss extension of water and sewer to
properties on Woods Road abutting the Plum Creek Subdivision.
The Committee determined that they were not in favor of a sewer
and water project at this time for the properties abutting Plum
Creek Subdivision. Further discussion was held on servicing
these properties through easements provided by Plum Creek
4� Subdivision. It was determined that water service through Plum
Creek Subdivision would be too costly. Sewer service will be
provided to the affected properties with a 2" lateral of 115'
in length to the Parker property (Tax Key 2227.988.003) and an
8" main extension of 180', plus a manhole, to the Mecca
property (2227.985). If the Henneberry property (2227.988.001)
is interested in pursuing sewer service, an easement will have
to be secured through the Parker property. Reimbursement for
these lines will be between the property owner and the
Developer, with the City coordinating negotiations.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
September 17, 1992
The Discussion of the RCA and Sewer Service Area was removed
from the agenda as it was determined there was no need.
Mr. John Witunski appeared before the Committee to request
sewer extension to his property which is in the City of
Franklin but abuts a manhole on Woods Road. Ald. Misko moved
to defer until the October meeting in order to determine from
MMSD how capacity for these lots would be allocated. Seconded
by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed request for acceptance of Improvements
for the Mut2a Sanitary Sewer and Water Extension. Ald. Misko
moved to recommend acceptance of sewer and water improvements.
Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
Greg and Pam Boehm appeared before the Committee to request
sewer extension to the property on the northeast corner of
Woods Road and Racine Avenue. The Committee determined that it
would be necessary to review a sketch of the project prior to
allocating connections.
The Committee reviewed sewer and water improvements for the
Woodscrest Heights Addition #1 Subdivision. Ald. Schneider
moved to recommend acceptance of improvements. Seconded by
Ald. Misko, motion carried.
The Committee discussed the 1993 Sewer Budget.
Ald. Schneider moved to approve request for 35 sewer
connections for the Foxboro -North Subdivision. Ald. Misko
moved to approve connections and requests that the adjoining
property owners on Mystic Drive be contacted to attend the
October Public Utilities Committee meeting to discuss possible
sewer service.
Mayor Salentine and Utility Superintendent discussed meeting
with Waste Management representatives as to securing a site for
the future water tower.
The Committee reviewed status of well testing for properties on
Municipal Water and City Attorney's correspondence of September
14, 1992, with suggested procedure. In order to enforce the
existing Water Ordinance, an amendment must be made to correct
the Section of DNR regulations as presently listed in the
City's Water Ordinance. Ald. Misko moved to recommend an
amendment to Chapter 28, Section 28.05(4)(e) of the Municipal
Code to incorporate the correction Section of the
Administrative Code which is NR112.26. Seconded by Ald.
Schneider, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
September 17, 1992
Utility Kloskowski discussed with the Committee a request from
a property owner at S81 W17170 Moonlight Drive who has a two
family home and has installed only one meter. The Committee
determined that the Ordinance clearly states in Chapter 28,
Section 28.04 (1)(d) Multi -unit dwellings shall be served by
individual meter water service to each unit; therefore, the
request was denied. Superintendent Kloskowski will notify the
property owner of the Committee's decision.
The Committee reviewed status of Agricultural Deferred
Assessments for the Lowe and Schmidt properties on Hillendale
Drive. The Committee noted that the five year deferment for
both properties expired on August 12, 1991. Both parties have
requested an extension of the deferred assessment. Ald. Misko
moved to recommend approval of the above properties entering
into another five year deferment; this being the second year.
Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider