The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Misko and
Schneider, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski
and those per the attached list.
The Committee reviewed status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer and Water -
Restoration still to be completed.
Hwy. L West to Crowbar -Sewer -
Restoration still to be completed.
Valley -Lions Pk. Extended Water Project -
The City Engineers are preparing plans and
specifications to bid the project.
Southeast Sewer Project -
Preliminary Plat has been submitted to Plan Commission
and all objecting agencies.
• Valley View Sewer & Water -
Restoration is in progress.
Woods Road West of Woodside Estates Water -
Project has been completed and minor road patching
yet to be completed.
The Committee discussed Lake Denoon Sewers as it relates to the
proposed Denoon Point Subdivision. A letter from City Attorney
Molter, dated June 18, 1992, to Attorney Kenneth F. Hostak,
the Town of Norway's Attorney, was reviewed. A copy will be
sent to the potential developer.
The Committee reviewed sewer availability for the Diekfuss
property and noted that there has been no communication from
the property owner or his attorney since a letter was sent to
the attorney on June 3, 1992, denying request for sewer
The Committee discussed time extension request of Mr. Larry
Schmidt, W208 58285 Hillendale Drive, who is part of the
Hillendale, North of Hwy. L Sewer Project. Ald. Misko moved to
grant extension to connect to the system since Mr. Schmidt is
making a main extension to serve his property, rather than a
lateral. The extension granted is to January 1, 1993.
Seconded by Ald. Schneider, motion carried. Standy-by charges
will commence on July 11, 1992, which is 9 months from the
connection notification.
Public Utiliites Committee - Page 2
June 18, 1992
The Committee reviewed request for an amendment to the Sewer
Service Area Boundary, west of Hillendale for the Schmidt and
Lowe properties. Ald. Schneider moved to recommend approval to
amend sewer service area to include the area west of
Hillendale, adjacent to the Stone Ridge Landfill, and
everything south of the landfill. Seconded by Ald. Sanders,
motion carried with Ald. Misko casting a dissenting vote.
The Committee reviewed Golden Country Estates Subdivision's
utilities and recommended Council approval of improvements.
The Committee reviewed the following quotes for forced hook-ups
for the Robert Just property at W194 S6945 Hillendale Drive:
E&W Excavators, Inc. $6,500.00
John Lang Trenching 7,682.00
Wayne Stever, Inc. 8,150.00
The Committee noted that the low bid received from E&W
• Excavators did not meet plumbing code standards. Utility
Superintendent and Plumbing Inspector will contact bidder and
request revised quote. If specifications cannot be met, the bid
will go to the second low bidder, John Lang Trenching. Seconded
by Ald. Misko, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the following properties that have not
been connected to the municipal sewer system and noted that all
have signed contracts: Gary & Eileen Kvalheim - W194 S7026
Hillendale, Michael & P. Campbell - W194 S7118 Hillendale, and
Roger & J. M. Johnston - W194 S7031 Hillendale. A Sewer
Stand-by charge is in effect for the above properties as of June
1, 1992. It was noted that the Froelich property at W193 S6776
Hillendale is in the process of being razed.
The amendment to the Sewer User Fee ordinance was deferred for
further review of billing procedure.
The Committee deferred action on selection of Water Tower Site
until underground storage costs are determined.
The Committee reviewed the following bids received for the
Modifications to Well Pumpstation No. 2:
Milaeger Well and Pump, Inc. $13,200.00
Municipal Well & Pump, Inc. 14,324.00
Layne -Northwest Company 24,086.00
Public Utiliites Committee - Page 3
June 18, 1992
Ald. Misko moved to recommend award of bid to Milaeger Well and
Pump, Inc. in the amount of $13,200.00. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried.
Superintendent Kloskowski discussed with the Committee
recommended amendments to the Water Ordinance. Recommendations
will again be discussed at the July meeting.
The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for the Plum Creek
Subdivision. Sewer and water plans approved. The Committee
noted that the sewer assessment on the DeBack property will be
part of Phase II of the Subdivision. Ald. Sanders will contact
four property owners on Woods Road to determine if they wish to
be connected to sewers through the back of their property. Ald.
Misko moved not to reimburse for oversizing of water main.
Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William H. Schneider