PUM19920416• PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 16, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Co -Chairman Simmons. Also present were Committee Member Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed status of the following projects: Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water City Engineers working with City Attorney on resolving the road restoration. Hwy. L West to Crowbar Sewer Under Construction Valley/Lions Pk. Extended Water The engineers are preparing plans and specifications. Southeast Sewer Project • The Developer is working on plans to be submitted to the Plan Commission. Valley View Sewer & Water Project As-builts have been submitted to MMSD. Restoration will be completed as weather permits. Woods Road - West of Woodside Estates Water Project The preconstruction meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22, 1992. The Committee continued discussion on the Lake Denoon Sewer capacity and proposed Denoon Point Subdivision. Superintendent Kloskowski noted that he is continuing to remove inflow/infiltration. The Committee directed that a letter be sent immediately to the Town of Norway Sanitary District to request a meeting to discuss the reasons for denying the sewer plan approval for Denoon Point Estates. The Committee reviewed specifications for sewer and water projects that have been put together by the City Engineers to clarify city requirements for design and installation. Ald. Sanders moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 �. April 16, 1992 The Committee reviewed engineering report for sewer capacity design for the Diekfuss property. The Committee was concerned about the sewer capacity that would be required to serve the property. There was a discussion on whether other property owners would be interested in utilizing the capacity from the X interceptor extension to assure that the project would be C financially feasible. The Committee discussed sewer and water project for the Kelly property. The new owner of the Kelly property is in the process of a road vacation and the future road dedication will be part of the preliminary plat that will be submitted to the City. The Kelly property will be providing their own sewer and water and will not be part of the the City's project which has now been renamed Valley/Lions Park Extended Water project. It will require the Developer to provide cost figures for the two developed properties on Kelly Drive. The Committee reviewed request for payment of City of Muskego's share of Non -increased Design Capacity costs for 1991 from MMSD in the amount of $74,860.10. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Is Committee request that the Utility Clerk provide the dollar amount that was budjeted in 1992 for the May meeting. Ald. Sanders moved to approve Sewer Usage Bill to MMSD for the First Quarter of 1992 in the amount of $105,143.14. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the interest rates in the final resolutions for the following water projects as the resolutions state that they will be reviewed in five years: RESOLUTION PROJECT NO PROJECT NAME RATE #176-86 MW-1-86 Janesville Road & Hillendale 88 #176-86 MW-1-86 Janesville Road & Hillendale 8% # 45-87 MW-3-87 Janesville Road -Mercury Drive to Lannon 88 # 46-87 MW-4-87 Lannon Drive -Janesville Road to Woods 8% # 47-87 MW-5-87 Janesville Road to Bay Lane 8% Ald. Simmons moved to recommend that the above projects continue at the same rate of interest for an additional five (5) year period. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Ald. Sanders moved to approve expenditure of $25,000.00 for • purchase of 300 meters. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. •- Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 April 16, 1992 The Committee reviewed a quote received from Liqui-Systems, Inc. for Chemical Feed System for well pumpstations in the amount of $9,020.00. Superintendent Kloskowski explained that this is a DNR requirement and was included in the 1992 budget for pumphouse restoration. Ald. Simmons moved to approve expenditure. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee established a policy for review of Subdivider's Exhibits. All plans are to be sent to the City Engineers and after a design review letter has been received from the City Engineers, a final plan is sent to the Public Utilities Committee. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary 0 ca 0 COiRfITTEE C M rI I4 IPS DATE 9Z NAI E ADDRESS `. (fti..�-�iJ/ � / `N � . U1. ,• J �� c' W J S LJ D 2 � a.-ru�,� :��.�.