PUM199203190- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 19, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Co -Chairman Hilt and Co -Chairman Simmons. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Mayor Salentine and Utility Superintendent Kloskowski. The Committee discussed the status of the following projects: Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water The road is continuing to cave in and break apart. The City Engineer is sending a letter to the Contractor advising of problems. Hwy. L West to Crowbar Road Mayor and Utility Superintendent met with Waste Management representatives to further discuss their potential sewer assessment. After reviewing the Waste Management contract for the MSS-2-89 Sewer Project (Hwy. L), Waste Management agreed with their assessment. • Kelly/Valley Drive Sewer & Water Project Several affected residents appeared before the Committee to discuss proposed project. Ald. D. Sanders moved to direct the City Engineers to prepare plans and specifications and to bid the project. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee determined that the actual front foot water rate will be used if it is lower than the established 1992 front foot water rate. After considerable discussion, it was determined that the potential flag shaped lots on the south side of Lions Park Drive will be assessed for their actual frontage. The dedication of the road right-of-way will be required prior to awarding of bid. Southeast Sewer Project A preliminary plat has not been received. The Committee reviewed a letter, dated March 6, 1992, from the Town of Norway advising that the Utility has exceeded its daily flows, per the contract between the City and the Town of Norway. Ald. Simmons moved to direct the Utility Superintendent to concentrate on the Lake Denoon sewer system to eliminate inflow and infiltration and correct illegal sump pump connections to reduce the flows. The Committee discussed the potential Denoon Point Estates development. Adjacent property owners to the north (Maney Farm) appeared before the Committee to request an expansion of the sewer service area to include their entire forty (40) acres. The current service area includes 450 ft. of frontage property on Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 March 19, 1992 March 19, 1992 Kelsey Drive. Ald. Sanders moved to deny request to expand the sewer service area. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. It was recommended that the owner work with the area in the sewer service area as defined with the contract with the Town of Norway. Supt. Kloskowski will check with the the Town of Norway to determine if houses must physically be in the sewer service area or may be connected to a main inside the sewer service area. The property owners were advised to meet with the Denoon Point Estates developer to facilitate the expansion of the sewer main which is being constructed in Denoon Point. Mr. Lowe and Mr. Schmidt appeared before the Committee to request expansion of the 2005 sewer area to include all of the property west of Hillendale to the landfill. The Committee determined that the Comprehensive Plan be adopted which would determine land use prior to amending the sewer service area. Mr. Jungbluth appeared before the Committee to request an adjustment of REC assignment for a rental storage building which was assigned .25 REC. Ald. Sanders moved to rescind the .25 REC • charge and associated sewer usage fees for Rynder's Plumbing. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mr. Jungbluth submitted to the Committee a revised employee survey form for the Beauty Shop and residence to assist in calculating the capacity needed for sewer usage. Superintendent Kloskowski requested approval of an expenditure of $250.00 to facilitate one of his employees to attend a session on pump and seal maintenance. Ald. Sanders moved to approve expenditure. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee discussed the proposed future water tower site. Mayor Salentine advised that the Plan Director indicated that a Conditional Use will be required for the placement of the tower in an RS-1 zoning. The recommended location on Hillendale Drive is a result of a recent study authorized by the Utility Committee. The Committee reviewed the application data prepared by the City's auditors to be submitted to the Public Service Commission to establish new water rates and the restructuring of water utility debt. Ald. Simmons moved to request that the Public Service Commission review the proposed data for a new rate structure and to recommend Council approval of the debt restructuring. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the following bids for the Woodside Estates Water Project: yo n Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 March 19, 1992 CONTRACTORS BASE BID Globe Contractors $47,000.00 Basso Construction 64,630.60 United Sewer & Water 50,216.00 L & L Contractors 59,815.00 Tomasini Contractors 57,953.75 Reesman's Excavating & Grading 57,315.45 Rawson Contractors 47,655.00 Underground Pipeline 49,968.50 Wanasek Corp. 64,953.00 Rock Contractors 48,681.75 Michels Pipeline Construction 56,772.00 D.F. Tomasini Contractors 53,905.00 Gustafson Construction 47,865.00 American Sewer 51,997.00 Super Excavators 57,638.00 Ald. Hilt moved to recommend approval of the low bid of Globe Contractors in the amount of $47,000.00. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed sewer improvements for Durhamswood #1 and #2 Subdivisions. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend Council acceptance of improvements. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed sewer plans for Settler's Creek Subdivision. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend approval subject to City Engineers review. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported that the Garage Addition is proceeding on schedule. ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary