The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Co -Chairman Daniel
J. Hilt. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Mayor
Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the
attached list.
The Committee discussed the status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water
Correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke dated February
10, 1992, was reviewed regarding condition of road
and punchlist.
Hwy. L West to Crowbar Sewer
Bids opened on February 20, 1992.
Kelly Drive Sewer & Water
Affected property owners were in attendance and discussed the
proposed sewer and water project. Property owners will be
notified of March meeting to further discuss project.
• Southeast Sewer Project
Financial Agreement has been signed.
Woods Road -West of Woodside Estates Water
The project is in the process of being advertised for
The Committee reviewed MMSD sewer flow records for 1991 and placed
on file.
The Committee reviewed procedure for surcharge rates for
commercial/industrial users contributing extra strength material.
Ald. Hilt moved to direct that a surcharge billed by MMSD to the
Utility be added to the usage fee for these properties and these
properties be back -billed for two years at the MMSD rate for the
extra strength. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Preliminary Assessment Roll and following bids for the Hwy. L
West to Crowbar Sewer Project were reviewed:
Globe Contractors $231,605.00
Basso Excavating, Inc. 190,954.40
Underground Pipeline, Inc. 193,928.75
Rawson Contractors, Inc. 229,655.00
Michels Pipeline 359,442.50
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
February 20, 1992
Tomasini Contractors 275,248.00
Super Excavators 231,020.00
Mainline Sewer & Water 180,619.00
D. F. Tomasini Contractors, Inc. 262,070.00
Rock Contractors, Inc. 228,957.00
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend low bid from Mainline Sewer & Water
at $180,619.00, subject to receipt of recommendation from the City
Engineers. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The
preliminary assessment roll for the project was reviewed and the
Committee recommended the interest rate be established at 8% for
the ten (10) year payment plan.
The following quotes were reviewed for the Utilities Department
dump truck:
Towne Ford, Inc. $19,179.00
Rank & Son GMC 19,372.00
Holz Motors, Inc. 19,250.00
Bob Fish Pontiac 18,329.00
Badger Truck Center, Inc. 18,650.00
• Ald. Hilt moved to approve purchase of truck from Badger Truck
Center, Inc., in the amount of $18,650.00. Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders, motion carried. The reason for not going with the low
bid was because of the excessive distance in relationship to the
difference between the first and second low bids received.
The Committee reviewed request for sewer capacity for the Country
Club Villages. Ald. D. Sanders moved to approve 600 connections.
Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. It was noted that the
$100.00 permit fee has been paid.
The Committee discussed the following properties that are part of
the Hwy. L Sewer Project and have not yet been connected, and the
reasons for delay:
Marilyn Weber
S82 W19834 Janesville Road
Kenneth G. Thiele
S83 W20342 Janesville Road
Mary J. Nieman, Etal
S82 W19783 Janesville Road
Correspondence from Plumbing Contractor (Kowalkowski Plumbing)
• was reviewed which stated that the above property owners have
signed contracts with him for sewer connection and that the
jobs will be completed by April, 1992.
Public Utillities Committee - Page 3
February 20, 1992
Wagon Wheel
S85 W21175 Janesville Road
Property will be connected to Hwy. L West to Crowbar sewers.
Terry & J. Frahmann
W192 S7548 Racine Avenue
Property owners were in attendance. The Committee granted
a ninety (90) day extension until April 20, 1992, to connect.
The Committee discussed Lake Denoon Sewer Capacity and reviewed
rough estimates of present capacity. Scott Kloskowski will work
with Town of Norway and provide figures for the March meeting.
Scott Kloskowski discussed the City Engineer's recommendation to
update sewer and water specifications that can be given to all
developers. Ald. Hilt moved to direct the City Engineer to update
specifications. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee discussed request for sewer service on Crowbar
Drive, west of Racine Avenue. Three (3) residents on Crowbar and a
possible three (3) or more lots on Kelsey Drive would be served by
. the Denoon Point Estates development. The existing dwellings, as
well as the possible lots, would contribute to a lift station that
may have to be installed because of the minimal cover over the
sewer line as it crosses the creek. The Developer will secure cost
figures and the property owners will be contacted. Developer noted
that he will be contacting the State to attempt to attain permit
for gravity flow of main under creek. A Community well was
proposed with a potential hookup to Lake Meadows Subdivision's
water system.
Ms. Gail Dercks, W203 S10342 North Shore Drive, appeared before
the Committee to discuss connection to sewers. Ms. Dercks was
requesting to be placed on a forced hook-up. The Committee
determined that since the property is not under orders by Waukesha
County Department of Health, that the City would not proceed with
The Committee reviewed City Engineer's recommendation for
establishing 1992 front foot rate for water projects of $31.00 for
residential and $35.00 for commercial/industrial. Ald. Hilt moved
to establish 1992 front foot water rate at $24.00 for residential
and $27.00 for commercial/industrial. Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders, motion carried.
The watermain connection between Meadow Green -West Subdivision and
• Kristin Down Water system was discussed and Scott Kloskowski
advised that the plans have been designed and the City Engineers
have sent them to DNR for approval.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
February 20, 1992
It was noted that, in accordance with Chapter 28 of the Municipal
Code, letters would be going out to all property owners involved
in municipal water projects advising that a safe water report must
be submitted to the City for all properties who have not abandoned
their wells.
The Committee reviewed a report from the City Engineers regarding
options for providing emergency power to the well pump at
pumphouse No. 2. Ald. Hilt moved to recommend Option #2, which is
the installation of a power take -off which will be connected to a
tractor. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. This item
will be referred to the Public Works Committee to request use of
their ditch mower tractor for an emergency.
Mayor Salentine advised that he had met with a Waste Management
representative and he appeared to be receptive to a parcel of land
that they own on Hillendale for a possible water tower site.
The water and sewer plans for Country Brook Estates -Phase II were
reviewed and approved subject to approval of the City Engineering.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Sanders
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