The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Co -Chairman Hilt
and Co -Chairman Simmons. Also present were Committee Member D.
Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Mrs.
Bradley and Mr. Harold DeBack.
The Committee reviewed status of the following projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water The Booster Pump is in
operation and water samples have been taken. Results should be
supplied to the Utility shortly. Upon receipt of safe water
tests, letters will be sent by the Water Utility Clerk to all
properties that were part of the Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Water
project that they can connect.
Highway L - West to Crowbar Sewer The City Engineers are
preparing specifications for bidding the project.
Kelly Drive Sewer & Water The Committee directs that the
potential affected property owners be invited to the February
meeting to discuss proposed extension.
Southeast Sewer Extension (Krause) The Finance Committee will
be reviewing the final draft of the Financial Agreement at their
January 22, 1992 meeting.
Woods Road Water -West of Woodside Estates The plans have been
sent to the DNR for approval.
The Committee discussed the status of sewer service amendment for
Highway 45 Corridor. The City Engineers have advised that it will
be on the February MMSD Commissioner's agenda.
Superintendent Kloskowski discussed the SCADA system that was a
1992 Capital Budget approved item. Ald. Simmons moved to direct
the City Engineers to prepare the plans and specifications and bid
the project. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. A
letter from the City Engineers dated January 14, 1992 was reviewed
that indicated that they were proceeding on the design of the high
water alarm for the Little Muskego Lake Dam. They indicated that
a transducer should be installed rather than floats as the levels
could then be monitored and recorded by the SCADA system, and this
work can be bid with the new SCADA system. The cost to install
this design is around $8,000. The Committee determined that the
additional item be referred to the Public Works Committee for
their approval.
The Committee reviewed Chapter 21, Section 21.06 (9) of the Sewer
Ordinance, Vacant Buildings. Ald. Simmons moved to direct the
City Engineers to draft an amendment to the above section to state
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
January 16, 1992
a minimum REC charge of one (1) REC on all vacant commercial or
industrial buildings. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
Proposed amendments to the Sewer Ordinance, Chapter 21, Section
21.22(6) and 21.21(6), regarding Permits. Ald. Hilt moved to
recommend approval of the above two ordinances. Seconded by Ald.
Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed request from City Clerk to purchase two
computer terminals (one for Water Utility and one for Sewer
Utility) which were approved 1992 Budget items. Ald. Simmons
moved to approve purchase. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Attorney Harold J.
Wollenzien (Hippenmeyer, Reilly & Moodie, S.C.) regarding request
for sewer service for the south 80 acres of the Harold and Ione
Diekfuss property, South of Hwy. L. The Committee directed Mayor
Salentine to send a response to Attorney Wollenzien
informing him that a minimum $600.00 retainer will have to be
deposited with the City before the City can direct the engineers
to explore the feasibility of sewering the Diekfuss property. The
letter should point out that this is not a guarantee for sewer
service, but merely a cost estimate of servicing the property.
Correspondence from Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson, dated
• January 16, 1992, was reviewed which was written in response to
the Committee's request for an opinion on whether the City should
assess each project based on the costs for that project or
continue having a uniform assessment rate applying to all
projects. Seegar recommended that the City continue with a
uniform assessment rate. Seegar also advised that the City should
continue to assess a rate differential for residential and
commercial properties as fire protection requirements of a public
water system adds significantly to the cost of installation and is
greater for commercial properties than for residential
properties. Ald. Hilt moved to stay with fixed residential and
commercial rates and requested that the City Engineers determine
an average front foot costs for water mains based on the 1991
actual rates. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Pam Boehm appeared before the Committee to request a pro -ration on
a water assessment that failed to appear on a closing letter when
the property was sold to Pam Boehm by Walter Vesbach in the amount
of $28,966.72. The assessment, which includes interest, appeared
on the original tax key number of a property which has now been
sold to Mr. Don Miller (Country Brook Estates). Ms. Boehm
acknowledges that she is liable for the water assessment and is
requesting a pro -ration of the assessment. Pam Boehm was
requested to bring in a copy of the closing letters which will be
reviewed by the City Attorney to see if City had liability. The
City is receptive to a pro -ration on fifty-four (54) lots in Phase
III of Meadow Green West, or an agreement which will protect the
City and delay collection past January 31st. Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
January 16, 1992
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers
dated December 20, 1991, which gave a cost estimate to evaluate
potential sites and recommend specific locations for a water
tower. Ald. Hilt moved to authorize the City Engineers to proceed
with the study at a cost not to exceed $1,500.00. Seconded by
Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
Mrs. Bradley appeared before the Committee to dispute WCA charge.
The final inspection and installation of the water meter occurred
on January 2, 1992. Mrs. Bradley stated that she did not know
that there was a yearly increase in the WCA rate and felt that her
property (W162 57774 Seafarer Pass) should be charged the 1991
rate not the 1992 rate. The rate quoted to her by her builder was
actually a lesser rate. Ald. Simmons moved to deny request as the
Ordinance states that the WCA goes into affect upon final
inspection and installation of water meter. Seconded by Ald.
Hilt, motion carried. Ald. Simmons agreed to draft a letter to
Mrs. Bradley stating reasons for denial.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders
so Secretary