The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Co -Chairman Hilt
and Co -Chairman Simmons. Also present were Mayor Salentine,
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list.
Committee Member D. Sanders was absent.
The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects:
Woods Road -South Sewer & Water
Project and restoration have been completed.
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L
The City Attorney is working with the bonding company to release
the funds which will allow the subcontractor to be paid for the
booster pump station. Once the contractor has been paid, the
water booster pump will be put in service.
Hillendale/Wentland/Tans Sewer Project
Project and restoration have been completed.
Highway L - West to Crowbar Sewer Project
The State is reviewing sewer plans and the committee is requesting
the status of the agreement with the property owner of Tax Key
2231.998, which is part of the project.
Vallev View Heiahts Sewer & Water Project
Sewer and watermains have been installed, the roads have been
paved and restoration will be completed in the Spring of 1992.
Woods Road West to the Hiah School Water Project.
This project which was a proposed extension from the existing
watermain abutting the Vesbach property on Woods Road, west to the
High School has been tabled at the present time.
The Committee discussed the looping potential for water from the
Woods Road South Water project east to Woodside Subdivision at the
time that Plum Creek Subdivision is developed.
Kelly Drive Sewer & Water Project
The property owner's engineer is in the processing of preparing
plans for the future road dedication.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
December 19, 1991
qV Southeast Sewer Extension
The City's consultants are formulating an agreement with the
developer for the above project.
No information has been received from the City Engineer on the
status of the Highway 45 corridor inclusion into the sewer service
The Committee reviewed engineering bills submitted to Mr. Mutza
for his portion of the sewer and water project which was part of
the Valley View Heights Sewer & Water Project. Mr. Mutza is
disputing engineering bills which he feels are excessive. The
original bill from the City Engineers was $3,155.32 which was
figured on a percentage of the entire project. Ald. Simmons moved
to adjust the bill, per the City Engineer's revised figures, to a
total of $2,003.00 which reflects actual time spent for drawing
the engineering plans for Mr. Mutza's project. Seconded by Ald.
Hilt, motion carried. Mr. Mutza voiced his objection to the
revised figure of $2,003.00 which he still feels is excessive and
was advised to direct a letter to the City Engineers stating his
feelings and requesting a personal meeting.
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend the following Reserve Capacity
Assessment (RCA) rate for 1992:
• New Construction $2,175.00
Existing $362.50
The Committee discussed the two properties on Center Drive that
have recently connected to the City's municipal water system
through Richard Lane without receiving an assessment. The City
Clerk had previously mailed to the affected property owners a
letter requesting that they would sign a Waiver of Assessment and
she has had no response. Ald. Hilt stated that he would meet with
the property owners and attempt to secure the necessary signatures.
The Committee discussed MMSD metering for commercial buildings.
The Metropolitan Milwaukee Sewerage District has advised that
certain high-water commercial users should be metered. The
Committee determined that the metered sewer rate will be initiated
for the 1993 calendar year and that the affected business be
notified within the next couple of months of the change.
Mr. Michael Radish appeared before the Committee to request an
extension for the Spitzner pro -ration (Woods Road South Sewer &
Water Project) for their sewer and water assessments. Ald.
Simmons moved to recommend extending pro -ration until May 15,
1992. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
December 19, 1991
• Mr. Harold DeBack, Loren Rausch and Jim Heiden (President of
Muskego/Norway School Board) appeared before the Committee, at the
Committee's request, to discuss the proposed water project on
Woods Road. Mr. Nieman was invited and did not appear. All in
attendance were in favor of proceeding with the project. Ald.
Hilt moved to direct the City Engineers to prepare the plans and
specifications and bid the project with a proposed April 1, 1992
starting date. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
The Committee set the Water Capacity Assessment 1992 rate as
New Construction $990.00
Existing $594.00
The Committee determined that the front foot water rate for 1992
will be based on actual cost on a project -by -project basis, based
on the normal 8" water main. The Financial Consultant is
requested to submit an opinion if the Water Utility should
continue to assess Commercial Property at a higher rate than
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. William T. Simmons