PUM19910822PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 22, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 8:40 P.M. by Co-Chairmans Hilt and Simmons. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Scott Krause, Loren Rausch, Stan Potrykus and Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski. The Committee reviewed the status of the following projects: Woods Road South Sewer & Water The project is 95% completed with minor restoration required. Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer & Water The project has been completed and restoration has been started. Hillendale/Lembezeder/Wentland/Tans Sewer The project has been completed with minor restoration required. Highway L - West to Crowbar Sewer Waiting for MMSD approval. Valley View Heights Sewer & Water The bid was awarded to Lakes Area Excavating in the amount of $242,802.91. They are scheduled to start after Labor Day with an anticipated construction • completion date of October 15, 1991, and paving done by November 11, 1991. Woods Road West to High School Water Mr. Loren Rausch appeared before the Committee to request water extension to his property on Woods Road. The anticipated water project is a result of a request from the Muskego Norway School District and they will be treated as a Developer with Mr. DeBack being assessed for his frontage. This will be a 1992 project and will extend water from the Vesbach property on Woods Road, west to the end of the Harold DeBack land and school land. After Committee discussion, Mr. Rausch withdrew his request. The Committee further discussed proposed Sewer/Water Assessment Policy and Pro -ration Policy and Establishing Fee for Pro -ration requests. Ald. D. Sanders moved to table fee portion and to defer action on the Assessment Policy and Pro -ration Policy until a future meeting. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee discussed the proposed Kelly Drive sewer and water extension and noted that the zoning has been changed and the Kellys will be making the road dedication which will provide for the right-of-way for installing sewer and water. It was noted that MMSD has contacted the City Engineers requesting more information on the request to amend the sewer service area to include the Highway 45 Corridor. The City Engineers are supplying the requested information. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 August 22, 1991 The sewer main extension to the Southeast portion of the City will be acted upon after the RCA Public Hearing. The Committee reviewed the last update on the Base Flow Chart. The Committee reviewed RCA boundary map and determined that the Highway 45 Corridor will not be included until the City of Muskego has received the sewer service amendment approval from MMSD. Mayor Salentine reported to the Committee a request from Mr. Robert Klenz to have the RCA assessment on a proposed division on Woods Road be waived as he will be giving the City dedication for an easement for a sewer main.. Ald. Simmons moved to deny the request as it is the City's policy that developers dedicate the required easements. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee reviewed Ordinance #722 to enable the City to uniformly charge a capacity review application fee and track number of connections and recommended adoption. The Committee reviewed year-to-date report on Holding & Septic Tank Waste Disposal. The Committee reviewed and recommend approval of payment of second quarter billing for the Town of Norway. The Committee discussed MMSD charges on computing 0 & M for the operating expenses for the deep tunnel. Various methods of charging were presented and will be discussed at a future meeting. The Committee discussed establishing a criteria for requiring community wells for a new development vs private wells. The Committee established a revised policy whereby all future land divisions must appear before the Public Utilities Committee to discuss sewer and water systems prior to submitting plans in order for the Committee to react to the type of system it will require. The Committee discussed possible water extension north to Bay Lane Terrace as part of the Lake Point Estates West project. The Committee determined that the Developer must extend water main through easement to the south end of Bay Lane Terrace. The Committee reviewed the following bids for the pump house modifications: W. H. Krug, Inc. $56,254. Municipal Well & Pump, Inc. $42,942. Layne -Northwest Co. $61,793. Mendota Contractors, Inc. $55,425. . Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 August 22, 1991 Ald. Hilt moved to recommend approval of the low bid of $42,952. received from Municipal Well & Pump, Inc. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. ca • r1 Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary