PUM199107180 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 18, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Sewer Chairman Simmons and Water Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed status of sewer/water projects: Hillendale/Tans/Lembezeder Sewer Project has been completed. Woods Road South Sewer/Water Restoration is nearing completion. Mr. DeBack appeared to request water service for a five acre parcel directly west of Woodside Estates. The City Engineer will be requested to include this property in the Woods Road/Vesbach to Racine Water Project. Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Sewer/Water Water and sewer mains and laterals have been installed. Waiting for installation of Booster Pump. Paving has been started. Highway L-West to Crowbar Sewer A letter has the required this project. been sent to Attorney McCabe, MMSD, requesting amendment to the sewer service area to include The Committee deferred discussion on proposed Sewer/Water Assessment Policy and Pro -ration Policy and establishing fees until the August meeting. Ald. D. Sanders informed the Committee that the large parcel on Kelly Drive has been reviewed by the Plan Commission and Plan Commission has recommended approval of a request to rezone to RSA which would be mixed duplex and single family development. If the Common Council approves the rezoning, this will change the number of connections allocated. The City Engineers are proceeding with the requested sewer service amendment to include the Highway 45 Corridor. Public Utilities Committee Page 2 - July 18, 1991 Scott Krause appeared before the Committee to discuss sewer main extension to the Southeast portion of the City. Ald. Simmons moved to authorize the City Engineer and City Attorney to initiate the Preliminary Resolution for an area -wide Reserve Capacity Assessment (RCA) for the Southeast area of the City that can be served by the first designated lift station. This would serve areas 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, and 13 noted on the attached report which is part of the Southeast Area Facility Plan. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee discussed the Base Flow report to MMSD. The report was amended to delete the 2003 and 2005 and to include the 2002 as reflected on the attached report. Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee of a fuse that malfunctioned at the Lake Lore Liftstation. It was noted that the alarm never rang and, as a result, three basements in Lake Lore were flooded. The Committee will establish a policy wh�eby the dispatchers will call the individual alarm systems for each lift station after any storm involving high winds or lightening. The Committee discussed REC charges for Muskego County Park and determined that they would go along with the structure by which MMSD charges Milwaukee County parks. The Committee discussed REC charges for proposed daycare center on Janesvilles Road and determined that it will be consistent with MMSD REC charges for daycare centers in Milwaukee County. Plans have been sent to MMSD and the State for the sewer extension for Valley View Heights Subdivision. Lake Forest is beginning construction on Phase 2 and Phase 3. Plans for water extension for the Valley View Heights Subdivision have been sent to the PSC for approval. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski is in the process of compiling data for establishing criteria for requiring Community Wells in lieu of private wells. The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for Country Brook Subdivision. This will be a two phase project with sewer connection to the interceptor running through an easement on the back of the property. Water connection will be off of Woods Road. Ald. Hilt moved to approve the plans subject to City Engineers review. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. It was noted that 64 connections were originally approved and the . actual number of connections will be 48. Public Utilities Committee Page 3 - July 18, 1991 The Committee reviewed Lake View Highlands & Lake View Highlands Add. #1 sewer plans. Ald. Simmons moved to approve sewer plans subject to City Engineers review. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. It was noted that 30 connections were originally approved and the actual number of connections will be 21. The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for Meadow Green West Addn. #3. Ald. D. Sanders moved to approve sewer and water plans subject to City Engineers review. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported that a meeting has been scheduled1with the Developer and their engineers on Monday, July 22, 1991,-and that staff will be present. The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for Lake Point Estates West Subdivision. Plans were approved subject to City Engineers approval. The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for Park Place West. Sewer and Water will be extended west from Lake Forest Development. Ald. Hilt moved to approve subject to City Engineers approval. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. It was noted that the originally approved 64 connections has now been ' reduced to 52. The number of rooms per unit has not been determined. Ald. Simmons moved to approve expenditure of $185.00 from the Water Utility and $185.00 from the Sewer Utility to allow the City Clerk, Sewer Utility Clerk, and Water Utility Clerk to attend a Utility Accounting seminar in Madison on September 5, 1991. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary ca .1 • P(A8LlC- urns? T/'Cs 71 E9/ Lls _SUE _tt_E�/�J — LAK�Ui�W �/6ycea; • AMENDED SUMMARY OF ATTACHED EXHIBITS ON RECS ALLOCATIONS & AVAILABILITY • • VACANT REC'S (Residential 3 Bedroom 797 2 Bedroom 258 1 Bedroom 30 1,085 + Reserved 677 YEAR 2000 1,762 2001 1,762 2002 1,762 2000 2,318 2001 2,318 2002 2,318 2000 9 Years 2001 10 Years 2002 11 Years 1,762 TOTAL VACANT REC'S 9 Years = 196 REC'S/Year : 10 Years = 176 REC's/Year : 11 Years = 160 REC's/Year 2,318 REC'S LEFT TO ALLOCATE 9 Years = 257 REC'S/Year : 10 Years = 232 REC'S/Year : 11 Years = 211 REC'S/Year VACANT REC'S PLUS UNALLOCATED REC'S 196 + 257 = 453 REC's/Year 176 + 232 = 408 REC's/Year 147 + 193 = 371 REC's/Year OF THE 653 REC'S THAT ARE ALLOCATED TO VACANT INDUSTRIAL, IT IS ESTIMATED THAT ONLY 153 WILL BE USED WHEN THE VACANT LAND BECOMES OCCUPIED. THE REMAINING 500 REC'S WILL BECOME UNALLOCATED REC'S. THESE COULD BE USED FOR SCHOOLS, EXPANDING COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL USERS OR OTHER LAND DIVISIONS THAT CANNOT BE ANTICIPATED. *Amended at Public Utilities Committee Meeting of 7/18/91. • 0 RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENCY CHARGES (REC'S) PURCHASED/ALLOCATED/AVAILABLE Existing three (3) Bedroom Existing Two (2) Bedroom Existing One (1) Bedroom Vacant three (3) Bedroom Vacant Two (2) Bedroom Vacant One (1) Bedroom TOTAL REC'S Vacant Industrial Vacant Commercial Occupied Industrial & Commercial TOTAL REC'S SUMMARY TOTAL RESIDENTIAL TOTAL INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Waste Management Reserved REC's (Connections approved by Public Utilities Comm.) TOTAL ALLOCATED Total REC's purchased per MMSD Contract Total Allocated 4,009 278 24 797 258 30 5,396 653 254 842 1,749 5,396 1,749 7,145 84 677 7,906 10,224 7,906 2,318 RESERVED REC'S (APPROVED BY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE) Bay Lawn South 13 Country Brook Estates 48 Lake Forest ill Lake Point -West 29 Lakeview Highlands 30 Meadow Green West #2 39 Meadow Green West #3 54 Suburban Heights 59 (53 + 6) West Park Place 64, Lakeview Highlands Add. 9 Lake Point Estates 41 Barker Homes 114 Valley View 40 Peterson 4 Agenten 17 Gerlach 5 677 ca 1 !.1! �- -- .erne CITY Of \� ' •' j -off MUSKEGG 'r Cr ,10 y 1 _ 8 13 1 4, I , ��� .a.Me ly • _. _. lfpS 5 �- FIGURE 5 SEWER SERVICE STUDY AREAS MUSKEGO SOUTHEAST II ,,_. _ - _ _ - _ i _ _ _ _ FACILITY PLAN w� I RUEKERT N MIELKE, INC. JULY 1989