40 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Water Chairman Hilt
and Sewer Chairman Simmons. Also present were Committee Member D.
Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Scott Kloskowski
and those per the attached list.
The Committee reviewed the status of the following Sewer projects:
Woods Road -South Restoration has been started.
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Still in progress.
Hillendale/Lembezeder/Wentland/Tans Restoration to start.
Highway L - West To Crowbar Waiting for MMSD approval of the
sewer service amendment..
The Committee deferred action on proposed Sewer/Water Assessment
Policy, Pro -ration Policy and Establishing Fee for Pro -ration
requests until the Utility Superintendent completes his research.
The Committee discussed proposed sewer/water project on Kelly
Drive. The possible project will loop water from Janesville to
Lions Park Drive. The property owner is now in the process of
petitioning for RSA zoning. Ald. Hilt moved to approve 20
Residential Equivalency Connections for ten (10) duplex lots.
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. If zoning is approved,
the City will then direct the City Engineers to proceed with plans
and specifications for the project.
The Committee discussed status of sewer service amendment for the
Hwy. 45 corridor.
The Committee reviewed RCA charges for property on Bay Lane Place
(S79 W16227) and determined that since this property had never been
charged a stand-by fee or an RCA previously, it would be considered
new construction and the 1991 rate of $2,040 will be assessed.
The Committee reviewed RCA charges for property addressed S71 W13382
Woods Road with Mr. William Stern. This item was discussed at the
February 21, 1991 Public Utilities Committee meeting and the
Committee determined that the RCA will be charged from the date of
connection, plus interest, and the Sewer Usage fee will be charged
back two years (1989 and 1990), plus 1991's usage fee. After
further review, the Committee moved to bill the property for an RCA
at the rate of the year connected ($250.00) and allow it to be
placed on the five year payment plan at 9% interest. The Committee
also determined that any billed sewer usage for this property that
has not been paid by November 1, 1991, will be considered as a
special assessment to be placed on the tax roll on a five year
payment plan at 8%. A Waiver of Special Assessment will have to be
• signed by the property owner.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
June 20, 1991
The Committee reviewed RCA billing for the property addressed W188
S6775 Gold Drive. Mr. Rebholz appeared before the Committee to
disagree with billing. He feels that he should not be penalized for
the City's error in not billing him in 1988 for his RCA. The
Committee moved to bill the property for an RCA at the 1988 rate
($1,635.00) and put on the five year payment plan at 9% interest.
The Committee also determined that the 1989, 1990 and 1991 billed
sewer usage for this property that has not been paid by November 1,
1991, will be allowed to be considered as a special assessment to be
placed on the tax roll on a five year payment plan at 8%. A Waiver
of Special Assessment will have to be signed by the property owner.
The Committee discussed RCA charges for property on Martin Drive
(Wayne Peterson). Mr. Peterson has withdrawn his request to be given
consideration for the unoccupied second residential building on his
The Committee established the following policy regarding unbilled
charges (sewer/water):
1. RCA/WCA is to be billed the rate at the time of
connection and allowed to be placed on the tax
roll on a five year payment plan if not paid
by November 1st of year of billing (RCA at 9%
and WCA at 8%).
2. Sewer Usage fees will be back -billed for up to
-01 two calendar years, plus the current year.
3. If sewer connection is made more than two (2)
years prior to the date of billing, the usage
fees may be placed on the tax roll on a five
year payment plan at 8% interest if not paid
by November 1st of the year of billing. No
late charge will be billed. A Waiver of Assessment
must be signed by the property owner.
4. Water usage back -charging procedure established
by PSC, as attached.
The Committee determined that sewer usage for the Custom Wire
Assemblies (Delaney Tax Key 2225.999.007) existing building in the
Industrial Park should be increased for 1991 based on the additional
employees employed as of January 1, 1991, and billed accordingly.
Due to the moving to a new building in the Industrial Park Addn.,
the RCA's sewer usage will be charged based on employee count at the
time of connection of the new building. The one (1) REC RCA paid on
the existing building will be increased if the new use requires it.
The Committee reviewed quote for forced hook-up for the Bill Madsen
property (S77 W18244 Ann Drive) received from John Lang Trenching in
the amount of $2,710.00. Ald. D. Sanders moved to recommend
approval of quote adding the sewer connection fee of $500.00 which
will make the total to be put on a five year payment plan of
1P $3 „ 210.00. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
June 20, 1991
The Committee discussed the City's position on granting sewer
connections to New Berlin. It was the Committee's decision not to
grant any connections until an equitable way of trading RECs is in
The sewer construction plans for Aud Mar Drive were reviewed. It
was noted that easements are required for all mains and manholes.
Ald. Simmons moved to grant the requested nine (9) connections
subject to City Engineer's approval. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion
The Committee reviewed sewer plans for Denoon Point Estates. Ald.
Hilt moved to grant ninety-five (95) connections. Seconded by Ald.
Simmons, motion carried.
Sewer construction plans for Lakeridge Apartments were reviewed.
The sewer is being extended by Bay Lane Terrace, along Bridgeport
Way (Lake Point Estates -West) and up Parkland Drive to site. Water
will be looped from Parkland Drive to Lannon Drive. Ald. Simmons
moved to approve the one hundred and fifty-two (152) connections.
subject to final approval by the City Engineers. Seconded by Ald.
D. Sanders, motion carried.
Sewer plans for Lake Point Estates -West was removed from the agenda.
Supt. Kloskowski reviewed with the Committee a quote for purchase of
• odor control unit for McShane Lift Station. The quote is for parts
as it will be constructed by the Utility. The original estimate was
for $4,600.00 and the estimate to construct in-house will be
$2,000.00. Ald. Simmons moved to approve expenditure. Seconded by
Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee discussed sewer availability to two properties on
Hillendale Drive as a result of sewer extension on Gold Drive. Mr.
Potrykus will work with the City's engineers to determine possible
easement for the area to the north.
Mr. Scott Krause and Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson appeared
before the Committee to discuss sewer main extension to Southeast
portion of the City which will serve the proposed Krause
development. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend authorizing the City
Engineer and the City Attorney to initiate preliminary resolution
for an RCA assessment in the Southeast Area of the City. Seconded
by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed City Engineer Ken Ward's report on base flows
that will be submitted to MMSD.
The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for Country Brook
Estates. Sixty-four (64) connections were originally approved and
the final figures will be fifty-four (54). It was noted that the
. Developer will pay for a water assessment along Woods Road. Ald.
Hilt moved to approve the plans subject to City Engineer's
approval. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
June 20, 1991
• The Committee reviewed status of the following water projects:
Hillendale/North of Hwy. L Plans have been submitted to the City
and the City will receive a preliminary assessment to review by the
July meeting.
Woods Road -South Restoration has been started.
The Committee discussed possible policy stating criteria for
requiring community wells in new subdivisions in lieu of private
wells. The Committee discussed a possible fifty (50) lot minimum
and will continue to discuss.
The interested party who requested water service to a residence on
Center Drive did not appear at the meeting.
The Committee discussed the proposed connection of two properties on
Tess Corners Drive to sewers in the City of Franklin. Attorney
Molter is working on an agreement with MMSD and an agreement with
the property owner regarding all associated fees.
The meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders
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0 Re: Unmetered Water Usage - Back -Charging Procedure
If connection is made to public water and no water meter has been
installed to measure service, the customer is liable for unbilled
service up to 2 years after the date of service, unless
provisions of S/S 196.635 as to fraud or deception apply, for
which billing can go back more than 2 years.
S/S 196.22 requires back -billing for such service to avoid
The bill can be based on the unmetered rate in accordance with
schedule Ug-1 of the PSC Rules and Regulations (currently
$33.00/quarter for single-family residential).
The bill for the full amount of the back charges shall be
submitted to the customer. The customer may request payments to
be made on a deferred payment plan. Such request shall be
submitted to the Public Utilities Committee for approval.
A reasonable payment plan can be established for payment of the
back -charges with no interest. If any such payment becomes
delinquent (30 days past due) a 1-1/2% per month penalty must be
• added. Meanwhile, the regular quarterly billing based on metered
usage must be paid when due.
Information above received from David Sheard, PSC on 6/27/90
Jean K. Marenda
City Clerk