PUM199105160 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 16, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Co -Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, Mayor Salentine and Supt. Kloskowski. The Committee discussed the status of the following sewer and water projects: Woods Road -South - The sewer and water mains have been installed, along with the sewer laterals. The contractor is presently working on installing water laterals. The Committee reviewed request from Mr. Ervin Kablitz for proration of his sewer and water assessment on Woods Road and determined that when more than 50% of the assessable frontage is sold, the entire assessment will be due. When there is a land division of less than 50%, only the frontage of the affected land division will be due. Hillendale-North of Hwy. L - The sewer main is in and the contractor has started installing water main. Hillendale/Lembezeder/Wentland/Tans - The sewer main and laterals have been installed and the contractor is ready to pave. The Committee reviewed corrected frontage figures for the Mary Thomas property (Tax Key 2180.994) and determined that this property's assessable frontage should be amended to read 887 ft. This change will be reflected on the Final Resolution for the project. A memorandum from the City Clerk dated May 16, 1991, was reviewed indicating that 110 ft. of frontage for the Clarence Froelich property (Tax Key 2180.999) had previously been assessed as part of a 1983 Hillendale Sewer Project. Ald. Hilt moved to direct that the deferred assessment portion of the Froelich assessment (300 feet) on the Hillendale/Lembezeder to Tans Sewer Project be reduced by 110 feet. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. Highway L - West to Crowbar - Mayor Salentine will contact SEWRPC to check on status of approval. The Committee discussed proposed Sewer/Water Assessment policy and is contemplating a minimum number of lots before granting proration. This policy will continue to be discussed at the June meeting. The Committee discussed the requested sewer and water extension on Kelly Drive. The extension of Kelly Drive would allow 16 development. The Committee directed Mayor Salentine to work with the property owners to acquire necessary easements. If easements Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 May 16, 1991 cannot be acquired, the Committee recommends the City proceed with condemnation. The Committee reviewed a property on Berger Lane (W128 S6473) that is not connected to sewers. The City has received numerous calls on the property as it has been put on the market to be sold. The Committee determined that all properties that have been granted "hardship" status will be required to be connected to sewers upon sale of the property. The realtor for this property, Mr. Reno Berg, was present and will advise the property owner. The Committee reviewed correspondence from the Waukesha County Department of Health regarding well and private sewage system evaluation for the property addressed W203 S10342 North Shore Drive. The Committee determined that since the correspondence stated that the private sewage system was not failing at the time of their visit and at the present time would not result in an order from the Department, the Committee will not force connection at this time. The Committee reviewed plans for sewer extension on Thornapple Court (Lakeview Highlands Subdivision). The Committee approved the sewer extension for the nine (9) lots contingent upon City Engineer approval. • Review of sewer charges for the Wayne Peterson property on Martin Drive was removed from the agenda at the request of the petitioner. The Committee reviewed sewer connection notification to be sent to the Wagon Wheel on Janesville Road as part of the Hwy. L sewer project. The Committee determined that a nine month sewer connection notice be sent and if the sewer extension from Anamax to Crowbar becomes a reality, the Committee is receptive to allowing an extension so that the property could be connected to the Anamax to Crowbar sewer project The Committee reviewed report supplied by the Utility Clerk showing gallonage and dollars received from the MMSD Holding and Septic Waste Disposal station located in the Tess Corners Industrial Park. It was noted that a substantial decrease occurred in the Fall of 1990 and has continued due to increased MMSD charges. The Committee discussed the Status of Lake Point Estates water agreement. Utility Superintendent reported on a meeting with Town of Norway representatives and Mayor Salentine to discuss capital costs charged to the City of Muskego in the amount of $136,000 and felt that the figures have been substantiated. The Committee reviewed sewer and water plans for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Lake Forest Development. Ald. Hilt moved to approve subject to City Engineers final approval. Seconded by Ald. D. Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 May 16, 1991 • Sanders, motion carried. It was noted that as soon as the Lake Forest Phase 2 an 3 plans have been submitted to MMSD for approval, the City Engineers will send out the Valley View sewer extension plans for approval. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ca • Respectfully submitted, David J. Sanders Secretary • I • I 516N K� N Pt r< p y RLNO Q• f��: k b low �ac�+N 56N CBE2�i?