The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Co -Chairman Hilt
and Co -Chairman Simmons. Also present were Committee Member D.
Sanders, Mayor Salentine and Utility Superintendent Kloskowski.
The Committee reviewed the status of the MMSD contract. It was
noted that on Thursday, February 28, 1991, the financing required
to execute the contract will be given to the MMSD District at
1:00 P.M.
The Committee reviewed the Engineer's Report and Preliminary
Assessment Rolls for the following sewer projects:
Hillendale-North of Hwy. L
Front Foot Assm.
Lateral Assm.
$41.06 per ft.
The Committee determined that the 150 ft. of frontage
abutting the VFW will become non -assessable, as well as
the extra depth, slurry, and trench patch costs crossing
Janesville Road. It was also determined that a maximum of
10% of the asphalting cost will be assessed against
the Hillendale-North of Hwy. L Water Project.
Front Foot Assm.
Lateral Assm.
Woods Road -South
Front Foot Assm.
Lateral Assm.
$36.61 per ft.
$35.34 per ft.
The Committee determined that the rate of interest for the above
sewer projects will be at 8% which is the interest agreed upon
for the 1990 borrowing.
The Committee reviewed request for sewer service for a five lot
division to be serviced by gravity sewer from Gold Drive. The
Committee was receptive to granting the five connections and
recognizes that a 15 ft. easement in the area of the house is the
maximum that can be provided through the Ferguson lot. An
easement is required from Hillendale, with a gravel drive, to
provide access to the manhole which will be placed upon lot #3 as
shown on the sketch.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
February 21, 1991
The Committee reviewed request for 152 sewer and water
connections for the Lake Ridge Development (Barker Homes). Ald.
Simmons moved to grant the connections. Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders,motion carried.
The Committee discussed proposed sewer and water extension from
the Vesbach property on Woods Road, west to Racine Avenue. It
was noted that the Committee has received a request from the
Muskego/Norway School District to extend water to service the
High School and a proposed additional school off of Woods Road,
west of Racine Avenue. Affected property owners had been invited
to the meeting and those in attendance were not in favor of the
proposed project. The Committee deferred any action on the
proposed project and all affected residents will be notified, by
mail, of the next meeting to continue discussions.
Mr. John Ingersoll appeared before the Committee to discuss the
procedure involved in moving an existing sewer and water easement
10 ft. south on his property. This would be accomplished by a
Quit Claim deed. Mr. Ingersoll will provide the City with a
legal description which will be reviewed by the City Attorney.
Ald. Simmons moved to approve the request. Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders, motion carried.
Request for sewer extension on Kelly Drive was removed from the
The Committee reviewed status of water extension for Lake Point
Estates which will include water assessments to several
properties on Woods Road, east of the intersection of Bay Lane to
the entrance to the proposed Subdivision. It was determined that
the properties involved will have deferred assessments, but that
laterals cannot be part of the deferred assessment and must be
paid in two annual installments, according to the City's
assessment policy.
The Committee reviwed the Engineer's Report and Preliminary
Assessment Roll for the following water projects:
Hillendale/North of Hwy. L
1991 Front Foot Ass. $16.78
Lateral Ass. $911.00
It was noted that the City is still waiting for signed
easement from the VFW which is required for the installa-
tion of the Booster Pump.
Woods Road -South
1991 Front Foot Ass. $16.78
Lateral Ass. $629.00
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
February 21, 1991
The Committee determined that the interest rate for the above
water projects will be at 8% as determined by the 1990 Borrowing.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee of
renovations needed to both the Kristin Downs and Guernsey Meadows
pump houses. Ald. Hilt moved to direct the City Engineers to
prepare plans and specifications and to bid the project.
Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski informed the Committee of a
home on Woods Road & Tess Corners Drive (Tax Key 2206.998.002)
that had not received an RCA assessment or has not been billed a
Sewer Usage fee since connected in 1975. The Committee
determined that the RCA will be charged at the beginning rate,
plus interest, and the Sewer Usage fee will be charged back two
years (1989 & 1990), plus 1991's usage fee. It was also reported
that a property on Gold Drive (Tax Key 2180.999.008) was not
given an RCA or billed Sewer Usage from connection in 1988. The
Committee determined that the RCA will be charged at the 1988
rate, plus interest, and the Sewer Usage fee will be charged back
two years (1989 & 1990), plus 1991's usage fee. The Utility
Clerk is directed to bill the above two properties for Sewer
Usage and RCA, but both properties will be exempt from any 30 day
interest penalty on the Sewer Usage if paid by November 1, 1991.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders
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