PUM19901011PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSEKGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 11, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Sewer Chairman Simmons and Water Chairman Hilt. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders and those per attached list. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW and reported on the MMSD tour which he and Ald. Simmons attended. The Public Service Commission decision is expected in early December. Utility Superintendent advised the Committee that he had been contacted by Annamax engineers with a plan for connection to the Hwy. L sewer which was acceptable to the City and the City Engineers. Supt. Kloskowski will initiate a letter to MMSD, on City's stationery, to advise that the City has approved these plans. Correspondence from State Representative Lolita Schneiders, dated September 28, 1990, was read which indicated that the DNR has asked MMSD to furnish a justification for their price structure changes for holding and septic waste treatment by September 17. • The Committee discussed the following sewer projects: HHwwv. L Restoration is commencing and grinding of pavement and repaving is now being done. Plans for the following pending sewer projects have been approved by MMSD and the City is awaiting DNR approval: Woods Road -South, Hillendale/Lembezeder/Tans, Hillendale/Lembezeder/Wentland,Hillendale (North of Hwy. Q . The Committee reviewed the proposed agreement for the West Lake sewer installation. Ald. D. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the agreement subject to the developer being the responsible party signing the agreement. This agreement between the City of Muskego and West Lake will be for five (5) years, renewable for an additional five (5) years, a submittal of a $10,000.00 guarantee, and with the stipulation that both parties will agree on the inspectors. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee discussed sewer plans for pending projects and determined that the projects would be let for bids early in January 1991, the bid opening will be the first week of February with an April 1, 1991 starting date. • • Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 October 11, 1990 Mr. Clarence Froehlich appeared before the Committee to request a sewer assessment re-deferal for his property (tax key 2180.999). Ald. Simmons moved to recommend Council approval of re-deferal. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed quote from Energenecs, Inc. for a new flow meter for Lake Denoon in the amount of $3,790. Ald. Simmons moved to approve, funds to be taken from Account #110.5006.1000 (Replacement Account). Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee discussed items to be proposed in 1991 Budget. Utility Superintendent requested the addition of a part-time (19 hours per week) Utility Clerk to be at the rate of Non - represented Receptionist -Typist II (1990 rate/Start: $6.80, 6 Mos. $7.63 and 18 Mos. $8.16). He is also requesting an additional Utility Maintenance position, and a 1 ton dump truck for approximately $18,000. Ald. Hilt moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Racine Avenue (Gemini North) water project was reviewed. Restoration will be started the week of October 15th. • Restoration work on the Park/Lake/Richards water project is nearing completion. The Woods Road -South Water Project will be let for bid simultaneously with the Wood Road -South sewer project. The Committee acknowledged a petition that was received by the City on 9/12/90 from residents of Racine Avenue, Sunset Drive, and Prospect Drive requesting extension of municipal water. Mayor Salentine explained anticipated costs if the City would extend water. Ald. D. Sanders moved to mail a letter to all affected property owners explaining all costs and requesting a response as to whether or not the affected property owners wish water service. Indicate in letter that this item will again be discussed at the December 13, 1990 Public Utilities Committee meeting. Mr. Larry Peterson appeared before the Committee to request municipal water on Pioneer Drive. He has a problem with a shared well with Mr. Ray Gerth which is under DNR stipulation to be renovated within 120 days. Mr. Peterson claimed that he had a tenant drop off a petition to City Hall which was signed by several neighbors. The petition was never found. Ald. D. Sanders moved to send letters to all property owners on Pioneer Drive, from Highway L to Racine Avenue, and advise that this item • will again be discussed at the November 15, 1990 Public Utilities Committee meeting. Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 October 11, 1990 The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ca • Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary 4 0 s 'PU�zi(- S 61",1- r o 2s iL Wt L S /o// //?6 'v. 3 a e 37L�v 39 ���