The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Hilt and
Chairman Simmons. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders,
Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per
the attached list.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW. The
Public Service Commission hearing is scheduled for September 10,
Supt. Kloskowski advised the Committee that he and Mayor
Salentine met with the Town of Norway Sewer Utility to request
that Holding Tank Haulers be allowed to discharge at the Town of
Norway. The Town of Norway Sewer Utility is taking the City of
Muskego's request under advisement.
The Committee reviewed the status of the following sewer
HIGHWAY L SEWER PROJECT - Concern on restoration.
Committee requests that Ken Ward be requested to
work with Contractor to speed up restoration.
HILLENDALE/NORTH OF HWY. L - Awaiting MMSD approval.
• HIGHWAY L - WEST TO CROWBAR - Awaiting MMSD approval.
WOODS ROAD -SOUTH - Awaiting MMSD approval.
Supt. Kloskowski discussed with the Committee results of an on -
site inspection of the sewer lines in West Lake Estates. The
following alternates protect the Utility as the sewer main was
installed without the required pitch:
a) relay the 68 ft. in the first span, or
b) put up a cash bond of $10,000 for a minimum of ten (10)
Supt. Kloskowski will work with contractor.
The Committee further discussed sewer connection for Breann
Ridge. The developer, Mr. Kozey, is requesting sewer connection
off of the existing main for lot 1 & 6; lot 6 would be a
permanent connection and lot 1 would be temporary, until main
extension approval was received from MMSD. The Committee was
40 receptive to the above request.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
August 23, 1990
Representatives from Foth & VanDyke and Anamax appeared before
• the Committee to request sewer connection. The Committee was
receptive to the request subject to the City Engineer's approval
and the Committee requests that the City Engineer determine the
RCA charge.
Ald. D. Sanders moved to recommend approval of FLOW payment in
the amount of $21,000. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Mr. Timothy Endisch appeared before the Committee to state that
he does not feel sewer usage should be billed upon connection; he
feels it should be billed upon occupancy. Supt. Kloskowski
explained the policy and that there is potential for water
entering system before occupancy. The Committee determined there
should be no change in their policy and that sewer service will
continue to be charged from date of connection.
The Committee reviewed sewer plans for a sewer extension on
McShane Road (Peterson Land Division). The Committee approved
the sewer service extension for the parcels labeled "Profile A"
of the sewer plan dated July 1990, but denied approval for
"Profile B" until lots have been approved by the Plan Commission.
The request for sewer service for Marcus Theaters was removed
from agenda at petitioner's request.
• Mr. Curt Christie, on behalf of the Agenten property, appeared
before the Committee to request approval to hook up to Franklin
sewers on Tess Corners Drive, if and when the sewer main is
extended. Mr. Christie's property is on the border of the City
of Franklin and he stated that the City of Franklin's engineer,
Mr. Bennett, was receptive to his request. The Committee is
receptive to allowing connections pending City of Franklin's
Mr. Frank Agenten requested sewer connection for a lot that could
be served by a lateral connection to an existing manhole on
Skylark Lane. The Committee is receptive to allowing the
Clarification of Controlled Access Policy/Sewer & Water was
removed from the agenda.
Ald. D. Sanders moved to recommend approval of 1990 Sewer and
1990 Utility audit to be prepared by Conley, McDonald, Sprague &
Co. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of Kristin
Downs Water Trust. All easements have been acquired, Supt.
Kloskowski has provided the Homeowner's Association with all
requested projected gallonage figures and a meeting has been set
by Kristin Downs Homeowners for September 13, 1990, 7:00 P.M., at
• City Hall.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
August 23, 1990
The Committee discussed the status of Lake/Park/Richards Water
• Project. Restoration is being completed.
The Committee reviewed the following bids for the Racine
Avenue/Status of Racine Avenue/Gemini North Water Project:
United Sewer & Water $217,354.00
Globe Contractors 205,925.00
Underground Pipeline 202,920.00
Michels Pipeline Construction 266,978.00
Debelak Bros., Inc. 219,354.80
D. F. Tomasini Contractors 235,422.20
Mainline Sewer & Water 214,547.00
Rock Contractors 236,939.00
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend approval of the low bid of
Underground Pipeline in the amount of $202,920.00 which was
recommended by the City Engineers. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders,
motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the Final Resolution and Assessment Roll
for the Racine Avenue/Gemini North Water project. Ald. Hilt
moved to recommend approval with the following amendments to the
assessment roll:
5. Attorney Edward P. Rudolph
• Tax Key 2222.984.002
Director and Land Use Administrator Lee has determined
that this parcel can be divided into three (3) lots
that fall within the minimum zoning requirement of
RS-2 (OOS) which is 20,000 sq. ft. The 1st lot will
be 110 ft., the second lot will be 110 ft. and the
third lot will be 160 ft., leaving a triangular piece
of 83 ft. The Committee determined that the triangular
piece of property will be unassessable for a total
assessment of 380 ft. The water service assessment
should be eliminate and Atty. Rudolph does not request
any service at this time.
6. City of Muskego
Tax Key 2222.988
Assessment should be reduced to 430 ft. assessable
as the 1,000 ft. is non -assessable as it abutts
The policy of the Public Utilities Committee allows the project
to have an indefinite deferment because it is an extension of a
major trunk water line.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
August 23, 1990
The Committee reviewed status of Woods Road/South of Hwy. L Water
• Project and noted that the project will not be bid until approval
has been received for the Woods Road/South of Hwy. L sewer
Interested parties in land adjacent to Hillendale & Field Drive,
owned by Mr. Glen Hansen, appeared before the Committee to
request extension of city water to serve the property. The
Committee indicated that they would be receptive to an extension
if it was installed by the Developer. Mr. Hansen requested sewer
service, by private grinder, to serve a lot that failed to pass
the mound system requirement. The Utility Superintendent
recommended that the lot that the private lateral passes explore
connection. The Committee was receptive to the request and will
grant the connections when assessment costs are determined.
The Committee discussed Water Lateral Installation Charge. If
the lateral cost on future projects exceed the Public Service
Commission rate of $670.00, the City Engineer will make
application to the Public Service Commission for approval to
assess the actual cost.
Mr. Jim Wolak did not appear before the Committee to discuss his
request for water service on Gold Drive. The Committee noted
that the area in questions i5not in the water service area.
The Utility Superintendent reported on the proposed addition to
• the Public Works garage.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 Y.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders