The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Co -Chairman
Simmons. Also present were Committee Member Hilt, Mayor
Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, and those per the
attached list.
The Mayor updated the Committee on FLOW.
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend amending the road opening ordinance
to incorporate the language proposed by Superintendent Loughney
in his memorandum dated June 21, 1990. The proposed change reads
as follows:
Property owners in all city sewer and water projects must
install laterals to the edge of the road right-of-way at the
time of the project or be informed that road opening permits
will not be given for cutting into the new pavement for a
minimum of five years.
Ald. Simmons seconded, carried. It was determined that road
opening permits for commercial and business -zoned property will
be reviewed individually by the Committee. The Public Works
Committee will be asked to review the ordinance amendment prior
to adoption.
Hillendale/Lembezeder/Wentland Sewer Project
00 The Committee was informed of the Attorney's opinion that the
V.F.W. will be assessed their front foot assessment on the Hwy. L
assessment roll, based on a corner lot calculation. The lateral
and the adjacent lot will be assessed on the Hillendale
assessment roll.
Woods Road South Sewer Project
The Committee reviewed the project with Mr. Spitzner and his
realtor. Mr. Spitzner is requesting sewer laterals to service
his property on the west side of Woods Road, and to inform the
City of the lateral placement approved on the land division
sketch for his property on the east side of Woods Road.
Hiehwav L Extension (Annamax to Crowbar) Sewer Project
The Committee determined that the Utility Superintendent will
contact Ken Ward regarding the opening at the Wagon Wheel tavern.
The Committee reviewed a request of Glen and Dave Miller
regarding sewer connections on Woods Road West of Lannon Drive.
The Utility Superintendent will work with the Millers to work out
a suitable sewer plan for their proposed subdivision. Ald. Hilt
moved to approve 11 sewer connections. Seconded by Ald. Simmons,
Public Utilities Committee Minutes
June 21, 1990 - Page 2
'• The Committee reviewed Atty. Molter's letter of June 18, 1990
stating his opinion as to the construction of driveways over City
easements. The Committee determined that property owners have a
right to construct driveways over City easements, with the City
having no responsibility to restore driveways should the City
need to dig up the driveway for sewer, water or storm drainage
improvements. The Committee determined that no structures will
be allowed on City easements.
Ald. Hilt, as co-chairman of the Utilities Committee for water,
chaired the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Ald. Simmons moved to direct the City Engineer to prepare plans
and specs and bid out the Valley View Heights water project.
Seconded by Ald. Hilt, carried.
Ald. Simmons moved to direct the City Engineer to prepare the maF
and legal description to amend the WCA boundary to include the
service area bordering Hillendale to Sunnyhill Drive, including
Waste Management land on Hillendale bordering the landfill, and
the proposed Terra development property west of the existing WCA
boundary, to and including Valley View Heights subdivision. Ald.
Hilt seconded, carried.
The Committee discussed the transfer of the Kristin Down Water
• Trust. The Utility Superintendent was instructed to contact Mr.
Niemann to ascertain if he will be signing the necessary
documents for the City to obtain the required 10 ft. easement.
The Committee discussed the Park/Lake/Richards water project.
Ald. Simmons moved to delete the Coleman property, Tax Key
#2193.040, from the assessment roll due to difficulties in giving
them a lateral for this project and to add the Jeffrey Lennartz
property, Tax Key #2198.986, to this project at the property
owner's request. Ald. Hilt seconded, carried.
Woods Road South Water Project
The Committee determined that the Spitzner property will not
require a main thru the proposed road into the future
The Committee reviewed water plans for Parkridge Apartments
(Parkland Extended) and recommended approval, pending review of
the City Engineer.
The Committee reviewed letter from City Engineer dated June 19,
1990 with regard to proposal for a water system study. Ald.
Simmons recommended approval of the study at a cost not to exceed
$2,500.00. Ald. Hilt seconded, carried.
Public Utilities Committee
June 21, 1990 - Page 3
The Treatment Plant operator's report was reviewed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Daniel Hilt
Ald. William Simmons
Acting Secretary
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