The meeting was called to order at 7:12 P.M. by Chairman Harold
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members David Sanders and
Simmons, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Hilt, Supt. Scott Kloskowski and
those per the attached list.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW and
indicated that a settlement with MMSD has been reached and will
be announced at the War Memorial on Friday, March 16, 1990.
The Committee was advised that both Mrs. Bohrer and Waukesha
County have signed waiver of assessments for installation of 8"
laterals they each requested.
The Committee reviewed Woods Road South Water & Sewer Project and
discussed methods of reducing assessments on large parcels until
a use of the improvement is made. Chairman Sanders will prepare
a suggested assessment policy for review at the April meeting.
Ald. David Sanders moved to extend the sewer to the south as far
as gravity installation allows and to allow deferred assessments
to agricultural properties. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion
carried. Mr. Spitzner requested that the Committee Chairman
negotiate an easement across the DeBack property to allow sewer
service to his property. Ald. David Sanders moved to defer
• action on the Woods Road Road South Water & Sewer Project to the
April meeting. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Hillendale/Lembezeder/Went land Sewer
Project. Mr. Robert Just (Tax Key 2190.988.002) is requesting
three laterals to serve his property and the Committee is
receptive to his request.
Hillendale/Lembezeder/Tans Sewer Project was reviewed. The
Committee discussed with Mr. Joseph Beatka (Tax Key 2177.932 and
2177.932.002) the gravity capabilities of extending the sewer to
Racine Avenue. It was noted that Mary Thomas, owner of the
property to the south, and Mr. Beatka did not wish to have the
sewer line extended. The manhole will serve the G & W pattern
shop. Mr. Beatka requested that Tans Drive be straightened when
it is repaved during the sewer project and the Highway
Superintendent will be appraised of his request.
The Committee reviewed the engineer's determination on the
Hillendale/North of Hwy. L Sewer Project that gravity can be
extended to serve the Haerter property (Tax Key 2188.993) and the
Wasilczuk (Tax Key 2188.992) property. Ald. H. Sanders moved to
extend the sewer as far as gravity will allow and that the
Committee is receptive to grinder pump costs as a credit against
front foot costs if Mr. Benson (Tax Key 2188.995.001), Kebbekus
• (2188.994) or Graves (2188.995) wish to be served by this
project. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
March 15, 1990
The Committee reviewed the sewer plans for the College Square
Subdivision and authorized seventy (70) connections.
Mr. Craig Lawdanski appeared before the Committee to discuss
sewer connection for four properties on McShane Road approved in
1987 and four properties in the process of being approved. Ald.
Simmons moved to waive the front foot assessment for the four
lots created in 1987 and requested that the petitioner determine
the most feasible way of serving the four new divisions and
return to discuss with Committee. Seconded by Ald. David
Sanders, motion carried.
Ald. Simmons moved to approve FLOW payment in the amount of
$21,000. Seconded by Ald. David Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Mr. George E. Rice in
regard to a property addressed W200 S10763 East Shore Drive. Mr.
Rice indicated in his correspondence that he was taking down an
existing cottage and replacing with a year-round home and did not
feel that he should be charged another connection fee since he
paid a connection fee for the cottage in 1979. Ald. David
Sanders moved to establish a policy which waives the connection
fee if a property has been previously connected to the sewer
system. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. This policy
• will waive the connection for the Rice property on East Shore
The Committee discussed request to extend sewers on Highway L
west of the present Highway L sewer project to Crowbar Road to
serve additional properties. The City Engineer has estimated the
project cost to be approximately $145,000. which would provide
for a $64.00 front foot cost. Mr. Gordy Shafer, a representative
of the Moose Lodge, was present requesting this extension to
serve a faulty septic system. Mrs. Knutowski also asked the
Committee to consider agricultural deferments. Ald. David
Sanders moved to defer request to allow the City Engineer to
determine if cost containment can be achieved by extending sewers
to this area as part of the Highway L Sewer Project. Seconded by
Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Chairman Harold Sanders moved to approve sewer and water plans
for Meadow Green West-Addn. #1 pending engineers approval.
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Preliminary Assessment Roll and Engineer's
Report for the Park/Lake/Richards Sewer Project. The Committee
will wait for Public Hearing for resident response. Ald. H.
Sanders moved to approve low bid for project received from
Underground Pipelines in the amount of $157,289.25. Seconded by
. Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
March 15, 1990
The Committee reviewed correspondence regarding water front foot
assessments. The following properties were connected to water in
1989 and, through an oversight, were not billed for their front
foot assessment:
Lee Wolf (412195.999)
Robert Wiza (#2196.019)
Glen Miller (#2199.011)
Paul Wiedmann (#2195.061)
Ald. David Sanders moved to bill at rate in effect when
connection made and and allow the affected property owners to go
on a 10 year payment plan effective 1990. Seconded by Ald.
Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed correspondence regarding clarification on
interest for deferred water assessments. Final Resolutions for
all water projects state that there will be interest charged on
all deferred assessments at the rate of 8% per annum on the
unpaid balance from the first November 1st after the Final
Assessment Resolution. The Clerk's Office has added interest at
the rate of 8% annually on the unpaid balance of the deferred
water assessment, which is actually compounding interest. Ald.
Simmons moved to clarify intent to be that, effective
• immediately, interest on all deferred water assessments will be
calculated on a Simple Interest of 8%.
The Committee discussed a proposed water extension from
Challenger to Sunset Drive. Ald. Simmons moved to direct the
City Engineer to prepare the plans for a water extension from
Challenger, north to serve the Knippel property (Tax Key
2192.988). It was a Committee decision that the Rebernick
property (Tax Key 2192.989) will not receive an assessment
because the property is not contiguous with the road right-of-
way. Seconded by Ald. David Sanders, motion carried.
The Utility Superintendent reported that the Northeast Lift
Station is capped with spancrete and the Jensen Lift Station's
new motor and control have been installed. Another break in the
main at Jensen Center occurred this last week and the Committee
should be looking into a main replacement. He also informed the
Committee that the septic and holding tank dumping station is
being reviewed with MMSD.
The meeting adjourned at 11:08 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David D. Sanders
ca Secretary