The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Harold
Sanders. Also present were Committee Member David Sanders, Mayor
Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the
attached list.
Mayor updated the Committee on the status of FLOW.
Several owners of eight family apartment buildings in Woodcrest
Subdivision appeared before the Committee to request quarterly
billing of sewer charges with the bill being sent to the
occupant. The Committee reviewed the written procedure for sewer
and water billing, as attached. Ald. H. Sanders moved to deny
request and to stay with present procedure of the sewer usage
payment being paid one year in advance on the tax bill. Seconded
by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the status of Hwy. L. Sewer Project as
Mayor informed the Committee of the change order for extra
• depth. The extra depth is to provide depth needed for
sewers for the Woods Road -South sewer project at a cost of
The Committee reviewed correspondence dated January 30,
1990, from Waukesha County Park & Planning Commission to
City Engineer Ken Ward requesting two 8" lateral connections
as opposed to the two 6" lateral connections shown on the
approved plans. The City Clerk is in the process of
obtaining a "Waiver of Assessment" for this change order.
Mr. Walter Bohrer, Jr., appeared before the Committee to
request installation of an 8" lateral connection to his
property on the north side of Highway L (Tax Key
#2212.999.000). The Committee reviewed cost estimates and
determined the following:
An 8" main has been established by the Public Utilities
Committee to be $3,069.00 for the above tax key for the
Highway L sewer project. This figure was arrived at by
taking the actual cost, including engineering, of $9,900.00
and determining a non -assessable portion to be based on the
same percentage that was used when private laterals which
cost $4,660.00 were assessed at $1,500.00. This resulted in
31% of the total cost of $4,660.00 which is $1,500.00; thus
31% of $9,900 is $3,069.00.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
February 15, 1990
Mr. Bohrer was advised to contact the City Clerk to sign the
"Waiver of Assessment" required for this request.
The Committee reviewed the temporary sewer easement that was
signed by Mr. Harold DeBack which allows the City of Muskego
an easement to construct a sewer lateral to the Niemann
property (Tax Key #2227.999) which is part of the Hwy. L
Sewer Project. The City Engineers will be requested to
provide a legal description of the easement area once the
lateral has been constructed. The cost of this legal
description will be charged to the project.
Ms. Clementine Knutowski appeared before the Committee to
request sewers on Highway L to provide sewer service to a
business allowed under an OHS zoning. The City Engineer is
requested to provide cost estimates for this project. The
Committee directed that all affected property owners for
this requested extension be invited to attend the March 15,
1990, meeting to further discuss extending sewers on Highway
L to Crowbar Road.
Several affected property owners appeared at the request of the
Committee to discuss proposed extension of sewer and water on
• Woods Road, South of Highway L. The recommendation received from
the City Engineers and the Utility Superintendent was to extend
sewers, by means of a lift station, to the furthest possible
point on Woods Road which would be at the property addressed S87
W19543 Woods Road. The recommendation for the water project, in
order to obtain the necessary loop for the water system is to
extend the water to Racine Avenue. Several affected property
owners voiced their opposition and Ald. H. Sanders moved to
extend sewers only as far as to serve the house, Tax Key
#2227.989, by gravity, and to extend water as far as sewer
extension. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
Affected property owners in the area to be served by a lift
station on Hillendale-North of Hwy. L appeared before the
Committee requesting that they be excluded from the sewer project
as their septic systems are functioning adequately. Ald. H.
Sanders moved to extend sewers only as far as permitted by
gravity and recommended amending Resolution #6-90 to exclude the
homes requiring the lift station. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders,
motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the Hillendale-Tans and Hillendale
Lembezeder to Wentland proposed sewer project. Ald. H. Sanders
moved to proceed with the project. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders,
motion carried.
• Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
February 15, 1990
Representatives from Foat Car Wash appeared before the Committee
to further discuss RCA Charges assessed to their property.
Correspondence from the the City Clerk and the City Engineers
were reviewed. The City Engineer recommended charging 22 RECs
for RCA charges in accordance with the highest water use for one
quarter. Mr. Foat reported that he had water leaks in his
internal system during that quarter and the Committee agreed to
use the next highest quarter to calculate the number of RECs to
determine RCA charge, which is 16 RECs. Mr. Foat requested
inquiry into certifying non -sewer usage of water which leaves the
car wash on cars.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported that the motor
controller at the Woods Road Lift Station is failing. He
presented a quote from Energenecs, Inc., Cedarburg, Wisconsin,
for a new control system in the amount of $5,425.00. Ald. H.
Sanders moved to recommend approval of purchase of one Autocon
9507 Key Pad Controller and associated parts and labor necessary
to retrofit Woods Road Lift Station to be charged to Account
#110.0000.0005 (Replacement of Equipment) and authorized the
Utility Superintendent to sign the necessary papers. Seconded by
Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
• The Committee discussed whose responsibility it is to pay for the
erosion control permit for city projects. The Committee directed
the City Engineer to specify in all City projects that it is the
responsibility of the contractor to pay and secure erosion
control permits.
Mr. Kosobucki and Mr. Meinen appeared before the Committee to
request permission to build a garage over a small portion of a
utility easement for Lot 29, Golden Country Estates
Subdivision. The garage, in error, was constructed over the
easement. The Developer will submit to the City a Quit Claim
Deed and Transfer of Tax Return with respect to the sewer
easement for Lot 29. Ald. H. Sanders moved to approve request.
Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the project area provided by the City
Engineers for the upcoming Lake/Park/Richards water project. It
was realized by the Utility that there were three affected
property owners on Center Drive and one on Lannon Drive that had
not been invited to previous meetings. The affected property
owners were in attendance and were advised that they will be
included in this water project. Correspondence dated February
13, 1990, from the City Engineers was reviewed and along with a
memorandum from the Public Works Superintendent. The Committee
determined that the project should include removal and
replacement of all asphalt on Lake Drive, wedging and 2" of
asphalt overlay on Park Drive and Richard Lane should be paved.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
February 15, 1990
The Committe reviewed memorandum advising that the Financial
Consultant recommends that the 1990 Front Foot Assessment for
water should be increased by the 4.6% Consumer Price Index Rate
for 1989 which would bring the front foot assessment rate for
residential to $15.93 and commercial to $18.21 for 1990.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski discussed with the Committee
proposed water projects for 1990 as follows:
Racine Avenue - The Committee recommended inviting
property owners on Racine Avenue, between Gemini Drive and
Sunset Drive, to the March 15, 1990, meeting to discuss
proposed water extension.
Woods Road - The Committee recommended adoption of amended
Resolution 6-90 to extend water on Woods Road, from Highway
L to serve the house on Tax Key 2227.989.
The Committee discussed the utility improvements for the
Industrial Park Addn. Ald. D. Sanders moved to recommend
acceptance of the sewer and water improvements for the Industrial
Park Addn. Seconded by Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried.
• Mayor Salentine discussed with the Committee the Industrial Park
Audit as it relates to the Utilities. The preliminary audit of
the Industrial Park should be amended to include the cost of
installing water service. This will make land sales responsible
for the repayment of this debt. The auditor recommended that the
sewer indebtedness, which is TIF's responsibility, have a Council
resolution to establish that the sewer liability shall be
satisfied from TIF No. 7 before the District's other
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski presented a request from Mr.
Bill Thompson in regard to water service for lot 14, block 2, of
the Ludwig Subdivision on Bay Lane Terrace. In order to serve
the property, a utility easement must be acquired from lot 15 of
which Mr. Thompson is the owner. The Committee agreed to grant
service to lot 14 with a theoretical front foot assessment to the
property and all installation costs of the lateral to this
property and all legal costs be paid by the property owner. The
property owner will be notified by the City Clerk that he must
sign a Waiver of Assessment prior to connection.
The Committee reviewed minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. John
Ingersoll appeared before the Committee to further discuss cost
of repairing fire hydrant on the Bay Breeze water system. The
• Committee agreed with John Ingersoll's rationale that the
Subdivider's agreement indicated that upon completion of the
system it became the property of the Water Utility.
• Public Utilities Committee - Page 5
February 15, 1990
Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend reimbursement to Mr. Ingersoll
for cost to repair hydrants in the amount of $256.83 to be paid
out of Account 121.0000.0146 (Hydrant). Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the Utility Superintendent's report for
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders
Attachment: Billing Procedure for Sewer & Water.
REC chart used to determine amount of RCA to bill.
Residential & Billed upon connection to sewer in
Multi -Family accordance with Reso. #169-84.
in RCA District
Condominiums to be billed individually by
unit upon connection of the building to
If not paid by November 1st after
connection, amount will be placed on
owner's tax bill in five (5) annual
installments with 9% interest per annum
Commercial & Billed one (1) REC upon connection.
in RCA District Billed balance at time of Final Inspection
based on number of REC's necessary to
accommodate present use, plus additional
REC's purchased for potential use.
REC chart used to determine number of REC's to bill.
All Buildings Except Placed on tax bill of owner to cover usage
Metered Commercial & for following year based on number of
Industrial Users REC's.
Metered Commercial & Billed quarterly based upon metered usage.
Industrial Users If not paid within 30 days of billing
date, 10% penalty added. Delinquent bills
as of November 1st placed on tax bill.
New Construction
Residential If connected to sewer prior to November
1st, billed for current year from date of
connection through end of year with
following year placed on tax bill.
If connected after November 1st, billed
for current year from date of connection
through end of year, plus following year.
If not paid within 30 days of billing
date, 10% penalty added. Delinquent bills
as of November 1st placed on tax bill.
EWER USAGE (Continued)
Multi REC Buildings Bill owner for one (1) REC on pro rata
(Including condos, calendar basis from date of connection
apartments, to sewer. This one (1) REC will serve as
mother-in-law units, base.
industrial, Bill balance upon date of Final
commercial, etc. Inspection by Dept. of Planning &
Development, and if separate Final
Inspections are made for individual units,
bill proportionate share per Final
Inspection dates. One (1) REC base to
remain intact until total REC's billed.
If not paid within 30 days of billing
date, 10% penalty added. Delinquent bills
as of November 1st placed on tax bill.
Metered Commercial & Billed quarterly based upon metered usage.
Industrial Users
If not paid within 30 days of billing
date,10% penalty added. Delinquent bills
as of November 1st placed on tax bill.
All Properties Billed upon connection to municipal water
in WCA District (at time of installation of water meter)
or upon acquisition of a water trust, in
accordance with Reso. #267-86.
If not paid by first November 1st after
connection, amount will be placed on tax
bill in five (5) annual installments with
interest at 8% per annum.
All Metered Users Quarterly billed on a calendar year basis
for usage based on meter readings at PSC
approved rates. Billed to owner, except
when requested to bill to occupant of
individually metered unit. Late payment
charge of 1 1/2% per month added to bills
not paid within 30 days.
Delinquent bills not paid by November 1st
will be placed on the owner's tax bill
plus a penalty of 10% of the amount of
such arrears.
MCC: M-Bil1Proc