The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman H.
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members D. Sanders, Ald.
Simmons, Mayor Salentine, Superintendent Scott Kloskowski and
those per the attached list.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW.
The Committee reviewed the Highway L Sewer Project. It was noted
that the preconstruction meeting was held this morning and the
project is scheduled to begin on January 23rd. The Committee
recommended that an easement will be obtained from Mr. Harold
DeBack which will facilititate a sewer lateral and allow
construction by contractor. The City Engineers will be contacted
to provide a legal description for the required easement. Ald.
D. Sanders moved to direct the City Engine7'to prepare and
submit a change order to provide a service lateral for a future
road right-of-way to serve the backlots east of Hillendale, north
of Highway L. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the following proposed sewer projects for
1990 with affected property owners:
MYSTIC DRIVE A petition was received which contained six
signatures advising the Committee that they were opposed to the
project. Mr. Raymond Gorecki, representing the Meinerz property,
spoke in favor of the project for development purposes. After a
lenghty discussion, the Committee rejected the proposed project
but approved 14 sewer connections for the Meinerz property to be
served off of Dorothy Drive (2203.990). Ald. H. Sanders moved to
recommend amending Resolution #6-90 to eliminate the Mystic Drive
Sewer Project. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
discussion with t e a fected property owners, the Committee voted
to approve a sewer extension to serve the existing homes on Woods
Road and recommended that the City Engineers be directed to
prepare the plans and specifications and bid the project. Vacant
land owners south of the existing homes will be contacted by the
Mayor's office to determine if they want to participate in the
project. The Committee further determined that the proposed
water project will be deferred until the February meeting to
determine if the vacant land owners would be interested in
participating in a water project.
HILLENDALE/NORTH OF HWY. L Mr. Fred Graves appeared before
the Committee requesting that an existing sewer assessment on his
property be pro -rated as he has made a land division and would
like to only pay the assessment on the new parcel. The Committee
recommended to Common Council to pro -rate the assessment and felt
it met the 125% requirement since two year's payment have been
received on the entire assessment.
r Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
January 18, 1990
40 Five letters were read that were against the proposed sewer
extension on Hillendale, north of Hwy. L. A number of residents
in attendance expressed the need for sewers. Ald. H. Sanders
moved to recommend that the City Engineers prepare plans and
specifications and bid the project. Seconded by Ald. Simmons,
motion carried.
HILLENDALE/TANS DRIVE The Committee further reviewed the
Hillen a e Tans Drive proposed sewer project and continued their
recommendation to Council for adoption of Resolution #6-90
directing the City Engineers to prepare the plans and
specification and bid the project.
the Hi en ale Lembeder to Wentland. Ald. Simmons moved to add
Tax Key #2189.994 and #2180.983.001 to the project and
recommended adoption of Resolution #6-90 directing the City
Engineers to prepare the plans and specification and bid the
The Committee reviewed a letter from Eric & Trudy Metz dated
January 11, 1990, stating they they were representing a group of
owners, builders and developers from the Woodcrest Subdivision.
Several members of this group appeared before the Committee to
request that the Utility collect a quarterly usage bill from the
• occupants of each individual apartment instead of a yearly
billing to the owners. It was noted that the owners have already
paid a year in advance for their usage bill and realize that
quarterly bills will be paying another year in advance. The
Committee requested the City Clerk to respond to the request for
quarterly billing and also requests an opinion from the City's
Financial Advisor.
Mayor Salentine brought to the Committee's attention that the
Foat Cash Wash had never been assessed a Reserved Capacity
Assessment (RCA) charge. Mr. Foat has met with Mayor Salentine
and Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and has been advised of the
City's error. The Committee recommends that the City Clerk send
a bill to Mr. Foat for the correct amount of RECS and the
Committee approves a five year payment plan upon receipt of the
The Committee reviewed a request for reimbursement for sewer
assessment for the Alfred Biedrzycki property (S75 W14987 Kathryn
Drive -Bay Lawn Project) and noted that the request was not being
The Committee reviewed request for first contribution for FLOW in
the amount of $21,000. Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend
approval. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
January 18, 1990
Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and Chairman
H. Sanders advised the Committee that they had met with Mr. &
Mrs. Robert Struck, the property owners for which an easement is
required for the Lake/Park/Richards Lane water project. The
Committee recommended to Common Council to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the legal documents necessary to acquire
easement. The terms of acquiring the easement, per Relocation
Order (Resolution #3-90) provide for forgiveness of front foot
and lateral assessment. The property is liable for a WCA at the
time of connection.
The Committee discussed status of well testing and recommends
continued surveilance by Superintendent Kloskowski.
Mayor Salentine advised the Committee that a representative from
the Freedom Square Condominiums contacted his office stating that
they will not be requesting connection to the municipal system at
the present time. It was also noted by Superintendent Kloskowski
that the Freedom Square Complex is not in the WCA (Water Capacity
Assessment) district and the boundaries would have to be amended
to include this area if a connection were requested.
The Committee reviewed status of acquisition of Kristin Downs
Water Trust and recommended giving the Water Trust ninety (90)
days to transfer the Water Trust to the Utility or there will be
a possibility of revoking the exchange of WCAs for the cost of
• the system. Mayor Salentine will contact the Trust's
Front Foot Water Assessment will be provided by Financial
Consultant based on Cost Price Index.
The Committee reviewed bill received from J & C Development for
damage to a water hydrant in the Bay Breeze Complex. Ald.
Simmons moved to deny payment of the bill. Seconded by Ald. H.
Sanders, motion carried. The Committee requested that Mr.
Ingersoll be notified.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders
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