PUM19891221Yr� • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 21, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Harold Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Dave Sanders and Simmons, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW and advised that the continuation of negotiations after the veto of Assembly Bill 65 has not demonstrated significant progress. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Highway L Sewer Project public hearing held December 12, 1989, along with Engineer Ken Ward's letter of December 21, 1989. Engineer Ward addressed the slurry backfill requirement by the County which has a potential of being reduced and, thus, may reduce the project by $45,000 if the soil conditions, at the time of construction, indicate that gravel compaction is adequate. His letter of December 21, 1989, also addressed the concerns voiced at the Public Hearing of Mr. Jacamino Peroceschi as to whether the bids would remain the same if the slurry backfill requirement was altered. The letter indicates that this will still force the use of slurry backfill in some areas, but does not change the bids in such a way that, including the mandatory alternate bid items, changes the selection of the low bidder. The assessments for the Arthur Zangerle properties were reviewed and it was determined that the assessment roll should be amended, as recommended by G. P. Lee, to reflect assessable frontage for Tax Key 2232.979 to be 175 L.F. and Tax Key 2232.988 to be 310 L.F. for a total of 485 L.F. Mr. Niemann, S82 W19783 Janesville Road (Tax Key 2227.999), is requesting to connect to the sewer project. The Committee determined that Mr. Niemann's property can be part of the project and directs the City Clerk to contact Mr. Niemann and obtain a Waiver of Assessment and to request the City Engineers to determine if a lateral can be provided from the sewer main being installed to the east of Niemann's property on Tax Key 2227.999.001. The Committee determined that a theoretical assessment will be levied for 175 L.F., with the remainder 363.29 feet to be controlled access. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend to Common Council awarding of contract to Tomasini Contractors, Inc. for $925,844.20 and that the assessable rate per front foot will remain at $38.68 and will be reviewed upon completion of the project to determine if the front foot rate is to remain the same due to the savings on reduction of slurry backfill and the addition of the Niemann assessment and if this is sufficient to offset the nonassessable frontage of the Arthur Zangerle properties. Seconded by Ald. Dave Sanders, motion carried. 0 Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 • December 21, 1989 The Facilities Plan for the Area Southeast of Big Muskego Lake is being finalized by the City Engineers and will be sent to the approving agencies prior to January 1, 1990. Utility Superintendent indicated that the control panel for the Jensen Lift Station has been ordered and will be operational by the middle of January. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Katcha appeared before the Committee to inquire about the theoretical assessment levied on his property on Hillendale, Tax Key 2177.942.001, as a result of a recent land division. The Utility Superintendent indicated that the property owner should review bid due to excessive costs. The Committee reviewed with the Utility Superintendent the following sewer projects for 1990: 1. Extension of sewers on Hillendale, north of Lembezeder to Tans Drive. One of the affected property owners was concerned whether the previous Thomas Landfill property was buildable and the person was directed to discuss with the Land Use Administrator the development of this property. • 2. Extension of sewers on Hillendale, south of Lembezeder to Wentland Drive. The Committee was made aware of the difficulties with some of the properties needing sewers being located a long distance from the sewer main. Mr. Kenneth Laschen, W194 S6968 Hillendale (Tax Key 2180.979), stated that he felt it would be more advantageous to serve his entire property off of Lembezeder Drive. 3. Extension of sewers on Mystic Drive, south of Rogers Drive was reviewed. The Committee is receptive to serving the properties indicated up to manhole "D". Ald. Simmons moved to recommend to Common Council that the above listed sewer extension projects be engineered and bid. Seconded by Ald. Dave Sanders, motion carried. Mr. Bradley Schlosser, property owner of lot 77, Lake Brittany Estates Addn. #1, appeared before the Committee to request permission to construct a driveway over a sewer easement granted to the City. Ald. Sanders moved to approve with the understanding that if the driveway is damaged due to maintenance of the force main, all restoration will be at his expense. The City will drawup an agreement which will have to be signed by the property owner and recorded with the Register of Deeds and any costs incurred in providing agreement will also be the . responsibility of the property owner. Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 • December 21, 1989 The Committee reviewed Mr. Wayne Flancher's (W166 S8304 Kurtze Lane) concern on sewer usage charges to his property and determined that all charges were as provided for in the Sewer Ordinance. The Committee reviewed the status of the Lake/Park/Richards Water Project. It was noted that an easement and relocation order need to be obtained and project will be bid out at the end of January pending obtaining easement. The Committee reviewed the list of properties who have not complied with securing safe water samples and/or have not properly abandoned wells and deferred taking any action until further review at the January meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vogt and Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Schopper appeared before the Committee to discuss the possibility of Freedom Square becoming part of the municipal water system. The Committee recommended that the Homeowner's Association take a vote as to acceptance of project and report back to the Committee. The meeting adjourned at 10:04 P.M. • ca C 1 Respectfully submitted, Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary T I L 1 T I C S- - Q� A)J AATcPR r PAT 764TGfhllq �� �oa ejk� //pJ Vic • SEE AMENDED MCC:M-TheoSewa Adopted 9/21/89 SEWER ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS 7. Theoretical Assessments A. Theoretical assessments may be levied on properties not included in the original assessment roll and where improvements may subsequently be made for certain properties not abutting the improvement subject to recommendation by the Public Utilities Committee and by Common Council adoption of a Final Resolution and Waiver of Assessments and Public Hearings. B. Theoretical assessments shall be levied based on front footage or zoning at the discretion of the Public Utilities Committee. C. If a determination is made by the Public Utilities Committee that circumstances exist which would escalate the cost of providing sewer service to the property, the • Public Utilities Committee has the authority to waive the theoretical assessment. D. Front foot cost of the most recent project shall be the basis for calculating the theoretical assessment. E. A theoretical assessment can be put on a ten year payment plan after the City Clerk has obtained signature on the Waiver of Special Assessments & Public Hearings. F. Credit shall be given for payment of attorney, engineering, etc. bills up to 12% of the total front foot theoretical assessment. MCC: M-TheoSew 0