The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairman H.
Sanders. Also present were Committee Member D. Sanders, y
Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Ald. Hilt and those
per the attached list.
The Committee further discussed the proposed Water Project for
the Lake Drive and Park Drive area and reviewed survey requested
in their minutes of August 17, 1989. It was noted that the
survey resulted in 14 "yes" votes and 27 "no" votes. Ald. H.
Sanders moved to recommend Council approval of deferred
Resolution 207-89, which directs the City Engineers to prepare
the plans and specifications for the Lake/Park Drive sewer
extension, including Richards Drive to Lannon Drive, and to bid
the project. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the City Attorney's
meeting with the City Clerk on establishing a policy for
implementing Utility procedures. The City Attorney recommended
the policies be approved by the Utility Committee and attached to
the Utility minutes and approved by Common Council through the
minutes; thus avoiding City Attorney review and formal Common
• Council adoption. The Committee recommended that the Theoretical
Assessment Policy, as drafted, be attached to the Public Utility
Committee minutes and approved.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of the
Highway L project.
Utility Superintendent reported that the Woods Road, Mystic to
Durham, Sewer project road has been paved and road shoulders have
to be installed, along with some ditch restoration.
Utility Superintendent reported that the City has received the
first odor control unit for the Woods Road Lift Station and will
begin installing it as soon as possible. The Engineers are
preparing specifications and expect to let out for bids the
capping of the McShane Lift Station within the next two weeks.
The Committee recommends that $10,000 of the total cost of the
McShane Lift Station capping and odor control project be paid for
by proceeds of the sale of the city -owned property on McShane,
which is approximately 50% of the estimated cost.
Scott Krause appeared before the Committee to further discuss the
proposed sewer extension for the Southeast portion of Big Muskego
Lake. The Committee requests that a Public Hearing date be set
for the Facilities Plan and for establishing an RCA District.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
September 21, 1989
The next Public Utilities Committee will be held on Thursday,
October 5, 1989, to further review the Facilities Plan with City
Engineer Ken Ward and Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson.
Frank Agenten, representing Agenten Enterprises, appeared before
the Committee to request sewer connections for a proposed
development on Skylark extended to Tess Corners Drive. Aid. H.
Sanders moved to grant 17 connections to be served by a Lift
Station installed by the Developer. Seconded by Aid. D. Sanders,
motion carried.
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Schaefer appeared before the Committee to
request an extension of their deferred sewer assessment on their
property on Racine Avenue, Sunset Drive and Lions Park Drive.
Aid. H. Sanders moved to extend deferral under new five (5) year
deferred assessment plan. Seconded by Aid. D. Sanders, motion
The Committee reviewed statistics supplied by the Utility Clerk
regarding proposed methods for charging Sewer Usage. The
Committee determined that each unit of residential use will
receive a charge based on the Residential Equivalency with a one
(1) REC minimum per building, and all sewer usage charges for
multi-family/commercial units will be a yearly charge put on the
tax roll.
• John Ingersoll appeared
closing letters for RCAs
unit for his development
Aid. H. Sanders moved to
Sanders, motion carried.
before the Committee to request that
& WCAs be prepared for each individual
rather than for the entire building.
approve request. Seconded by Aid. D.
The Committee reviewed report submitted by Utility Clerk on the
status of well testings and placed on file.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of the
Kristin Downs Water Trust. Attorney Molter is working on the
necessary easements.
The Committee discussed the restoration of the Woods Road -Lannon
West Water Project. The Contractor has agreed to regrade and
seed the properties west of the project.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
Attachment: Theoretical Policy
Respectfully submitted,
Aid. David J. Sanders
1. Theoretical Assessments
A. Theoretical assessments may be levied on properties not
included in the original assessment roll and where
improvements may subsequently be made for certain
properties not abutting the improvement subject to
recommendation by the Public Utilities Committee and by
Common Council adoption of a Final Resolution and Waiver
of Assessments and Public Hearings.
B. Theoretical assessments shall be levied based on front
footage or zoning at the discretion of the Public
Utilities Committee.
C. If a determination is made by the Public Utilities
Committee that circumstances exist which would escalate
the cost of providing sewer service to the property, the
Public Utilities Committee has the authority to waive the
theoretical assessment.
• D. The per foot cost shall be as determined by Resolution of
the Common Council.
E. A theoretical assessment can be put on a ten year payment
plan after the City Clerk has obtained signature on the
Waiver of Special Assessments & Public Hearings.
F. Credit shall be given for payment of attorney,
engineering, etc. bills up to 12% of the total front foot
theoretical assessment
MCC: M-TheoWat