PUM19890615PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1989 The meeting was called to order by Chairman H. Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Simmons and D. Sanders, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Ald. Hilt and Mayor Salentine. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW. The Committee discussed restoration on sewer projects. Ald. Simmons noted that there is still work that needs to be completed for the Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project. Seven or eight properties need topsoil. Ald. Simmons will provide exact property addresses to the Utility Superintendent and the Utility Superintendent and the Superintendent of Public Works will review the area and determine if topsoil is required. Leveling topsoil and seeding will be the responsibility of the property owners. Utility Supt. updated the Committee on the following estimates provided by City Engineer Tom Renner for the odor control of the Woods Road Lift Station: Energenecs $7,196.00 • Van Bergen & Markson, Inc. $8,693.00 Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend approval of low bid of $7,196.00 from Energenecs with installation to be done by the Utility employees. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried. The City Engineers have advised that the Public Utilities Committee should be receiving the Facilities Plan for the Amended Sewer Service Area for the Scott Krause Development by the July Public Utilities Committee meeting. Mayor Salentine advised the Committee that he has written a letter to MMSD asking them to reconsider the City's request to amend the 2005 service area. The Committee reviewed the sewer and water plans for the Dale Dawson development as presented by Attorney Michael Schrober and engineer for the development. Ald. Simmons moved to approve the plans subject to the City Engineer's approval and SEWRPC's approval of lot 28 being included in the sewer service area. Seconded by Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the sewer and water plans for the Willow Pond Development -Phase II. Ald. Simmons moved to approve the plans subject to the City Engineer's approval and mains being of large enough size to accommodate sprinkler systems in all future buildings in this development. Seconded by Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried. i Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 June 15, 1989 Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Schaefer appeared before the Committee to request that their sewer assessment (Tax Key 2191.998) be severed. Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend approval of severance of sewer assessment as follows: Tax Key 2192.980 (formerly 2191.998) $16,093.85 Tax Key 2191.998 $17,380.01 Total Due on 10/9/89 $33,473.86 Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the bid summary for the Woods Road Sewer Project/Mystic to Durham as follows: American Sewer Services, Hartford $153,855 United Sewer & Water, Men. Falls $129,158 Michels Pipeline, Milw. $158,862 D. F. Tomasini, Waukesha $138,294.50 Tomasini Contr., Milw. $151,896 Rawson Contr., Hales Corners $134,075 i Rock Contractors, Caledonia $163,462.50 Reesman's Excavating, Burlington $138,080 Madison Underground, Cottage Grove $157,978 Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the low bid of United Sewer & Water in the amount of $129,158. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mr. Tom Nowicki appeared before the Committee to request that his assessment be calculated on his frontage rather than as a corner lot. Ald. Simmons moved to direct the City Engineer to recalculate the assessment for both Mr. Nowicki (Tax Key 2203.001) and Mr. Bauer (Tax Key 2203.017) for frontage on Woods Road only. Seconded by Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried. Mr. Oscar Dittrich, engineer for the Agenten property, appeared before the Committee to request that the City contact the City of Franklin to explore the possibility of sewering this area on Tess Corners Road and Skylark Lane through the City of Franklin. Mr. Dittrich indicated that a sanitary sewer line is presently being designed for the section of St. Martins Road to a point near the County Line. Since the southern portion of the Willow Wood Subdivision is dependent upon a gravity sewer in Tess Corners Road, he is requesting that the City pursue the request with the City of Franklin. The Committee directed the Mayor to send a . letter to the City of Franklin to explore the possibility of this sewer request. i • Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 June 15, 1989 The cost estimates for repair of Jensen Lift Station was removed from the Agenda. The Committee discussed Sewer Assessment policy for corner lots. It was noted that the Public Sewer Committee, in their minutes of August 13, 1987, recommend amending 3. a. l.of thee Sewer Assessment Policy to read "If a lot abuts two streets, add the two side dimensions and divide by two", and deleting 3. a. 2. and 3. The Committee again recommend Council approval of the above amendment. The Committee reviewed the City Engineer's report, dated June 8, 1989, on the Woodcrest Heights-Addn. #1 subdivision and placed on file. The Committee reviewed the status of the Kristin Downs Water Trust. City Engineer Ken Ward has advised the City that he is working on easements to the pumphouse in the Kristin Downs Water Trust. The work on the Ann/Valley Drive Water Project is nearing completion and restoration will begin the week of June 19, 1989. Affected residents of the Lake Drive, Park Drive, Michi Drive, Richards Lane and Center Drive area were invited to the meeting to determine if the proposed water project was viable. A vote was taken of residents in attendance and those that submitted written votes prior to the meeting and the results were 12 "Yes", 27 "No" and 24 did not respond. The Committee tabled the project for lack of interest. The Committee reviewed Chapter 28, Section 28.05 of the of the Water Utility Ordinance regarding Well Testing. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend amending Section 28.05 of the Water Utility Ordinance to incorporate the following: 1. Well testing will be required every three years instead of every year. 2. If test results have not been submitted by the July 1st deadline, a letter will be sent to the property owner advising him that he will be given a 30-day grace period prior to the City initiating a forced hook-up. 3. Any well test taken twelve (12) months prior to the July 1st deadline will be accepted. • 4. When new water mains are installed, well testing will not be required until the next Utility -wide testing period. r Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 June 15, 1989 Seconded by Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the following bids for Lannon Drive -West Water Project: Reesman's Excavating, Burlington $ 95,629.15 Globe Contractors, New Berlin $104,954.00 Madison Underground, Cottage Grove $106,029.00 D. F. Tomasini, Waukesha $115,913.00 DeBelak Bros., Milwaukee $128,952.50 Wanasek Corp., Burlington $1141601.00 Michels Pipeline, Milw. $123,071.00 Rock Contr., Caledonia $122,558.00 United Sewer & Water, Men. Falls $112,763.00 Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the low bid of Reesman's Excavating, Burlington. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee discussed Water Assessment Policy for corner lots. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend amending the Water Assessment Policy to amend 3. A. 1), to read "If a lot abuts two . streets, add the two side dimensions and divide by two", and deleting 3. A. 2) and 3). Seconded by Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried. Mrs. Dorothy Vesbach appeared before the Committee to request a pro -ration of the water assessment for her development on Woods Road, west of Lannon Drive. Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend approval of a Pro -ration at 125% for each lot , with the exception of Tax Key 2221.989 which has already been recorded. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross appeared before the Committee to request that the lateral for his property on Crowbar Road from Highway L to his property line be the responsibility of the Utility. Ald. Sanders moved to deny this request. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the Utility Superintendent's report and placed on file. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, • Ald. David J. Sanders Secretary ca