The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Harold
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Dave Sanders and
William Simmons, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent
Kloskowski and those per the attached list.
Mr. Robert Scheidemantel, Regional System Sales Manager for the
Neptune Water Division of Schlumberger Industries, appeared
before the Committee to discuss the purchase of a Neptune Unigun
automatic meter reader. Mr. Scheidemantel stated that the
training cost would be reduced from $3,000 to $1,500, which would
make the cost of the equipment $12,700 plus $1,500 for one week
of training, plus a 12% maintenance and update fee, based upon
the $12,700 cost of the equipment. Ald. H. Sanders moved to
recommend approval of purchase. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion
carried. Mr. Scheidemantel will be sending a letter explaining
the period of time for which the 12% maintenance and update fee
will not increase.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW and advised on the
status of the AB-65, the court case, and the PSC review.
The Committee discussed restoration on sewer projects. Supt.
Loughney will be doing the seeding restoration on the
Bellview/Bay Lane sewer project around the 1st of June.
The Committee reviewed the following bids for the Odor Abatement
Northeast Sewage Pumping Station
Slater Associates
Joseph Lorenz
Woods Road Sewage Pumping Station
Slater Associates
Joseph Lorenz
86,000.00 (w/o plumbing)
38,000.00 (w/o plumbing)
Engineer Tom Renner has recommended rejection of all bids due tc
the cost over -runs and the lack of competitive bids. It was
determined that the Woods Road Pump Station will be updated by
subcontractors for the work that cannot be done by the Utilities
Department. The Northeast Lift Station will be re -bid in the
Fall due to the extensive amount of work to be done. Ald. Dave
Sanders moved to reject all bids. Seconded by Ald. Simmons,
motion carried.
. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
May 18, 1989
Mayor Salentine advised the Committee that Attorney Molter and
Waste Management's attorney are working to finalize the contract
between Waste Management and the City for the Highway 24 sewer
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the meeting held on
April 24, 1989 with the MMSD Commissioners and Mr. Bruce Rubin of
SEWRPC. The City requested the service area be amended to convey
the leachate from two new landfills being mandated by the
Landfill Siting Law. The MMSD Commissioners took the position
that a permanent equalized valuation contract must be signed and
turned the request down by a 7 to 3 vote. When the court case
has been settled, the City will have to contact Attorney McCabe
to determine next step.
The Committee reviewed the Woods Road (Mystic to Durham) Sewer
Project. The bids were opened on May 18, 1989, and were lower
than anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Makowski (Assessment #18) - Tax
Key 2203.999 appeared before the Committee and asked that their
lot be computed as a triangular piece of property. The Committee
directed the City Engineer to recompute the assessment. It was
determined that all frontage that was not actual assessable
• frontage would be taken as non -assessable frontage. The two lots
abutting Kathryn Drive will remain as corner lots. The Committee
determined that the interest rate for the project will be at 8%.
The Committee reviewed the Sewer Utility Ordinance requiring
homeowners being responsible for lateral in road right-of-way and
Utility Billing process. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend the
following amendments:
Section 21.05(5):
(5) Maintenance of Services:
All sewer services within the limits of the City from the
street main to the property line and including all
controls between the same, shall be maintained and
repaired without expense to the property owner except when
they are damaged as a result of negligence or carelessness
on the part of the property owner in which case they will
be repaired at the expense of the property owner. All
building sewers and all facilities throughout the premises
served must be maintained free of defective conditions, by
and at the expense of the owner or occupant of the
property served. If any repairs are made by the City, the
City will issue a statement for the expenses of the
. repairs to the property owner who shall pay said statement
within 30 days of receipt. Failure to pay shall result in
the charges being placed on the tax roll as a special
charge under 66.60 0 6).
. Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
May 18, 1989
Section 21.07(8):
(8) Sewer service charges may be billed yearly, quarterly, or
monthly and shall be payable at the City Clerk's office or
at any other officially designated location. Statements
for such charges and assessments levied and assessed in
accordance with this Ordinance shall become due and
payable within 30 days from and after the date of the
statement. In the event that any such statement or
statements are not paid when due, a penalty of 10% will be
added thereto.
Section 10.07(11):
(11) Delinquent Bills: Amend November 15 to read November 1
an amen ovem er 16 to read November 2.
Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Commitee reviewed correspondence requested from the Town of
Norway dated May 3, 1989 giving the breakdown of plant addition
• and capital equipment.
Supt. Kloskowski reported the following number of connections and
payment to the Town of Norway:
343 Connections @ $375 = $128,625.00
lst Quarter - $12,262.02
2nd Quarter - 11,349.33
3rd Quarter - 9,544.84
4th Quarter - 9,741.87
Mr. Paul Schaumberg owner of a property on Bay Lane (Tax Key
2217.990) and Mr. Rich Raboine, a prospective buyer of the
property, appeared before the Committee to request sewer
service. The Committee determined that if connection is made to
Bay Lane Place, the zoning requirement for frontage will be used
for calculating the front foot assessment. If connection can be
made to the City's public main located on the property that was
known as the Martha Bass Estate, there will not be an assessment.
The Committee discussed sewer service for the Dean Jajtner
property (W181 S7718 Valley Drive). The City Engineers have
determined that the property can be served by gravity. It will
be necessary to insulate the lateral and the Utility will provide
the engineering. The Committee determined that Mr. Jajtner will
receive a theoretical assessment of 100 feet of frontage at
$30.38 (the amount of the latest sewer project) for a total of
iPublic Utilities Committee - Page 4
May 18, 1989
$3,038.and that because of the excessive length of the lateral,
the Utility will credit Mr. Jajtner with $1,500 which will result
in his assessment being $1,538.00. Mr. Jajtner will be required
to sign a waiver of assessment.
Ald. H. Sanders moved to recommend payment of $21,000 for the
City of Muskego's FLOW contribution. Seconded by Ald. D.
Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Attorney dated
April 19, 1989, advising that the City will be billed as he has
been subpoenaed to testify on behalf of FLOW. The Committee
determined that the bill will be forwarded to FLOW.
The Committee reviewed en ineers report on the Madsen sewer
assessment at 120 feet x 17.96 per ft., plus a lateral charge of
$1,126.97, for a total assessment of $3,282.17. Ald. Simmons
moved to recommend approval of the above assessment. Seconded by
Ald. H. Sanders, motion carried. Mr. Madsen will be signing a
waiver of assessment.
• Mr. Arnold requested that his item be removed from the agenda and
he will not continue to pursue his land division due to lack of
sufficient area after the road dedication was deducted.
Supt. Kloskowski discussed with the Committee a Utilities
employee that has been on workmen's compensation since February
of 1989. Supt. Kloskowski is requesting approval to hire a
temporary employee at $5.00 per hour for a five week period. The
money to pay for temporary employee will be paid out of account
reimbursed from Workmen's Compensation.
The Committee reviewed the Water Assessment policy and Ald.
Simmons moved to recommend approval of the following amendments:
2.A. The front foot assessment for residential, commercial and
industrial zoned properties shall be based on the
equivalent size water main required to serve the respective
assessment district in accordance with Sections NR 111 and
PSC 185 Wisconsin Administrative Code to service all
properties within the assessment district. The assessment
rates shall be as determined from time to time by the
Public Utilities Committee and accepted by the Common
Council, unless actual cost per linear foot of frontage is
less, then the assessment shall be the lessor amount.
Water mains in public right-of-ways and within easements
. shall be assessed back to the respective assessment
district as directed by the City.
• Public Utilities Committee - Page 5
May 18, 1989
4.A. In the event that watermains are extended to serve new
development and that the length of the water laterals for
the development creates a higher than normal cost for
existing residence, the development shall be assessed for
the additional costs of the laterals. These costs shall be
based upon a unit or lump sum basis for each lot to be
developed. This policy shall apply when the development
causes the installation of longer than normal laterals in
cul-de-sacs or in areas where the cost of water lateral
service to the parcels to be developed is greater than 10
per cent of the average cost of all water laterals for the
Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee discussed the Kristin Downs Water Trust. The
approval to connect Kristin Downs Water Trust to the Utility has
been submitted to the Public Service Commission. The engineer is
working to acquire easements to allow access to the two pumping
• The Committee discussed the Ann/Valley Water Project. Mr. Dick
Przybylka and Judy Phelps appeared before the Committee. Mrs.
Phelps intends to build on a vacant piece of land and she is
interested in extending water service. Her options include
convincing neighbors to extend the water main or bring a private
lateral to her lot. If she goes with a private lateral, she will
be liable for lateral cost off of future main. Restoration in
ditch area will be her responsibility after signing easement for
ditch. Ald. Sanders moved to grant permission to connect by
private lateral, but the Committee would prefer extension of
water main if three affected property owners are agreeable.
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
The Committee discussed restoration on Water Projects. Soil has
been provided to the Eichman property (Sentry) on Janesville Road
and the Utility will provide water necessary to establish the
landscaping. The property at Parkland Mall will be restored in
the same manner.
The Committee reviewed Utility Billing and was receptive to the
request of the multi -family owners to have the sewer charges
billed to the occupant rather than the owner.
The Committee discussed well testing. To implement the well
testing program, it was determined that the property owners will
• provide the test results to the Utility from a sample submitted
to a testing laboratory.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 6
May 18, 1989
The Committee reviewed the Public Fire Protection Charge. The
Public Service Commission has made a final determination on
direct charges to water utility customers for public fire
protection services. The PSC approves ten methods for
calculating the customer charges, and has determined that
municipalities that wish to continue to accept the charges must
adopt and file atesolution to that effect. Ald. H. Sanders moved
to recommend that a resolution be approved stating that the City
of Muskego will continue to pay the water -related fire protection
service costs. Seconded by Ald. D. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed letter to be sent to the affected property
owners on Lake Drive, Park Drive, Michi Drive, Richards Lane,
and Center Drive informing them of costs and meeting date.
The Utility Superintendent's report was read and placed on file.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. David J. Sanders