PUM198904204 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 20, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Harold Sanders. Also in attendance were Committee Members David Sanders and Simmons, Mayor Salentine, Superintendent Kloskowski, Ald. Dan Hilt and those per the attached list. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW. The FLOW hearing will begin on April 24, 1989. The Committee discussed restoration on Sewer Projects and will check with Superintendent Loughney on status of ditches in the Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project. It was noted that the Odor Control and Capping of the McShane and Woods Road lift Stations has been let for bids. The bids will be opened at 10:00 A.M. on April 27, 1989. The status of the Highway L Sewer Project was discussed and the Committee noted that the agreement with Waste Management should be ready to sign. Easement for the Wisconsin Electric Power Company has not yet been received by the City Engineer. • Mayor Salentine, Chairman Sanders and Mr. Bruce Rubin from SEWRPC will be meeting with the MMSD Commissioners on Monday, April 24, 1989, to discuss the Highway 45 Corridor addition to the Sewer Service Area. The Committee reviewed the Preliminary Assessment Roll and Engineer's report for the Woods Road- Mystic to Durham Sewer Project, along with a memorandum from the City Clerk dated April 20, 1989, and approved the Assessment Roll as prepared by the City Engineers. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Mr. Ralph Becker, Director of Public Works, City of New Berlin, dated March 20, 1989, indicating that the City of New Berlin did not offer to pay Muskego's attorney fees, but did offer the assistance of New Berlin's City Attorney in the preparation of the request to MMSD for reimbursement if such assistance would be helpful. The Committee determined that if the City receives any reimbursement from MMSD for New Berlin, all consultant fees will be deducted. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Narlock appeared before the Committee to further discuss sewer service to parcel 1 of the recent land division on Hillendale Drive. The Committee reviewed City Attorney's letter of April 5, 1989, and Ald. Simmons moved not to require a deed restriction as outlined in Resolution #63-89 (As . Amended) which would require a theoretical assessment if a sewer main would be installed to serve the property. The private lateral will be allowed to connect to the manhole on Lakeview drive. Seconded by Ald. Harold Sanders, motion carried. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 April 20, 1989 Mr. Todd Bushberger appeared before the Committee to request sewer service for property on Woods Road west of the Woodcrest Heights Subdivision (Woodside Estates). The Committee determined that the forty-four available connections would be sufficient to serve the area. Ald. Simmons moved to grant 11 connections to Mr. Bushberger. Seconded by Ald. Harold Sanders, motion carried. Mr. Bushberger was directed to contact the owners of Woodcrest Heights Subdivision to acquire a sanitary sewer easement. The Committee reviewed request or sewer extension on Hillendale Drive (South of School Drive) by a lateral to existing manhole on Hillendale Drive with Mr. Robert Dalsbo. The Committee granted connection subject to Superintendent Kloskowski securing City Engineer's approval. Superintendent Kloskowski will advise Mr. Dalsbo by letter. The Committee reviewed an interoffice memorandum from G. P. Lee in regard to a request to waive connection fee on a property addressed W198 S10993 Racine Avenue that had been connected to the Utility but the building on the property was razed sometime after August of 1987. G. P Lee indicated that he felt that any new house requires a new lateral and each service connection requires • a fee when the building permit is issued. Ald. Simmons moved to waive the fee since there is an existing lateral on the property. Seconded by Ald. Harold Sanders, motion carried. Town of Norway Sanitary District Audit Report for 1988 was reviewed and the Committee requests that a letter be sent to the Town of Norway requesting an itemized list of plant additions for 1988. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the terms offered by Waste Management to Mr. don Ross. Waste Management is in the process of securing bids for the lateral to the Ross property. Mayor Salentine directed G. P. Lee to contact Mr. Don Ross to make arrangements for an escrow account to be set up for any engineering costs to the City. The Committee reviewed the proposed agreement drafted by Attorney Molter for the Kristin Downs Community Well Acquisition. Ald. Simmons moved to recommend approval of the agreement with the same terms to be filled in as granted to Guernsey Meadows Water Trust. Seconded by Ald. Harold Sanders, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the proposed ordinance change in regard to lateral costs prepared by City Engineer Ken Ward. Ald. Harold Sanders moved to defer in order to allow staff input. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. . I l Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 April 20, 1989 Mr. Dean Jajtner appeared before the Committee to question if his property can be served by gravity or will require a grinder pump and how he will be assessed. Superintendent Kloskowski will determine if the property can be served by gravity and notify the property owner. The assessment will be reviewed at the May Public Utilities Committee meeting. The Committee approved Preliminary Assessment Roll and Engineer's Report for the Woods Road/Lannon Drive West Water Project with the following adjustment: Assessment #1-Strampe - G. P. Lee advises that this is not a buildable parcel and the assessment should be deleted from the roll. The Committee reviewed request for proration of water assessment for Carl Gratzek property and recommended the following: The assessable road frontage, plus any water main extension costs, will be prorated against the lots abutting the improvements, thus removing the assessment from the balance of the lots involved with the property. Assessments will be paid at 125% of their proration. The laterals will continue to be paid • on a two year payment plan and the unpaid balance, per lot, will be paid upon sale, if the sale is prior to when it would be due under the two year plan. The prorated lot assessments will be due and payable at the end of the five years, if not paid prior to that time. The Committee reviewed a petition for Municipal water service on Lake Drive and Richard Lane dated March 28, 1989. Ald. Harold Sanders moved to have all property owners of Lake Drive, Park Drive, Michi Lane, Center Drive and Richard Lane invited to the May Public Utilities Committee meeting to discuss possibility of water service to the area. Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee of a high water bill received by the Moose Lodge for the first quarter of 1989. The large amount of water used was a result of a leak and the Committee directed the Utility Clerk to recalculate the water bill using a minimum charge for water loss in leaks, as permitted by the Public Service Commission, using an average billing plus 10t per 1,000 gallons of water for the remainder of the gallons calculation by meter reading. Superintendent Kloskowski also advised the Committee that the property addressed W74 W16172 Vine Street had an excessive water bill in the fourth quarter of 1988 and the first quarter of 1989 due to a faulty valve in the water softner. Ald. Simmons moved to direct the Utility Clerk to recalculate the resident's bill using the same method as used for the Moose Lodge as long as the water softner was in compliance with plumbing code. Seconded by Ald. Harold Sanders, motion carried. • Public Utilities Committee - Page 4 April 20, 1989 Superintendent Kloskowski requested authorization to purchase Neptune Unigun automatic meter reading equipment for the Water Utility. He advised the Committee that we currently have 200 connections and estimates of 900 connections by 1990. This equipment is expected to save manhours for both meter readers and clerical billing personnel. Ald. Harold Sanders moved to recommend authorization of equipment at a cost of $15,700. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Utility Superintendent report was read. The Committee will review the Utilities responsibility when a lateral is faulty in the City's right-of-way at the May Public Utilities Committee meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. David Sanders Secretary • ca �- t" lz���-C