// The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Hilt and Repischak,
Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, and those per
the attached list.
The Committee discussed Water Assessment Policy. Ald. Repischak
moved to recommend the following amendment to 2.A. of the
Assessment Policy for Construction of Water Main:
The assessment rates shall be as determined from time
to time by the Public Utilities Committee and accepted
by Council, unless actual cost per linear foot of
frontage is less, then the assessment shall be the lessor
Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW, noting that there
will be bi-weekly negotiations with MMSD starting on April 7,
1989. The court date is scheduled for April 24, 1989.
Ald. Sanders moved to release all funds presently being held in
escrow for the Bay Lane Sewer and Water Projects. Seconded by
• Ald. Repischak, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed plans supplied by City Engineer Tom Renner
showing the capping and filter systems for the McShane Lift
Station and the filter for the Woods Road Lift Station. Ald.
Sanders moved to approve plans for the McShane Lift Station only
and to recommend the Engineers to secure bids. Seconded by Ald.
Hilt, motion carried. The Committee will study the effectiveness
of the filter system at the McShane plant before installing it in
the Woods Road Lift Station. The Committee referred the
improvements to the McShane Lift Station to the Finance Committee
to determine if there will be any cost sharing between the
Utility and the City for the improvements because the capping of
the McShane lift station enhances the value of the property which
is presently for sale.
Attorney Molter and the City Engineer are finalizing the Waste
Management agreement for the Highway L Sewer Project.
Mayor Salentine and Chairman Sanders updated the Committee on
their meeting with Attorney McCabe, Jim Petersen and Earl Hawkins
of MMSD on March 16, 1989, where they discussed the disapproval
of the MMSD commissioners to the proposed amendment to the
Highway 45 corridor sewer service area. Mayor Salentine has
written to the MMSD Board of Commissioners asking to be placed on
. their next agenda to be able to address the concerns of the
Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
March 16, 1989
The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Engineer dated
March 8, 1989, in regard to frontage for affected properties in
the Woods Road, Mystic to Durham, sewer project. The Committee
agreed with the front foot assessment figures which were reviewed
by the Assessor and the Director of Planning & Development with
the following adjustments: The Elmer C. Beissel property (W151
S7569 Woods Road), tax key 2203.998, should be computed as a
triangular property and the front footage should be 165 ft.; the
Ludwig/Strampe property (tax key 2202.998) will have an
assessable frontage of 230 ft. for two buildable lots, and the
project will have a road overlay. The Committee directed Mayor
Salentine and Superintendent Kloskowski to meet with the affected
vacant landowners to determine the amount of laterals required
for the project, and requests that the City Engineer provide a
rough sketch showing possible divisions for all the vacant land
and land that can be divided into additional buildable parcels.
Mr. Ralph Becker appeared before the Committee to further discuss
his request for sewer usage reimbursement for the property
addressed 6292 South Racine Place. Mayor Salentine advised that
this issue was presented to MMSD and they will take it under
consideration and advise.
The Committee further discussed setting minimum sewer charges for
• meter users. Due to the minimum number of metered sewer users
upon which a sewer charge could be calculated, Ald. Sanders moved
to continue to charge a rate based upon the REC chart, which is
Exhibit A of Chapter 21 of the Sewer Ordinance, to be charged
quarterly for 1989. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
Ald. Repischak moved to recommend approval of payment of FLOW
contribution in the amount of $21,000. Seconded by Ald. Hilt,
motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Sewer Indebtedness Study provided by the
Auditors. Ald. Repischak moved to recommend adoption of the
Study. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Narlock appeared before the Committee to discuss
sewer assessment for parcel 1 of a recent land division on
Hillendale Drive and Lakeview Drive. Ald. Sanders moved that no
front foot assessment be levied on this property, as service will
be obtained through use of a grinder pump connected to the sewer
on Lakeview Drive. An agreement will be drawn up between the
City and the property owner to state that if sewer service ever
becomes available adjacent to the property, that a front foot
assessment will be levied and this agreement will be recorded
with the certified survey map. The owner was also notified that
road opening permits for crossing Hillendale Drive and Lake View
. Drive will have to be obtained through the Department of Planning
and Development. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
March 16, 1989
Mr. Todd Bushberger appeared before the Committee to request
sewer service for a piece of property (tax key 2228.993) on Woods
Road, west of Woodcrest Heights Subdivision, for multiple
housing. His request is to use an easement into the Woodcrest
Heights Subdivision for sewer service. Ald. Hilt moved to defer
action to allow the petitioner time to discuss with adjoining
property owners alternate routes for sewer service. Seconded by
Ald. Repischak, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed correspondence from the DNR dated March 8,
1989, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross in regard to feasibility of
installing a private well, along with memorandum to file
documenting a meeting held on March 7, 1989 with Mr. George
Meinholz of Waste Management, wherein it was stated by Mr.
Meinholz that Waste Management would be willing to participate in
the costs that are beyond the normal water costs that a home
would incur if served by private well. Ald. Repischak moved to
approve water connection without a front foot assessment, subject
to an agreement being signed by Mr. and Mrs. Ross agreeing to pay
an assessment at the time that watermains are installed on
Crowbar Road, adjacent to the property. Seconded by Ald. Hilt,
motion carried.
The City Engineer and City Attorney are finalizing agreements for
• the connection of the Kristin Downs Water Trust to the Municipal
The Committee reviewed correspondence from City Engineer Ken Ward
dated March 15, 1989, responding to the Utility's request for
cost figures on water as-builts. The total estimated cost for
as-builts for all existing water mains are $37,550. The
Committee recommends Common Council approval to direct the City
Engineers to prepare as-builts on all projects except the
Industrial Park, Kristin Downs Subdivision and Guernsey Meadows
Subdivision at an estimated cost of $22,400, and also directed
the City Engineers to prepare as-builts for all future Utility
water projects and have developers provide as-builts for any
Subdivision development.
The Committee reviewed front foot assessment rate for 1989 water
projects set by the Finance Committee. Ald. Hilt moved to
approve $15.29 per foot for residential and $17.47 per foot for
commercial and set the 1989 interest rate for all water projects
at 8%. Seconded by Ald. Repischak, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the bids for the Ann/Valley Drive Sewer
Project as follows:
L & L Contractors, Inc. $59,200.00
• United Sewer & Water 50,878.50
DeBelak Bros. 43,888.60
Wanasek Corp. 52,693.00
Tomasini Contractors 51,949.40
Public Utilities Committee - Page 4
March 16, 1989
Underground Pipeline 43,099.25
American Sewer Service 51,523.00
D. F. Tomasini 47,651.00
J. J. Ram 48,173.00
Rawson Contractors 43,900.00
Mainline Sewer & Water 58,269.75
Rock Contractors 45,000.00
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend approval of low bid of Underground
Pipeline, Inc. for $43,099.25. Seconded by Ald. Repischak,
motion carried. The Committee also reviewed the assessment roll,
Engineer's report, and minutes of the Public Hearing held March
14, 1989. Affected property owners appeared before the Committee
to voice their concern at the cost for individual laterals for
properties not involved in the Ann Drive development. The
property owners felt that they were subsidizing the Developer by
sharing equally in the cost of laterals. The Committee agreed
that the cost of laterals for the new development should not be
the responsibility of the existing homeowners and directed Mayor
Salentine and Superintendent Kloskowski to meet with the
Developer. Barbara Diedrich (W181 S7738 Valley Drive) appeared
before the Committee to state that she is willing to provid an
easement to the Jajtner property (W181 S7718 Valley Drive), which
is landlocked behind her property, for the purpose of connecting
to sewer and water. Superintendent Kloskowski will research to
determine if the Jajtner property can be served by gravity or
will require a grinder pump and will report his findings at the
April 20, 1989 Public Utilities Committee meeting.
The sewer easement request for the Narlock Land Division was
removed from the agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas Repischak