The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and Repischak,
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Ald. Dumke, and those per the
attached list.
The Committee reviewed the proposed sewer project on Woods Road,
Mystic to Durham, with affected property owners. Ald. Dumke
presented the Committee with a petition against the project which
was obtained before the January Public Utilities meeting and was
considered obsolete because several of the property owners on the
petition are now in favor of the project. A secret ballot was
taken of the property owners present and the result was seven (7)
voting for the project and five (5) voting against the project.
Ald. Hilt moved to direct the City Engineers to prepare the plans
and specifications for the project and to let the bid. It was
the concensus of the Committee that the property tax keyed
2201.998 (Michael & Gloria Bartz) would not be a part of the
project as their property can be serviced by sewers internally.
Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
• No new information was presented to the Committee on FLOW.
Restoration on Sewer Projects were reviewed.
Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee that he has been
working with City Engineer Tom Renner on the capping of lift
stations and a carbon filter system is now being considered.
The Committee reviewed the Highway L Sewer Project and Chairman
Sanders updated the Committee on the status of the agreements
with Waste Management and the securing of the easement from Mr.
Harold DeBack. Attorney Molter is working with Waste Management
to finalize the agreement.
Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared before the Committee to present the
sewer and water plans for the Parkland Road Extension south of
Highway L. Ald. Hilt moved to approve plans subject to the plans
being reviewed by all other agencies. Seconded by Ald.
Repischak, motion carried.
Chairman Sanders updated the Committee on the MMSD Public Policy
Committee meeting approving the proposed amendment to the sewer
service area for Highway 45 and "00".
Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared before the Committee to present the
final sewer plans for the Vesbach property on Woods Road, west of
• Lannon. Ald. Sanders moved to approve subject to the plans being
reviewed by all other agencies. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion
• Public Utilities Committee - Page 2
February 16, 1989
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Director and Land Use
Administrator G. P. Lee dated January 17, 1989, recommending the
following policy for Private Sewer Interceptors:
All plans for private mains must be submitted
to the Department of Planning and
Development. The Department shall route the
plans to the Engineers and, if there is a
division of land, to the Public Utilities
Committee and the Plan Commission. Generally,
there will be a street opening and the
Department will notify the Public Works
Superintendent and collect necessary fees.
Ald. Hilt moved to approve the above policy. Seconded by Ald.
Repischak, motion carried.
The Committee discussed a policy for Theoretical Sewer
Assessments and recommends the following policy:
Theoretical front foot charges will be computed
on the last completed sewer project. The property
will be charged at either minimum front foot per
zoning requirements or on an actual lot footage;
on a case by case basis as determined by the
Public Utility Committee.
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend the above policy. Seconded by Ald.
Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the correspondence from City Clerk Marenda
dated February 16, 1989, regarding the Sewer Usage Billing. The
Committee determined that the sewer stand-by charge of
$251.04/per year will be used as a minimum charge starting with
the second quarter of 1989.
Mr. Ralph Becker, Director of Public Works from the City of New
Berlin, appeared before the Committee to request a refund of
monies paid by the City of New Berlin for a property addressed
6292 South Racine Place, New Berlin, which was never connected to
sewers. Communications previously received from Mr. Becker
showed that $2,970 had been paid from 1979 thru 1989. The
Committee directed the Utility Clerk to refund the City of New
Berlin for the 1989 Sewer Usage payment of $375.00, and directed
the City Clerk to request a refund from MMSD for the portion paid
to MMSD from 1984 thru 1988, and to advise Mr. Becker of any
response. Mr. Becker also indicated that the City of New Berlin
will be responsible for any and all attorney fees resulting from
securing the requested refund.
Public Utilities Committee - Page 3
February 16, 1989
The Committee reviewed correspondence from Future Parkland
Development proposing amendments to the Leachate Hauling
Agreement. The Committee directed the Mayor to work with
Attorney Molter to finalize this agreement.
The Committee reviewed restoration on water projects.
The City has received no update on the status of the Kristin
Downs Water Trust.
The Committee reviewed the proposed water project on Woods Road,
west of Lannon Drive and a memorandum from Mayor Salentine dated
February 16, 1989, in which he refers to the City Engineer's
recommendation that the water main be installed on the north side
of the road. Mr. Stan Potrykus requested that the main be placed
on the south side of the road. The Committee agreed to proceed
with the City Engineer's recommendation to install the water main
on the north side of the road.
Mr. Hollmann appeared before the Committee to request the use of
the Utility driveway at Pumphouse #4, located on Bay Lane. The
Committee granted this request and directed the Mayor to prepare
an agreement to be entered into between the City and Mr. Hollman
releasing the City of all future liability and stipulating that
no vehicle will ever be parked on Utility property. Mr. Hollmann
agrees to pay for any attorney fees involved with preparing this
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross appeared before the Committee to request
water connection to a manhole located on Crowbar and Highway L.
Ald. Hilt moved to grant the connection. Seconded by Ald.
Repischak, motion carried. The Committee determined that the
lateral from the main to the County property line of the road
right-of-way will be the responsibility of the Utility after it
has been installed.
The Deferred Assessment for the Pellmann property was removed
from the agenda at the request of the Pellmanns.
The Committee reviewd the Utility Superintendent report for
February and placed on file.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewd and placed on
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas E. Repischak
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