PUM19890119W� PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 19, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Hilt, Ald. Dumke, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and Mayor Salentine presented the proposed sewer project on Woods Road (Mystic to Durham) to affected property owners. Prior to the presentation, a vote was taken of those present which resulted in a 9 to 4 vote against the project. Ald. Sanders moved to defer action until the February meeting to enable the affected property owners to discuss further. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Clerk's Office will notify all owners of February meeting. Mr. John Gnas appeared before the Committee to discuss the present ordinance regarding outhouses. He submitted to the Committee a petition with forty-one signatures opposing outhouses. The Committeee read two letters that were submitted to the City by Mrs. N. Bruce & Ron Cassidy and Bob & Phyllis Lennart supporting the existing outhouses. Mr. Chrisman, who has Is the outhouses on Pt. Denoon Road, explained that he will remove the outhouse for his property addressed S110 W20370 when plumbing work has been completed and the structure is connected to sewers. The outhouse for the property addressed S110 W20362 services a structure with no inside plumbing. County Supervisor DeAngelis spoke in favor of removal of all outhouses in sewer service areas in Waukesha County. Ald. Hilt move to allow the outhouse to remain that services the structure addressed S110 W20362 and to require removal of the outhouse servicing S110 W20370 when connection to sewers has been completed, with a maximum of nine (9) months after permit to install has been issued. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The Committee discussed the Woods Road - Lannon Drive West proposed water project with affected property owners. Plans for a sewer main to service the Vesbach property have been submitted to the City Engineers. Mr. Walter Vesbach, upon receipt of meeting notification, contacted Mayor Salentine and he will have the Subdivider contact the City to determine the property owner's interest in providing a lateral connection to his property. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the City Engineers to prepare plans and specification and go out for bids for the proposed water project. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW. The Committee had nothing to report on the restoration of sewer projects. Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 January 19, 1989 Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of the sale of city -owned land on McShane. The prospective buyers have notified the City, through their attorney, that they are no longer interested in purchasing the land. Ald. Hilt moved to refer to the Finance Committee for further discussion. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported that Engineer Tom Renner is in the process of providing plans for the capping of the lift stations. The Committee discussed the Highway 24 Sewer Project. The Engineers are doing the necessary survey work and Attorney Don Molter is preparing agreement between Waste Management and the City. Ald. Hilt moved to recommend approval of the necessary easement document for the DeBack property. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the proposed sewer extension on Highway 45 & "00". The prospective developers for the vacant land on Kelly Drive have not contacted the City as to their intent to develop, so Kelly Drive will not be a part of the proposed Valley/Ann Drive water project. The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers on the proposed sewer project for Ann Drive. Mayor Salentine will contact Mr. Gratzek to try to coordinate the timetable for the sewer project and the City's proposed water project. The Committee discussed policy for Theoretical Assessments to determine if an assessment is required on the Knudsen property (Tax Key 2198.984.005). It has been determined that properties where the City will not incur sewer construction costs are not able to be charged a special assessment. The Committee requests that the City Clerk submit, in writing, the past practices on collecting Theoretical Assessments to guide the Committee in establishing a policy for Theoretical Assessments. The Committee reviewed service agreements with Envicon, Inc. for the pump stations on Woods Road and McShane in the amount of $110.00 for each station. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee discussed minimum sewer charge for metered users . and recommended the item be deferred for further study. Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 January 19, 1989 Mayor Salentine and Utility Superintendent Kloskowski will negotiate with Value Village and Sentry on restoration along Highway L. The City Engineers are working with the representative from Kristin Downs Subdivision on connecting the wells to the Municipal Water system. The Committee reviewed proposed driveway on Utility Property and requests that a letter be sent to Mr. Hollman asking him to appear at the February meeting and informing him that if he does not appear the use of the Water Utility property will be terminated. The Utility Superintendent's report was read and placed on file. Minutes of previous meeting were reviewed. Meeting adjourned a 10:35 P.M. • ca 0 Respectfully submitted, Ald. Daniel Hilt Secretary