PUM19881208CORRECTED PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 8, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Hilt, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski, Stan Potrykus, Carl Gratzek and those per the attached list. Ald. Sanders updated the Committee on the status of FLOW. The Committee reviewed restoration on sewer projects and determined that most restoration has been completed with the exception of seeding which will be done in Spring. The Committee is awaiting further information from City Engineer Tom Renner regarding update on odor control for the Northeast & Sandy Beach Lift Stations. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of the sale of city -owned land (McShane). The Finance Committee has reviewed Amendment to Contract of Sale and recommended Council approval deleting lines 22-26 pertaining to ingress/egress. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Attorney Don Molter dated December 6, 1988, which included a rough draft of a • proposed Agreement with Mr. Harold Deback concerning the Highway 24 Sewer Project. Mayor Salentine and Utility Superintendent Kloskowski will meet with the City Engineers and City Attorney to work out all necessary details in regard to assessments, capping and closing of the waterwell in the easement, etc. Mr. DeBack agreed to allow for the closing of the well. The Committee discussed the proposed sewer extension for Highway 45 & "00". No recommendation will be made at this time. The Committee discussed the proposed sewer extension on Ann Drive with Mr. Carl Gratzek. Ald. Sanders moved to approve sewer extension and to send sewer map provided by Metropolitan Engineering to the City Engineers for their review. The Committee discussed proposed water extension for Valley, and Ann Drive. Ald. Sanders moved to direct the City Engineers to prepare plans and specifications and go out for bids for an extension of water on Valley Drive (Highway 24 to Ann Drive) and Ann Drive. The Committee determined that the policy for assessment to be used for this project will be as outlined in Resolution #239-86, which states that "front foot deferments will be offered to those properties fronting on a water trunk line installed by the City as a main transmission facility". Public Utilities Committee - Page 2 December 8, 1988 to The Committee reviewed the existing Residential Equivalency Chart (REC) as adopted by Resolution #169-84, and amended by Resolution #13-88 for multiple family units. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend deletion of 2 REC's for a duplex and to determine the REC charge using multiple family calculations. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee reviewed proposed sewer plans for the Vesbach property on Woods Road with Mr. Stan Potrykus and Mrs. Dorothy Vesbach. The Committee approved Mrs. Vesbach running a sewer main for the proposed seven (7) lot division. The Committee is recommending that the plans submitted be sent to the City Engineers to review the feasibility of extending water service to this property. The property owners on Woods Road, west of Lannon Drive, will be invited to the January 19th Public Utility meeting. Ald. Sanders moved to approve request for certification for non - sewer use of water for the Cleanco Corporation (Duranso Building) in the Industrial Park because discharged water will not enter the sewer system. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried. The Committee discussed adopting a policy for vacant properties that are in the sewer service area. The Committee determined { that a policy be put in place using the MMSD philosophy that if a development is within 1,000 feet of existing sewers, the development must connect to sewer; if a development is more than 1,000 feet from existing sewers it could be serviced by a holding tank, mound system or septic system. The Committee reviewed existing Reserve Capacity Assessment (RCA). Ald. Hilt moved to recommend that the RCA be escalated to reimburse the City for interest expended on the debt. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. The RCA began in 1985, was escalated in 1986, and the Council determined that the rate for 1987 and 1988 would remain the same. The new figures for 1989 will be $295.00 for existing and $1,770 for new construction. In accordance with Resolution #267-86, adopted on November 25, 1986, the WCA will be increased by $36.00 (per WCA) per year commencing on the 1st day of January, 1989. The Committee discussed proposed Sewer Project for Woods Road (Mystic to Durham). MMSD plans approval expires in December of 1989. The Committee requests that the affected property owners be invited to the January 19, 1988 Public Utilities Committee meeting. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported two breaks in the forced main at the Jensen Lift Station occurred in the last . year. The Committee requests that the City Engineers provide a cost estimate for replacing this force main. • Public Utilities Committee - Page 3 December 8, 1988 The Committee discussed replacement of landscaping for Value Village and Sentry as a result of the Hwy. 24 water project. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski has secured a proposal from T. J. Landscaping Co. Mayor Salentine has met with Mr. Tomczyk from Value Village and Mr. Tomczyk will meet with Mr. Eichmann to determine what they want done and a decision will be made by the Committee at their January meeting. City Engineer Ken Ward has advised the City that the amount suggested to be withheld from the Contractor for the landscaping should be anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500. Mayor Salentine and Superintendent Kloskowski will meet with the City Engineer and the City Attorney to work on the necessary paper work for the acquisition of the Kristin Downs Community Well. The Committee clarified the minutes of November 17, 1988, regarding the proposed Narlock five parcel land division to indicate that the two existing houses ("A" and "B") on the property will not be required to hook to sewers unless a sewer main abuts the property; "C" and "D" are required to have sewers; and parcel "E" an alternate method of septic disposal. The Committee reviewed the DNR report, dated November 18, 1988, isconsisting of a report on the investigation of the City's water utility and contains recommendations and requirements concerning conditions observed. Utility Superintendent Kloskowski will work with City Engineer Dan Butler on recommendations and will report back to the January meeting. It was noted that flags are required by the DNR to be placed on the fire hydrants at a cost of $10.70 each. The Utility Superintendent's Sewer Report for November and December of 1988 was reviewed and placed on file. ca 0 Respectfully submitted, Ald. Dan Hilt Acting Secretary 0 i i +1 I i I i + ce --