The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Repischak, Mayor
Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the
attached list.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW. He explained the
recent impact of the Supreme Court decision and reviewed the
various alternatives that are being pursued to settle the method
of charging dispute with MMSD. It was noted that the Waukesha
County Court case ahead of Judge McGraw is scheduled for April of
Paving and restoration is being completed on the Hillendale Sewer
The City is awaiting approval from MMSD for the Bellview/Bay Lane
Sewer Project before connection notices can be mailed.
Utility Superintendent Kloskowski informed the Committee that the
required permit from MMSD has been completed and returned to the
• Department of Planning & Development.
The Committee reviewed status of Janesville Road Sewer Project.
As soon as road design plans are received and sent to the City
Engineer for review, the Chairman of the Public Utility Committee
will negotiate the necessary easement.
The Committee reviewed the feasibility of connecting Valley View
Heights Subdivision by gravity sewer to Hillendale. Based on
engineering information, this is not a feasible route because the
lot it crosses has been assessed and has a buildable status and
the sewer installed on Hillendale has not been designed deep
enough to allow Valley View Heights Subdivision to be served by
gravity. The option to Sunnyhill is viable, but not any more
cost effective than the option that requires a lift station.
Attorney Schober appeared before the Committee on behalf of the
Dale Dawson property to discuss the sewerage facilities for the
proposed development. The engineer's data determined that the
Hi-Y Ranch lift station has sufficient capacity for this
development. The Committee requested that the property have
sewer sevice made available.
The Committee reviewed maintenance contracts for the Northeast
Pumping Station and the Woods Road Pumping Station, in the amount
• of $110.00 each, and recommended Common Council approval.
Public Utility Committee - Page 2
July 14, 1988
The Committee discussed procedure for charging theoretical sewer
assessments. The Utility Committee determined that a property
requesting sewer connection and receiving a theoretical
assessment can be put on the ten year payment plan after the City
Clerk has obtained signature on the Waiver of Public Hearing. As
soon as that signature is received, the assessment is put on the
books. The Committee also determined that the theoretical
assessment will be based on the latest sewer project for front
foot assessment and interest rate.
Mr. Carl Gratzek appeared before the Committee to request sewer
service for the property abutting Ann Drive and the Committee
approved the request. The Committee requested Mr. Gratzek to
supply cost figures for the city connecting the existing house
(tax key 2195.931). It was suggested that feasibility for
extending the water main to Ann Drive area be researched.
Mr. Phillip Eidler appeared before the Committee to request
installation of an 8 inch private main to provide sewer
connection to a proposed home on Courtland . The Committee was
of the opinion that it has no jurisdiction over an 8 inch private
main to serve his proposed home. If in the future there would be
a division of the property, this main would become a public
service sewer main and Committee's approval would be needed at
that time.
• Mr. William R. Griesemer, W172 S7369 Lake Drive, appeared before
the Committee to request adjustment of $62.50 sewer charge
because the closing letter failed to make the owner aware of the
outstanding charge. The Committee directed the City Clerk to
reimburse the property owner for $62.50 and to send a statement
of charges to the original property owner.
Mr. Bill Paschke appeared before the Committee to request sewer
service for the Willow Pond Apartments. The Committee determined
that the sewer mains within the City's right-of-way will be
dedicated to the City but that the internal sewer mains will be
considered as private laterals and will not be dedicated to the
The Committee reviewed restoration on water projects. It was
noted that the drought conditions have not allowed restoration to
be completed. Parkland Mall and the Sentry Store on Janesville
Road are to be contacted to determine if the dead shrubbery
impacted by the water project should be removed at this time. If
the consensus is removal, the Utility Superintendent will
The Committee was informed that a representative of Kristin Downs
Water Trust attended the City meeting held with the Public
Service Commission and the representative stated, in his opinion,
• the Kristin Downs Water Trust intends to pursue its connection to
the City's Public Utility.
Public Utility Committee - Page 3
July 14, 1988
• No action was taken on the request
information on Lannon Drive. The
questions on this project should
Superintendent Kloskowski.
for hydrant design location
Committee suggested any
be directed to Utility
The status of the installation of the Guernsey Meadows water
meters was reviewed by Utility Superintendent Kloskowski. It was
noted per the Public Service Commission letter dated July 14,
1988, that a flat rate method of charging would be used for the
pro -rated portion of the second quarter of 1988 ($36.50) and a
flat rate charge for the 3rd quarter of 1988 of $72.50. The
correspondence also stated that all meters are to be installed so
that the property owner can implement water conservation. The
Mayor is of the opinion that the letter provided to the Guernsey
Meadows Water Trust indicated that the meters were to be
installed free, which did not include plumbing to the meter horn.
The Committee reviewed minutes of previous meeting and determined
that a policy be set whereby any bills submitted to the City for
sewer cleaning, which are a result of a back-up in a city main,
will be reimbursed a $25.00 service charge only. The Committee
directs the City Clerk to reimburse Mr. Ricky Medrow, W187 S6876
Jewel Crest, $25.00 for the service call on a clogged City sewer
The Committee reviewed Utility Reports for the months of June and
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas Repischak