CCM.2022.10.11 APPRAPPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES gef C4 af October 11, 2022 6:00 PM USKEGO Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue ik CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 6:23 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Alderpersons Wolfe, Hammel, Terrence, Kapusta, Schroeder, Kubacki, and Madden. Also present: City Attorney Warchol, and Deputy Clerk Roller. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Deputy Clerk Roller stated the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. PUBLIC COMMENT None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Petfalski stated that we are working our way through the budget process now. There will be a special Council Meeting tomorrow at 5.00 pm. concerning a resolution to allow us to have the State health care plan bid our plan. CONSENT AGENDA Alderperson Kubacki moved to Approve the following items under Consent; Alderperson Hammel seconded. Motion Carried. • Approval of Common Council Meeting Minutes - September 27, 2022 • Resolution #085-2022 - Approval of a Two -Lot Certified Survey Map (Jilly's Car Wash) • Resolution #086-2022 - Approve Dedication of Public Improvements for the Glen at Muskego Lakes • Resolution #087-2022 - Approval to Purchase Playground Equipment for Veterans Memorial Park • Resolution #088-2022 - Approval of Letter of Credit Reduction for Presbyterian Homes NEW BUSINESS Resolution #089-2022 - Disallowance of Claim (Lukasik) Alderperson Kubacki moved to Approve; Alderperson Madden seconded. Motion Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance #1477 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (RCE & RC-3 to CPD/Autumn Penn LLC). Second Reading. Alderperson Madden moved to Approve; Alderperson Wolfe seconded. Motion Carried. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee Meeting Minutes - September 13, 2022 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes - September 13, 2022 Common Council Meeting Minutes October 11, 2022 VOUCHER APPROVAL Page 12 Alderperson Kubacki moved to approve Utility Vouchers in the amount of $256,950.75. Alderperson Terrence seconded; motion carried. Alderperson Kubacki moved to approve General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $527,417.77. Alderperson Terrence seconded; motion carried. Alderperson Kubacki moved to approve Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $383,947.45. Alderperson Terrence seconded; motion carried. CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Updates from Aldermanic Liaisons — None. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None CLOSED SESSION Following conclusion of consideration of the above portion of its regularly scheduled agenda, the Common Council will meet to vote on a motion to convene in Closed Session for discussion/action relative to: reorganization of the Finance and Administration Department and to take such further action as may be appropriate with respect to such matters. A Closed Session for the above purpose is authorized pursuant to the provisions of 19.85(1)(c) Wis. Stats., Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Upon conclusion of the Closed Session, the Common Council will convene in Open Session to consider its public agenda, including motions to recommend approval or rejection of the above - listed deliberations or any of the public agenda items that have not been acted upon. Alderperson Kubacki made a motion to convene into Closed Session at 6:29 pm pursuant to the reorganization of the Finance and Administration Department and to take such further action as may be appropriate with respect to such matters. Alderperson Schroeder seconded. Roll call vote; motion carried with 7 in favor. OPEN SESSION Alderperson Schroeder made a motion to reconvene into Open Session; Alderperson Kapusta seconded. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Alderperson Kubacki moved to adjourn at 6:45 pm. Alderperson Wolfe seconded; motion carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Deputy Clerk Roller.