PCR2022055 Frey Auto BSO AmendRESOLUTION #P.C. 055-2022
(TAX KEY NO. 2296.996 / S107 W16311 LOOMIS ROAD)
WHEREAS, A submittal was received for a Building, Site and Operation (BSO) Plan amendment
for Frey Automotive located in the SE'/ of Section 34 (S107 W16311 Loomis Road / Tax Key No.
2296.996), and
WHEREAS, Frey Automotive's main property location has been out of compliance due to the
number, location and condition of vehicles and they have been storing vehicles at different off -site
locations without approvals and is currently going through the City's citation process due to this
non-compliance, and
WHEREAS, Approval from the Plan Commission is being sought to allow the use of parking of
vehicles within a fenced area on this secondary off -site location, all in an effort to bring the main
dealership site into compliance, and
WHEREAS, The survey shows that within the fenced area there is an area of gravel/asphalt, a
wetland and the remaining areas that would be grass and vegetation, and
WHEREAS, The fence that encompasses the parking area would be an eight -foot cedar privacy
wood fence facing towards the southeast and east sides with the remainder of the fencing
proposed as an eight -foot chain link fence with barbed wire above, and
WHEREAS, Typically, all parking areas must be paved with striped parking stalls and drive aisles
of 12-feet in width for one-way traffic and 24-feet for two-way traffic, and
WHEREAS, Paving the parking area would be ideal with a residential use immediately to the west,
WHEREAS, The proposed use is being considered commercial parking for the full automotive
business across Muskego Dam Drive and would be allowed as a permitted use by right under the
Highway Business District, and
WHEREAS, There must not be any service or sales occurring on this property unless a
Conditional Use Grant is approved prior to any service or sales, and
WHEREAS, The storage of junked or wrecked automobiles or parts is specifically prohibited on
this site, per the Zoning Code, and
WHEREAS, No refuse enclosure was included on the plans and must not be on -site, and
WHEREAS, The proposal also includes lighting via the WE Energies `night aura' program and
additional information is needed regarding the existing lights and the proposed lighting, and
WHEREAS, The existing property has been vacant for numerous years and portions of the site
are in the need of some care/maintenance and cleanup, and
WHEREAS, No new signage is proposed at this time.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves a Building, Site and
Operation Plan amendment for Frey Automotive located in the SE'/ of Section 34 (S107 W16311
Loomis Road / Tax Key No. 2296.996).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, This use on this property will be subject to the same annual review
(or other period of time as required by the Plan Commission) requirement as the main car
dealership is.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A Zoning Permit will need to be submitted to formally permit the
fence construction.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A signed lease must be submitted to the City before any work can
begin on site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All fencing visible from the public right-of-way must be constructed
with solid fencing materials matching the side along Loomis Road.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The approve parking allowed by this approval only applies within
the new fenced area on the southeastern portion of the property and not within the older fenced
area on the northern portion of the site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A site plan is needed to show the extent of all paving and gravel
and exactly where vehicles will be parked, along with the existing tree/vegetation line to get a
better understanding of final plan will look and how the existing vegetation/screening will be
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, As part of the permitting process for this parking, a
grading/drainage plan will most likely be required by the Engineering to ensure proper site
drainage is maintained.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All areas intended for drive aisles and parking stalls must be
paved to a hard surface.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Drive aisles must be 12 feet wide for one-way traffic or 24 feet
wide for two-way traffic.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The entire site needs to be cleaned up, including weeding
throughout the site and the spraying of weeds in any gravel portion of the site.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No customer visits including service or sales are allowed on this
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No refuse/recycling containers can be on -site
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No junked or wrecked automobiles or parts are allowed anywhere
on this site, even within the fenced area.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any bollards, railings, ladders, louvers, vents, etc. must be
painted to match the colors of the principal structure.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any signage (temporary or permanent) will require further review
and formal permit approvals.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any new/altered exterior lighting (wall mounted and/or pole
mounted) will need approvals from the Planning Division before any lighting changes can be
made and all City required lighting specs must be met, include all fixtures being full cut-off with
zero degree tilt, including any WE Energies poles/lights.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No outdoor storage is allowed outside without further Plan
Commission approvals, including but not limited to pallets, products, materials, etc.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise
authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution
shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Deferred: September 6, 2022
Introduced: September 6, 2022
ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager