PCR2022048 MNSD Roof SignRESOLUTION #P.C. 048-2022
(W183 S8750 RACINE AVENUE / TAX KEY NO. 2242.999)
WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Eric Rohs of Sign Effectz, Inc. on behalf of Muskego-
Norway School District for approval of a sign located on top of the press box at the football field of
Muskego High School located at W 183 S8750 Racine Avenue / Tax Key No. 2242.999, and
WHEREAS, The proposed sign is to commemorate the state championships that the Muskego
High School football team has won and the intention of the school is to create a "bowl effect' by
mounting the commemorative sign on top of the press box, and
WHEREAS, The sign was designed to match the theme of the stadium and scoreboard and is
intended to be prominently lit on game days, and
WHEREAS, The sign code does not allow "roof signs" within the City but does allow "wall signs",
WHEREAS, The applicant has proposed constructing a "wall"/backer feature, which has been
described as an extension of the press box wall, made out of corrugated metal panels within
metal framework, which will match the corrugated metal panels on the press box below, and
WHEREAS, This backer feature then is mounted to the top of the press box roof, giving the visual
appears of a recessed wall extension and the backer feature will be supported with angled
support arms on the back side of said feature, which may be visible from the rear, and
WHEREAS, The actual sign feature of this proposal is then proposed to be mounted on the front
facade of the backer and there are also portions of the sign feature that would be located on the
upper portion of the existing brick portion of the press box, and
WHEREAS, The total height of the backer feature would exceed the typical build height
allowance in the 1-1 district but the code allows for the Plan Commission to grant a height waiver
for certain items, which the Plan Commission will need to review for, and
WHEREAS, Signs are not typically allowed to extend above the top of the highest point of
wall/eve of a building, unless a waiver is granted by the Plan Commission.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission approves of a sign located on top of the
press box at the football field of Muskego High School located at W183 S8750 Racine Avenue /
Tax Key No. 2242.999.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Sign Permits must be submitted and issued before the sign
feature can be installed and a Building Permit may be required for the backer/wall feature on
which the sign would be located.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A copy of said plans must be kept on file and that all aspects of
this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution
shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: June 7, 2022
Introduced: June 7, 2022
ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski AICP, Planning Manager