PCR2022047 Pop's BSO AmendRESOLUTION #P.C. 047-2022 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AMENDMENT FOR POP'S' KETTLE CORN LOCATED IN THE NE % OF SECTION 17 (TAX KEY NO. 2225.9878.004 / S79 W18907 UNIT 2 JANESVILLE ROAD) WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Mark Knudsen of Pop's Kettle Corn for a Building, Site and Operation (BSO) Plan amendment located at S79 W18907 Unit 2 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2225.987.004, and WHEREAS, The petitioner is seeking approval to install an overhead garage door on the east side of the multi -tenant building, and WHEREAS, The building was originally setup for four tenant spaces and the first (closer to Janesville Road) is where AutoZone is located and the space for this proposal is at the southern end of the building where Pop's Kettle Corn will be relocated, and WHEREAS, Pop's Kettle Corn will be relocating their business from the current location to the unit of the multi -tenant building shared with AutoZone, and WHEREAS, The petitioner explains that in order to start working in the new location, they need a larger opening in the unit to move machinery in and out, and WHEREAS, The east side of the building is the front of the tenant space and so the garage door would be on the front fagade of the business, and WHEREAS, The current building is a mixture of masonry, EIFS and a large expanse of windows and pedestrian doors making up the storefront of the building, and WHEREAS, The petitioner is looking to install a white aluminum garage door for a period of one year and by May 2023 they would either painting a Pop's logo on the door in lieu of any wall signage and/or paint the door a cream color to match the exterior EIFS on the top panel with the lower panels painted grey to match the masonry, and WHEREAS, The space will not be used for any events or retail use so they would prefer to install an aluminum door rather than a glass door, and WHEREAS, The General Design Guide identifies that materials shall have a good architectural character and be selected for harmony of the building with adjacent buildings and the surrounding community; materials shall be selected for suitability to the type of buildings and the design in which they are used; and that the buildings shall have the same materials used for all building walls and other exterior building components wholly or partly visible from public ways, and WHEREAS, On all commercial storefronts of recent review if an overhead door was going to be installed for either opening up the space for outdoor activity or for car washes the door was required to be a more decorative glass, if possible. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and Operation Plan amendment for Pop's Kettle Corn located at S79 W18907 Unit 2 Janesville Road / Tax Key No. 2225.987.004. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, If needed, an aluminum overhead door painted to match the color of the building could be utilized for a period of one year from the date of this resolution to assist the petitioner with relocating the business. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, After the initial year period, then the applicant would need to come back to see if the Plan Commission would the aluminum painted door to remain, if the esthetics meet City standards for a commercial storefront, or the Plan Commission may decide that the storefront needs to be finished with glass panels, or something else they deem esthetically pleasing, as described in the General Design Guide. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No outdoor storage or overnight parking is allowed on -site at any time, unless further approvals are granted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A copy of said plans must be kept on file and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: June 7, 2022 Denied: Deferred: Introduced: June 7, 2022 ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager