PCR2022045 GFL BSO AmendRESOLUTION #P.C. 045-2022
(TAX KEY NO. 2165.998.014 / W144 S6350 COLLEGE COURT)
WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Marcia Median of Trustar Energy / Opal Fuels for a
Building, Site and Operation (BSO) Plan amendment for GFL Muskego located at W144 S6350
College Court / Tax Key No. 2165.998.014, and
WHEREAS, The petitioner is seeking approval to allow for the construction and operation of a
new private natural gas fueling system for GFL vehicles, and
WHEREAS, The new private fueling system for only GFL vehicles only, and
WHEREAS, Many of the GFL trucks will be converted to operate on the CNG, and
WHEREAS, The natural gas from fossil fuels and gas supplied from renewable sources would be
piped to the site via We Energies where it is processed and then delivered through an overhead
truss system and then released into the trucks, and
WHEREAS, The improvements to the site include the equipment compound where the natural
gas is process into the CNG and the three overhead trusses with individual parking areas for
refueling, and
WHEREAS, The equipment compound is proposed on the eastern side of the site and contains
all of the compressors and equipment needed to process the fuel, and
WHEREAS, All of the equipment will be located behind a 6' white vinyl privacy fence as well as a
series of bollards surrounding the fencing, and
WHEREAS, Three separate truss systems will be created with two of the three allowing a double
row of parking for refueling for a total of 68 refueling stalls, and
WHEREAS, Because the entire area is gravel, rather than marked parking stalls, each parking
location will be identified with a parking stop, and
WHEREAS, Safety yellow bollards are identified at each post of the truss system, and
WHEREAS, The lighting on the site is shown as pole lights as well as lighting mounted to the
truss system between each of the parking locations, and
WHEREAS, A photometric plan was submitted and the light levels exceed 0.5 foot-candles on the
eastern side of the property by the equipment compound with light spilling onto the farm field and
on the western portion of the property nearest the refueling truss with light spilling onto a
neighboring industrial property, and
WHEREAS, Once construction and training of the employees has been completed, there will not
be any additional traffic at the location as each driver will be trained to operate the fueling system,
WHEREAS, With the construction of the refueling trusses, all of the outdoor storage of dumspters
will be relocated to the southeast corner of the site behind the existing building, and
WHEREAS, The non-CNG vehicles will be parked along the eastern property line south of the
equipment compound, where vehicles are already parked, and
WHEREAS, Currently the location where the overhead trusses will be located is a large area of
outdoor storage consisting of garbage trucks, household size refuse and recycling containers,
larger dumppters and other trucks and none of the outdoor storage may be relocated to the
northern portion of the property and the drive aisles must remain clear for use as well as for
emergency services if needed, and
WHEREAS, No new exterior changes to the buildings have been proposed at this time.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and
Operation Plan amendment for GFL Muskego located at W144 S6350 College Court / Tax Key
No. 2165.998.014.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The bollards visible from the right-of-way, around the equipment
compound, being the east side and north sides, must be painted white to match the fencing while
the southern and western bollards may remain the safety yellow color.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any new/altered exterior lighting will need formal approvals from
the Planning Division before any lighting changes can be made and all City required lighting
specs must be met, include all fixtures being full cut-off with zero degree tilt and lighting levels at
the lot lines, including along the eastern lot line.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, None of the outdoor storage/bins/dumpsters may be relocated to
the northern portion of the property and the drive aisles must remain clear for use as well as for
emergency services if needed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any signage (temporary or permanent) will require further review
for compliance with City sign code regulations and permit approvals and no signage can be
placed in the right-of-way, without specific City approvals.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A copy of said plans must be kept on file and that all aspects of
this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution
shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: June 7, 2022
Introduced: June 7, 2022
ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager