PCR2022041 St Leonards BSO AmendRESOLUTION #P.C. 041-2022 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AMENDMENT FOR ST. LEONARD'S LOCATED IN THE SE'/4 OF SECTION 9 (W173 S7743 WESTWOOD DRIVE / TAX KEY NO. 2196.945) WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Bill Klovas of the St. Leonard Congregation for a Building, Site and Operation Plan Amendment (BSO) located at W 173 S7743 Westwood Drive / Tax Key No. 2196.945, and WHEREAS, The petitioner is proposing an outdoor Columbarium including seven granite structures with 12" x 12" niches to house the permanent remains of ashes from loved ones, and WHEREAS, The Columbarium will include an octagon structure in the middle with six additional rectangular structures surrounding the middle structure on a 41-foot wide hexagonal -shaped concrete pad with landscaping surrounding the pad and a walkway from the current parking lot, and WHEREAS, The concrete slab will be 121 feet from the nearest property line to the north, and WHEREAS, The octagon (shown as a hexagon) structure in the center will be six feet wide and 78 inches in height and each of the other six structures will be 87 inches wide by 32 inches wide and 78 inches in height, and WHEREAS, The structures will be polished granite with a black granite face that will be engraved with a name and date, and WHEREAS, The project will be phased as space is needed for additional structures with the first phase of the project including the concrete pad, center octagon structure and landscaping, and WHEREAS, The landscaping proposed includes a variety of bushes, flowering perennials and grasses surrounding the Columbarium. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and Operation Plan amendment for St. Leonard's Church located at W 173 S7743 Westwood Drive / Tax Key No. 2196.945. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any new signage will require review and approval via a separate permit process. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, If any lighting is proposed separate reviews and permits will be required. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the future phases of this development, as shown on the approved plans, are valid until the project is complete and are not subject to the typical two-year BSO expiration timeframe. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A copy of said plans must be kept on file and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: June 7, 2022 Denied: Deferred: Introduced: June 7, 2022 ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski AICP, Planning Manager