PCR2022023 Fleet Farm BSOAMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 023-2022 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING, SITE, AND OPERATION PLAN FOR FLEET FARM LOCATED IN THE NE'/4 OF SECTION 5 (TAX KEY NO. 2177.996 / SOUTHEAST CORNER OF RACINE AND COLLEGE AVENUES) WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Fleet Farm for a new retail store with a gas station/convenience store/car wash ancillary use located at the southeast corner of Racine Avenue and College Avenue (Tax Key No. 2177.996), and WHEREAS, The property is zoned B-3 General Business District and that district allows retail uses as a permitted use by right, subject to Plan Commission approval, with gas stations and auto service uses via a Conditional Use Grant (CUG), and WHEREAS, A Public Hearing for the Conditional Use Grant (CUG) portions of the approval (gas station and auto service uses) will be heard in front of the Plan Commission attentively at the April 5, 2022 meeting, and WHEREAS, The 2020 Comprehensive Plan shows this property for commercial uses and the proposal is consistent with the plan, and WHEREAS, The proposal is to build a new 137,455 SF retail store with an accessory racking building within a fenced area and a gas station/car wash with overhead gas canopy, and WHEREAS, The proposed hours of the main store and gas station are 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday thru Saturday, and Sunday the hours would be from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and the proposed car wash hours would be 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and WHEREAS, The business is estimating the creation of 225 part-time and full-time jobs in the main retail store, auto center and convenience store, and WHEREAS, This property is governed by the General Design Guide and the Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide, and WHEREAS, The proposed building utilizes precast masonry panels with inlaid brick masonry and a decorative parapet coping system on all four sides of the building, and WHEREAS, Full brick tower elements and tall corner elements are utilized which provide a mixture of textures and depth to the building, and WHEREAS, The bulk of the building will be masonry (mix of various brick, block and concrete panels) with some very limited areas of aluminum composite/metal material as an accent/architectural feature, and WHEREAS, A large glass curtain wall, with automatic sliding entry doors, defines the main customer entry, along with heated canopies over all customer entry points, and WHEREAS, Clerestory windows are present to create a more modern look and feel to main facade, and WHEREAS, The remainder of the doors, including the employee service doors, overhead doors and shipping dock doors, will be painted to match the exterior of the building, and WHEREAS, The front corners of the building are identified as being 36-feet in height while the B- 3 General Business District has a maximum height of 30-feet, which is the height of the main parapet wall for the bulk of the building, and WHEREAS, The additional height is proposed for various taller `tower' corner elements and other architectural features that drop down to the parapet walls, all of which will provide screening for the roof top mechanical units, and WHEREAS, The petitioner is seeking a waiver to the maximum height requirement for the decorative brick tower elements and similar decorative features, and WHEREAS, Portions of some of the parapet walls may be visible from some angles and the applicant is proposing to wrap the rear side of said parapet walls with a white roof membrane material, and WHEREAS, The Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide calls for buildings to be constructed to be harmonious with their natural and built surroundings while avoiding repetition and monotony with pitched roofs such as hip, gambrel, gable, etc. for the buildings, and WHEREAS, The overall use of materials, colors and depth have been utilized as the design guide references, however the pitched roof portion of the design guide is not incorporated into the main building given is stature, size and design type, but the suggested pitched roofs are found on the gas station building and gas canopy, and WHEREAS, There is a proposed fenced outdoor storage and pick-up area located on the north side of the building, which includes a partial overhang area, covered racking and uncovered racking for storage, and WHEREAS, The fencing on the west side (Racine Avenue facing) of the outdoor storage area includes a masonry band, brick columns at the corners and entrances with a decorative fencing that reaches 12 feet in height, and WHEREAS, The north and east sides of the outdoor storage area include a 16-foot Trex composite wood horizontal slat solid fence to screen the outdoor storage, and WHEREAS, The racking building, located within the outdoor storage area, is a stucco clad building with a gray wainscoting and red walls to match the colors of the main building and a gray standing seam roof to match that of the gas station, gas canopy and guard hut, and WHEREAS, The racking building will be approximately 20-feet in total height with 16-foot racking shelves for storage, and WHEREAS, The racking within the outdoor storage area will be 16-feet in height and will be predominantly screened from view from the north and east sides, and WHEREAS, A small building (Guard Hut) for an employee is located just inside the fenced area, for the outdoor pick-up lane, that has been designed with brick veneer banding to match the brick fence columns, EIFS walls and a standing seam metal panel pitched roof with colors to match the colors used throughout the site, and WHEREAS, In front (to the west) of the northwest corner of the main building and in front (to the west) of the fenced outdoor storage area there is proposed to be two outdoor display areas for larger pre -assembled outdoor seasonal items, which will rotate, such as trailers, lawnmowers, snow blowers, hunting blinds, bikes, log splitters, kayaks, lawn/garden equipment, farm accessories, etc., and WHEREAS, On the south side of the building, Fleet Farm is proposing a seasonal garden center within the parking lot taking over 56 of the parking stalls from April to June that will include a shade structure, greenhouse and a movable shed used as the check-out station, and WHEREAS, The shade structure is an open metal structure with a mesh or screen type fabric strung above for shade typical for outdoor plant sales while the greenhouse is a standard arched greenhouse for seasonal sales, all of which will be taken down at the end of said season and stored off -site or within the fenced outdoor storage area each season for use next year, and WHEREAS, The movable shed is made with EIFS and a standing seam metal roof to match the colors of the other buildings and will be moved to the outdoor storage area on the opposite side of the building in the off season, and WHEREAS, For the gas station and car wash building, the same exterior materials from the retail store will be utilized along with the standing seam hip roof with the same color scheme as the main building, and WHEREAS, The gas canopy has been designed to match the building with brick columns extending 14.5' feet up the canopy supports to match the brick throughout the site and the mansard/hip roof of the canopy will also match the building being the standing seam metal panels, and WHEREAS, The proposal for the front of gas station includes two outside containers on the north (front) side of the building, one being a propane tank cage and one being a bagged ice freezer, and WHEREAS, Fleet Farm is also proposing placing salt and washer fluid under the gas canopy between the support columns, and WHEREAS, The car wash is located on the southern side of the gas station building towards the retail store, with its exit facing east, and WHEREAS, In the northwest corner of the gas station area, Fleet Farm is proposing a pet wash station that is a premanufactured structure that is placed on -site to promote the pet friendly environment of Fleet Farm, and WHEREAS, The overall site is designed with the store in the southeast portion of the property and the gas station on the northeast portion of the site, and WHEREAS, Due to the elevation changes on site and in relation to adjacent sites, Fleet Farm has indicated that retaining walls will be installed on the east and south sides of the property to level the land for the development with a 42-inch guard rail system, and WHEREAS, There are 429 parking stalls proposed on the whole site including the area by the store and the gas station and based on the code requirement 935 parking stalls are recommended, and WHEREAS, The submitted development narrative states that a total of 3.06 parking stalls per 1,000 square feet of building area are proposed, which Fleet Farm has found to be sufficient based on selected stores going back to 2006, while the 935 parking stalls results in a ratio of 6.67 parking stalls per 1,000 square feet of building area, and WHEREAS, All parking stalls are shown to be 9' x 18' to meet the code with driveway aisles of 24-feet wide for two-way traffic, and WHEREAS, The design guide requires a landscaping island for every ten parking spaces and Fleet Farm is requesting a waiver to this requirement while they include a landscaping island on either end of the parking stalls and then breaks up longer stretches of parking stalls with cart corrals, and WHEREAS, The site is designed with access locations approved by Waukesha County as one access on Racine Avenue and one on College Avenue, and WHEREAS, Further access is being sought by Fleet Farm from Waukesha County, pending possible future approval, for a right-in/right-out directly into the parking area from Racine Avenue on the southern portion of the site, and WHEREAS, Fleet Farm is showing a location where a future access could be extended to the property directly south so if/when the property to the south is developed this future access should be reviewed for cross -access connectivity, and WHEREAS, A brick refuse enclosure is shown on the plans southwest of the gas building, for use by the gas station, and the there is a proposed trash compactor being built into the western most truck dock and no other refuse/recycling containers are proposed/allowed on site, and WHEREAS, A fully enclosed masonry tire storage enclosure is located on the southern side of the building near the seasonal garden sales area with a metal standing seam roof, and WHEREAS, A landscape plan has been provided that shows various landscaping throughout the site and said plan is pending review and approval, and WHEREAS, Four raised planning beds have been added to the front of the building to break up the front of the building with some greenery, and WHEREAS, The landscape plan shows some plantings to screen the loading docks from College Avenue and the residents to the east, that will be to further reviewed by the City, as screening of the compactor and the docks is very important, and WHEREAS, Fleet Farm will be meeting with Tom Zagar, the City Conservation Coordinator / City Forester in order to walk the wooded area on the northwest corner of the site to review which trees and undergrowth can be removed while preserving the tree and undergrowth species that are important/valuable to the area, and WHEREAS, There is a generator and a transformer, to be enclosed by a 10' high decorative fence, proposed off the southeast corner of the main building, and WHEREAS, Specific signage details have not been provided but there are some general ideas of signage shown on the elevation drawing that include various wall signage, and WHEREAS, No details relating to any freestanding signage has been shown/presented at this time, and WHEREAS, All final signage designs will require sign permits and all signage must meet the signage allowances, as defined in the Zoning Code, which includes all wall signs to be limited to no more than 5% of each respective wall face/elevation, including on the canopy face of the gas canopy, and WHEREAS, A photometric plan has been included along with specs of proposed lighting fixtures, and WHEREAS, The photometric plan indicates that the lighting will all be building mounted, soffit mounted, and pole mounted, and WHEREAS, The photometric plan shows that the lighting levels are within the maximum City requirements with only one limited area exceeding the 0.5 foot-candle level, which is located at the southern lot line where the property is wooded and the adjacent land owned by the Muskego- Norway School District, and WHEREAS, The light poles will be 25' feet in height meeting the City requirements and per code requirements, the concrete bases for the light poles cannot exceed a height of 6 inches above grade, and WHEREAS, The development will be served by municipal sewer, and WHEREAS, After extensive review by the City Engineering and the City water utility, it appears as though a lengthy extension to the City's water system will not provide the capacity needed for water/fire protection flows so a private water well and holding system will be utilized on -site with a lateral extension to the property line to connect to City water if/when it is available at some point in the future, and WHEREAS, Stormwater management facilities will be located thought the site, predominantly located with underground facilities with some limited surface facilities, and WHEREAS, The applicant has been working with the DNR for some limited areas of wetland fill and all final permits are subject to approval from the DNR for said wetland fill, and WHEREAS, The site plans show concrete curb and gutter throughout the site. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and Operation Plan for Fleet Farm located at the southeast corner of College Avenue and Racine Avenue (Tax Key No. 2177.996). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A Conditional Use Grant (CUG) is required for the gasoline service station use as well as the auto service use portion of the main store. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The back side of any visible parapet walls/features must be clad with material that matches the color of the front side of the said wall/feature. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The color of any solid pedestrian doors and overhead doors need to match the color of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All structures, parking areas, curbing and driveways must be located at least 15' from any wetland area, unless said wetland areas is part of the DNR approved wetland alteration permit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All deliveries (products, fuel, etc.) are limited to between the hours of 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All delivery trucks/vehicles must be turned off when not actively arriving or leaving to avoid idling delivery trucks/vehicles. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A separate sign permits will be required before any signage (temporary/permanent) can be installed and this includes any signage on the building or freestanding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Outdoor storage/sales of LP and ice are limited to the containers and locations as noted in this resolution (one ice bin and one LP bin) with the exterior of all containers to be painted to match the building and no with no other outdoor sales being allowed in front of the gas station building (firewood, etc.). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Outdoor merchandise sales of salt and washer fluid is limited to the area between the pumps only (not on the end caps of the pumps) and must be raised on a curbed surface and maintained neatly at all times in a confined area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The seasonal outdoor garden sales greenhouse, shade structure and movable shed must be removed from the parking lot while the seasonal sales are not occurring and taken off site or located within the store or in the screened outdoor storage area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any outdoor sales, display and/or storage by the main store is limited to the specifically identified area noted on the site plan and no additional outdoor storage or display of products is allowed at any time on site, unless further Plan Commission approvals are sought. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The car wash operating hours are limited to 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM due to the proximity of the residential neighbors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The doors of the car wash exit need to be closed during the wash process, and during the drying process, if possible based in the interior car wash design, to limit the noise to the neighbors to the east and if there is not enough space for the exit door to remain closed during the drying cycle, the door must be programmed to automatically close after a car has completed the drying cycle. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All lighting must be zero degree tilt and full cut-off and the concrete bases for any pole lights cannot exceed 6 inches in height above grade. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The height of any light poles cannot exceed the greater of either 15 feet or the average eve height of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The site plan is subject to Fire Department approvals before Building Permits can be issued and possible changes to the site plan may be required based upon the final Fire Department review. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The final landscape plan must be submitted for formal review before building permits can be issued and changes/additions to the plan may be required, with special attention being placed on the landscape screening for the truck dock area from the north and east and around the pet wash structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The final landscape plan must also include additional plantings around any transformers and/or ground/wall mounted mechanical equipment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, All landscaping must be located completed on private property and not within the right-of-way. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Formal approvals from the Engineering Division will be required before the issuance of any permits as it relates to overall site design, utilities and stormwater. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any bollards, railings, ladders, louvers, vents, etc. must be painted to match the colors of the principal structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new handicap signs be permanently mounted in the ground or mounted to the building so they are not moveable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all roof top, wall mounted and ground mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be screened from view and must be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building permits and if any items are visible upon occupancy inspections, additional screening will be required. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, An annual review will occur on this property for the first year after the building has been in operation and if no problems are found the annual review could be reconsidered by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: March 1, 2022 Denied: Deferred: Introduced: March 1, 2022 ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski AICP, Planning Manager