PCR2022010 Flores Automation BSO AmendRESOLUTION #P.C. 010-2022
(TAX KEY NO. 2223.994.013 / S84 W 18693 ENTERPRISE DRIVE)
WHEREAS, A submittal was received for a Building, Site and Operation (BSO) Plan amendment
for Flores Automation, LLC. located in the SW '/4 of Section 18 (Tax Key No. 2223.994.013 / S84
W 18693 Enterprise Drive), and
WHEREAS, The petitioner is proposing to construct an 11,030 square foot addition to the south
side, or rear, of the existing building to expand their business, and
WHEREAS, From the road the new addition will be visible toward the rear of the property with a
100 percent masonry addition, and
WHEREAS, There is a service door and overhead garage door in the new addition facing
Enterprise Drive with no other windows or doors on the addition, and
WHEREAS, The addition matches the height of the existing manufacturing building with the colors
and materials of the existing building also matching the new addition including the split -face and
ground -face masonry block and the black metal coping along the top of the walls, and
WHEREAS, The garage door is noted to be white, which matches all of the other overhead doors,
WHEREAS, A portion of the parking/loading area on the east side of the building along with the
entire eastern edge of the parking area will be removed with the new parking surface being moved
away from the side property line, and
WHEREAS, Twenty-two parking stalls will be located on the easternmost side of the property
along with seventeen spaces adjacent to the building with a 45-foot drive aisle and the General
Design Guide calls for a landscaped island for every grouping of ten parking stalls, and
WHEREAS, No refuse enclosure was included on the plans and if any refuse/recycling containers
will be stored outside they must be in an approved refuse enclosure, and
WHEREAS, No new signage or new lighting is proposed at this time.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves a Building, Site and
Operation Plan amendment for Flores Automation, LLC. located in the SW '/4 of Section 18 (Tax
Key No. 2223.994.013 / S84 W 18693 Enterprise Drive).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A Building Permit will need to be submitted to formally permit the
building addition.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any refuse/recycling containers must be kept within a proper
enclosure, which must be approved by Planning staff before it can be installed on site.
BE IT FOR THE RESOLVED, One of the parking stalls in the center of each stretch of parking
spaces must be replaced with a landscape island.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The eastern edge of the new parking area must include a vertical
face concrete curb and gutter.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new/replaced roof top, wall mounted and ground
mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be screened from view
and said screening must be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any bollards, railings, ladders, louvers, vents, etc. must be
painted to match the colors of the principal structure.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any signage (temporary or permanent) will require further review
and formal permit approvals.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any new handicap signs be permanently mounted in the
ground or mounted to the building so they are not moveable.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any new/altered exterior lighting (wall mounted and/or pole
mounted) will need approvals from the Planning Division before any lighting changes can be
made and all City required lighting specs must be met, include all fixtures being full cut-off with
zero degree tilt.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No outdoor storage is allowed outside without further Plan
Commission approvals, including but not limited to pallets, products, materials, etc.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise
authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution
shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: February 1, 2022
Introduced: February 1, 2022
ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager