PCm20120605 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES APPROVED 6:00 PM Tuesday June 5, 2012 Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT Mayor Kathy Chiaverotti, Ald. Soltysiak, Commissioners Hulbert, Noah, Buckmaster, and Stinebaugh and Director Muenkel and Recording Secretary McMullen. EXCUSED Commissioner Jacques Recording Secretary McMullen noted that the meeting was properly noticed on June 1, 2012 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 1, 2012 MEETING Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Noah seconded. Upon a roll call vote, motion to approve the minutes was ADOPTED unanimously. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION None. OLD BUSINESS SCHEDULED FOR DEFERRAL None. CONSENT BUSINESS. None. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 032-2012 – Recommendation to Common Council to rezone a property from A-1 – Agricultural District to RS-2 – Suburban Resident District for the DeBack property located in the SE ¼ of Section 32 (Tax Key 2288.996.003 / Crystal Cove Subdivision). Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to ADOPT. Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. Director Muenkel explained the petitioners, Bill Carity and Harold DeBack, are requesting a rezoning from A-1 Agricultural District to RS-2 Suburban Residence District for a future subdivision. The 2020 Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Rural Density Residential and no change is required. This rezoning was a condition of the preliminary plat approval on March 6, 2012. The bulk of the subdivision is already zoned RS-2. All lots within the subdivision are proposed to be at least 88,898 square feet in size or greater in order to meet the density requirement of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Formal development of this subdivision is subject to approval of construction plans, subdivider’s agreement, letter of credit, and final plat. A public hearing took place on May 2, 2012 and only the developer spoke in favor of the rezoning. Staff has not received any comments for or against the rezoning. Staff recommends approval. Upon a roll call vote, Resoltuion #P.C. 032-2012 was ADOPTED unanimously. Plan Commission Minutes, continued June 5, 2012 #P.C. 033-2012 – Discussion of a Conceptual Rezoning and Proposal for Parkside Memorial Cemetery located in the SE ¼ of Section 2 (Tax Key 2168.962 / S69 W14105 Tess Corners Drive). Director Muenkel explained this item is for discussion to give the petitioners direction and there is no formal Resolution at this time. There are many more details that need to come out before the formal rezoning and public hearing should take place. The petitioners are requesting a rezoning from RS-2 Suburban Residential District to I-1 to allow a cemetery and structures. Two properties are proposed with parcel 1 containing a receptionist area, offices and bathrooms, community room, two chapels, and a crematorium. Parcel 2 will contain 16 burial sites, mausoleums with niches and crypts, veteran’s area, asphalt road, crushed stone trails, pond with sitting park, and a pet section. The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as Medium Density Residential. This proposal would require a change in the Comprehensive Plan to Government, Institutional, Transportation, and Utilities. The following are questions staff would need more information on for a future submittal:  Neighbor’s concerns?  How will the properties and buildings be maintained and how funds for future maintenance be set up?  What would be the timeframe for phasing?  Will there be fencing?  How will parking be provided?  Future engineering may be required as the property is close to or in flood fringe and wetlands  Will the 17 acres be allowed with City approval when the State requires 20 acres?  What is the distance to habitable structures from the cemetery?  Regulations on funeral establishments on the same property as the cemetery  Crematorium concerns  How will the site and use overall operate (future BSO is needed with rezoning proposal)? Director Muenkel noted this could be a unique opportunity that might not be currently available to the general public. The 1992 Comprehensive Plan looked into cemeteries. The 2020 Comprehensive Plan does not go into detail on this subject, but it was mentioned on surveys the City received related to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Director Muenkel added that before coming back for a formal rezoning, State requirements should be met and what state statutes would need to be waived by the City should be known as well. A full site plan and building plans should also be available. The Kosobuckis and Murphys were present to discuss this development. Brain Kosobucki explained there are a lot of unknown State requirements. The project will be done in two phases. Per State requirements the funeral home and cemetery have to be separate properties/ownership. The State requires 20 acres for a cemetery, but this property is only 17 acres. Mr. Kosobucki explained the City has the authority to override this requirement. This development would be a park-like setting with no head stones and everything being flush with the ground. Park benches, large berms and fencing with a single point entry will be installed. A 50 foot road would be installed to allow cars to be parked on both sides and still have room for traffic and emergency vehicles. Craftsman style architecture will be used on the buildings to tie into the district. The buildings will be located in one central location. Mr. Kosobucki added they would like to create a quiet, low environmental impact, low traffic development. This development would be an asset to local churches, funeral homes, and businesses. Patrick Murphy gave some background on the property. Mr. Murphy explained his grandparents owned the property since 1971 and ran Parkside Nursery from the property. Since they have PAGE 2 Plan Commission Minutes, continued June 5, 2012 passed away the nursery business no longer operates. The family would like to keep the property undisturbed and beautiful. A memorial cemetery in the City would provide something the City needs while creating jobs. Commissioner Noah questioned if there would be someone on site and if there would be 24 hour a day access. Mark Kosobucki explained there would be a gate to restrict access and there would be set business hours. Commissioner Hulbert questioned if there will be an account set up for future maintenance. Mark Kosobucki stated 15% of every lot and niche sold would go into an account. Director Muenkel added that a new ordinance would be put into place and an agreement and bond may be set up for future maintenance issues per state statutes. Commissioner Hulbert also asked if soil borings have been completed because the water table could be high in this area. Mr. Kosobucki stated they have not completed soil borings. Commissioner Buckmaster stated he has concerns with placing a cemetery business into an existing residential area and questioned what the residents would think of this. Commissioner Buckmaster noted there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and a lot to do to accommodate this development such as a zoning and comp plan change. Commissioner Buckmaster suggested getting the residents thoughts and concerns before coming back with the formal rezoning. Consensus was given that the petitioners should have all these questions/tasks completed before a formal rezoning is sought. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE None. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Determine July Meeting Date – Monday July 9, 2012. The next meeting date will be Monday July 9, 2012. Commissioner Hulbert stated he would not be able to make the meeting. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 6:46 PM. Commissioner Noah seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary PAGE 3