PCM20100706 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES corrected & approved 6:00 PM Tuesday July 6, 2010 Muskego City Hall, Muskego Room, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Ald. Snead called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT Acting-Chairman Snead, Ald. Borgman, Commissioners Burke, Stinebaugh, and Hulbert, Director Muenkel and Recording Secretary McMullen. ABSENT Mayor Johnson, Commissioners Noah and Jacques. Recording Secretary McMullen noted that the meeting was properly noticed on June 30, 2010 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 1, 2010 MEETING Ald. Borgman made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2010 meeting. Commissioner Burke seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was ADOPTED unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING for a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance for Todd Furry (Naturescape) for the purpose of a new mini-storage facility located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2222.984.009 / Gemini Drive). Planner Trzebiatowski explained the public hearing is for a 34-unit mini storage facility for Naturescape. Naturescape will use 5-10 of the units themselves and lease the rest out of the public. A conditional use grant is required for mini storage facilities. There will be no outdoor storage allowed on this property. Ald. Snead opened the public hearing for questions or comments. With no questions or comments, Ald. Snead closed the public hearing at 6:06 PM. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION None. OLD BUSINESS SCHEDULED FOR DEFERRAL None. CONSENT BUSINESS Commissioner Burke requested that Resolution #P.C. 059-2010 be removed from the consent agenda. Ald. Borgman made a motion to ADOPT Resolution #P.C. 057-2010, 060-2010, 061- 2010, 062-2010, and 063-2010 engross. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 057-2010 - Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey Map for the Kaebisch property located in the NW ¼ of Section 29 (Tax Key No. 2274.997.006 / Parker Road and Racine Avenue). Resolution #P.C. 057-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 060-2010 - Approval of a Two Lot Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for the Wisconsin Land Conservation Foundation Inc. property located in the NE ¼ of Section 12,Town of Waterford (North Lake Drive). Resolution #P.C. 060-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 061-2010 - Approval of a Two Lot Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for the Wisconsin Land Conservation Foundation Inc. property located in the NE ¼ of Section Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 6, 2010 12, Town of Waterford (Big Bend Road). Resolution #P.C. 061-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 062-2010 - Approval of a Two Lot Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for the First Bank Financial Centre property located in the NW ¼ of Section 12, Town of Waterford. Resolution #P.C. 062-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 063-2010 - Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey Map for the Blattner property located in the NE ¼ of Section 24 (Tax Key No. 2253.999 / North Cape Road). Resolution #P.C. 063-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C 059-2010 - Approval of a metal accessory structure for Gliniecki property located in the NE ¼ of Section 7 (Tax Key No. 2185.999.001 / S74 W20652 Field Dr). Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to ADOPT Resolution #P.C. 059-2010. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the petitioner is proposing to construct a 1,440 square foot metal accessory structure on their property. The property is zoned RCE and there are no other accessory structures on the property. The petitioner is proposing a steel sided, steel roofed structure with 12-inch overhangs. The walls are proposed to be sandstone and the roof, wainscoting, and trim will be brown, which are similar to the colors of the home. The building will be 1,300 feet from Field Drive. Planner Trzebiatowski noted that the Resolution states the colors of the new accessory structure must be similar to the colors of the house. Staff is recommending approval based on the building being located over 1,300 from the nearest street, agricultural uses are present on the property and the surrounding properties, and the location of the property is secluded from neighboring properties. Commissioner Burke questioned how similar the materials of the accessory structure are to the house and what are the colors and materials of the house. Commissioner Burke also expressed concern with future development to the east. If the accessory building were approved, new property owners would have to view it and may request the same type of building. Commissioner Hulbert stated he is not concerned with future development, but would like more information on the colors and materials of the existing house. The petitioner, Duane Gliniecki, was present and explained the sandstone color of the siding on the accessory building is almost a perfect match to the siding of the house. The brown roof of the accessory structure is as close as they could get to the brown roof of the house. The roofline of the accessory building was changed to match the higher pitch roofline of the house. Mr. Gliniecki added that all colors and materials were selected to match the house very well. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 059-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 052-2010 - Recommendation to Common Council to rezone a property from RS-2 (Suburban Residence) to B-2 (Local Service Center) and also be granted a 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Commercial for the Casey property located in the NW ¼ of Section 4 (Tax Key No. 2174.991 / S63 W18603 Martin Drive). Commissioner Burke made a motion to ADOPT Resolution #P.C. 052-2010. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the petitioner is requesting a rezoning from RS-2 Suburban Residence District to B-2 Local Service Center District to allow for continued business/commercial uses on this property. They are also requesting a 2020 Comprehensive Plan amendment from medium density residential to commercial use. The property has been used for a variety of commercial uses, such as a sub shop and liquor store in the past. The newly proposed use is for a barbershop. A rezoning is PAGE 2 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 6, 2010 required because the commercial uses ceased for a period of 12 months and as such, commercial uses are no longer allowed without a rezoning. The apartments on the second floor will remain the same. A public hearing was heard before the Common Council on June 22, 2010. There were two neighbors that spoke at the hearing against the rezoning. The immediate neighbor to the south stated they do not want business uses on this property. The other person stated they are okay with the rezoning for a barbershop, but do not want a tavern. Planner Trzebiatowski noted that another future use may have to come back to Plan Commission for approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan. Staff recommends approval based on the use being less intense than past uses and there is existing commercial uses to the north and multi-family uses to the west and east. Commissioner Burke explained that because this type of zoning allows a tavern he is concerned that may be a use in the future. Ald. Borgman stated this property has been vacant for many years. People have approached him with uses of a restaurant or exercise center, but the funding didn’t go through. He has never been approached with ideas of a tavern or liquor store. Ald. Borgman further stated he is interested in seeing the building taken care of. Discussion took place on the possibility of requiring a conditional use on taverns in the B-2 zoning district. Concerns arose with existing taverns in the B-2 district and what would be required. Ald. Borgman made a motion to defer to allow staff time to research the possibilities of conditional uses on taverns in the B-2 District. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 052-2010 was DEFERRED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 058-2010 – Approval of a Conditional Use Grant for the purpose of a new mini-storage facility for Naturescape located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2222.984.009 / Gemini Drive). Commissioner Burke made a motion to ADOPT Resolution #058-2010. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Planner Trzebiatowski explained Naturescape is proposing to construct a 34-unit mini storage facility on a vacant lot in the Muskego Business Park. The site will contain one centrally located building. Naturescape will use 5-10 units within the building for their business equipment storage and the rest of the units will be leased out to the public. The property is zoned M-2 and a conditional use grant is required for the mini-storage use. The building is proposed to be clad with a mix earth tone colored river rock, cultured stone, taupe colored cement board siding, tan fascia and trim, and wood simulated dimensional asphalt shingles. The front and back elevations are proposed to contain 53% masonry/stone with the remainder of the elevation being the cement board siding. The side elevations consist mostly of the overhead doors for the storage units with cement board siding on the wall areas. Staff is recommending that since there is no masonry/stone on the side elevations, that additional landscaping be added along the sides of the property to help further screen these elevations. Some signage details have been provided for a monument sign, but a separate sign permit will be required before the sign is ordered/purchased and installed. Lighting details and a photometric plan will need to be submitted before building permits can be issued. The landscape plan is being reviewed, but additional landscaping should be added along the side of the property to screen the building. Because the property is within the Redevelopment District #3, the CDA will review the plans at the next meeting. Plan Commission approval is contingent upon the CDA review and comments. The hours that the business equipment will be used would be Sunday – Saturday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Public access will be 24 hours a day via a keypad entry gate. No outdoor storage is proposed or allowed on the site. Staff is PAGE 3 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 6, 2010 recommending approval. Ald. Borgman questioned if this was the best possible use for the property. The type of use will not create any new jobs and questioned why 5-10 units will be used for their own personal use. Ald. Snead stated that Naturescape has an existing business along Janesville Road. She has never received complaints on the business or the building. The property is kept in immaculate condition. Commissioner Burke questioned the masonry requirement for the building elevations. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the Design Guide recommends that 50% of each elevation be a masonry material, but doors are not included in this requirement. Commissioner Burke disagreed with the vertical design of masonry being located on the sides of the front and rear elevation with siding in the middle. Commissioner Hulbert suggested that because there isn’t room along the sides for masonry, the ends should be 100% stone/masonry. Commissioner Burke agreed. Mr. Furry, owner of Naturescape, was present and stated the ends of the building could be 100% stone, but a variety would be more distinct. Discussion took place on what types of masonry product should be used. Mr. Furry suggested keeping the cultured stone and adding a horizontal 4-foot band of stone along the bottom with the cement board siding above. Commissioner Burke stated he would still prefer the entire end of the building being masonry. Commissioner Burke further stated he suggested deferring this item to see the new materials being proposed. Commissioner Stinebaugh stated while he likes the 4-foot vertical band he also thinks the original proposal was well done. Ald. Borgman and Ald. Snead agreed, and also like the suggestion of the horizontal band along the bottom. Ald. Snead added that she is familiar with their existing building and knows whatever it is used will look sharp. Mr. Furry stated they are expanding their business and employees will be maintaining this property. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to AMEND Resolution #P.C. 058-2010 to read: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a 4-foot horizontal band of cultured stone be added along the bottom on both ends of the building with the vertical cultured stone on both sides and cement board siding above the horizontal band of cultured stone. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 058-2010 was AMENDED 4-1 with Commissioner Burke voting no. Upon a roll call vote, AMENDED Resolution #P.C. 058- 2010 is ADOPTED 4-1 with Commissioner Burke voting no. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 7:06 PM. Commissioner Burke seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, PAGE 4 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 6, 2010 Kellie McMullen Recording Secretary PAGE 5