PCM20101207 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES APPROVED 6:00 PM Tuesday December 7, 2010 Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT Mayor Johnson, Ald. Borgman, Commissioners Hulbert (6:20 PM), Noah, Stinebaugh and Jacques and Director Muenkel and Recording Secretary McMullen. ABSENT Commissioner Burke Recording Secretary McMullen noted that the meeting was properly noticed on December 3, 2010 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 2, 2010 MEETING Commissioner Noah made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2010 meeting. Commissioner Jacques seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was ADOPTED unanimously. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION None. OLD BUSINESS SCHEDULED FOR DEFERRAL None. CONSENT BUSINESS RESOLUTION #P.C. 079-2010 – Approval of a Two Lot Certified Survey map for the Ricco property located in the SW ¼ of Section 26 (Tax Key No. 2263.998.003 / W151 S10178 Thode Drive). Commissioner Jacques made a motion to ADOPT Resolution #P.C. 079-2010. Ald. Borgman seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 079-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION #P.C. 080-2010 – Discussion of a Conceptual Three Lot Certified Survey Map for the Sellhausen/Sepulveda property located in the SW ¼ of Section 31 (Tax Key Nos. 2283.999.001 & 2283.999.002 / Crowbar Drive). Director Muenkel explained this item is for conceptual approval due to controversy over past development proposals. The property is located on Crowbar Road just south of Lake Denoon Park. The past owners wanted to divide the property into a subdivision, which raised concerns over the number of docks, who would own the wetlands and the density that would be allowed. The property has new owners who are looking to divide the 41 acres into 3 parcels. They are proposing one large lot with the house and the barn and then two smaller flag type lots. The two lots will have 80 feet of right of way, which is required by code and will share one driveway via an easement. Staff is recommending approval based on the conservation area being under one ownership and lot one being the only lot with access to the water. The petitioner was present and stated his mom and fiancé and his brother would be the only owner’s of the property, and they are not planning any future development of the property. Plan Commission Minutes, continued December 7, 2010 RESOLUTION #P.C. 081-2010 – Approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Black Tie Auto located in the SE ¼ of Section 18 (Tax Key No. 2229.989.003 / Janesville Road). Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to ADOPT Resolution #P.C. 081-2010. Commissioner Jacques seconded. Director Muenkel explained a rezoning from M-3 Landfill/Extractive to M-2 General Industrial was approved for this property at the last meeting to allow an auto service repair use. This submittal is for Building, Site and Operation approval. Two 4,320 square foot structures are proposed on a one-acre parcel. The two buildings proposed are to be constructed with metal siding and roofs and cultured stone. The General Design Guide calls for 50% masonry product unless Planning Commission finds reasons to not apply the requirement. The buildings, as proposed, do not meet the 50% requirement on all sides. Calculations are determined with the windows and doors removed. Because of the grade changes and trees, the buildings will be mostly unnoticeable. Staff recommended the following contingencies:  Metal siding and roofs are allowed due to location, vegetation, and topography on the site.  50% masonry must be found on all sides of the structures except the west façade of the western structure and the north façade of the eastern structure.  That a second row of windows be applied to the overhead doors  The overhead doors along Janesville Road must be kept closed when not in use. Parking is shown as seven stalls, which meets the code requirement, but they will need to be 10’x20’ instead of 9’x18’ as shown on the site plan. The drive aisles will also need to be adjusted to 24 feet of drive aisle area. There is no location for a dumpster at this time. If one is needed, Community Development Department approval will be required. A landscape plan must be submitted and approved by the City Forester before building permits are issued. Staff recommended lining the entryway to the site with some landscaping, and if the tree line along the eastern portion of the site is removed new trees may need to be planted. Any signage and lighting will need Community Development Department approval. No outdoor storage including junk vehicles will be allowed on the site. Roof top and ground mechanicals must be screened from view. Commissioner Noah stated he would like to see the buildings as close to 50% masonry as possible while keeping a consistent line matching each façade and each building. Discussion took place relating to the foundation wall on the eastern façade of the east building. It was the consensus of the Commission that the exposed area be covered with the same masonry material as the other facades. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #081-2010 was ADOPTED unanimously. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE DOCKET #P.C. 071-2010 – Recommendation to Common Council to rezone a property from RM-1 (Multi Family Residence) and RS-2 (Suburban Residence) to a Planned Development for the Willow Glen Development and approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan located in the SW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2223.998.004, 2223.998.005, 2223.998.006 / W182 S8450 Racine Avenue). MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS PAGE 2 Plan Commission Minutes, continued December 7, 2010 ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 6:30 PM. Commissioner Noah seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Kellie McMullen Recording Secretary PAGE 3