PCM20050719 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES APPROVED 7:00 PM Tuesday July 19, 2005 Muskego City Hall, Muskego Room, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Mayor Damaske called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. PRESENT Mayor Damaske, Alderman Buckmaster, Commissioners Schaumberg, Simpson, Stinebaugh, Michalski, Associate Planner Trzebiatowski and Recording Secretary Asti. ABSENT Commissioner Hulbert The meeting was properly noticed on July 14, 2005 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. MINUTES Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2005 meeting. Commissioner Simpson seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was adopted unanimously. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 024-2005 – Approval of an Amended Building Site and Operation Plan for Inpro Corporation located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 and the NE ¼ of Section 17 (Tax Key Nos. 2221.001, 2221.002, 2221.003, 2221.004 and 2221.006.001 / Apollo Drive). This item was on the floor and deferred. Petitioner requesting a variety of amendments to their original Building Site and Operation Plan. The following amendments have been added to Resolution #P.C. 024-2005. Amendment #1: Omit the landscape islands between new parking configurations in the rear of the building. Plan Commission can waive a design guideline if the proposal adapts to the site and does not cause harm to surrounding properties. Ample landscaping will be provided throughout the site. The proposed parking lot will be screened from view from the new structure and from the WEPCO vegetation buffer. Amendment #2: Add an additional nineteen parking stalls in the rear of the main structure. The stalls will match the existing stalls and be buffered to the north by existing vegetation. Amendment #3: Eliminate use of some existing overhead doors. One on-grade overhead door and two loading dock overhead doors facing Apollo Drive are proposed to be eliminated. Amendment #4: The Apollo Drive entrance near Mercury and Apollo Drives intersection is shifted to increase safety. Amendment #5: Add additional area to cafeteria and new entrance on existing building. Amendment #6: New parking lot in a vacant lot across Apollo Drive. This lot will house 125 parking stalls used solely for use by employees of Inpro. The City Forester must approve landscape plan before any improvements begin. The Engineering Department will review stormwater calculations. Alderman Buckmaster made a motion to amend resolution as presented. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 024- 2005 was Amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 024-2005 was ADOPTED unanimously. Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 19, 2005 RESOLUTION #P.C. 078-2005 – Approval of a three lot Certified Survey Map for the Collins property located in the SE ¼ of Section 5 (Tax Key Nos. 2180.980 / Lembezeder Drive). This item was on the floor and deferred. Plan Commission deferred this item to allow Public Works Committee to determine if the proposed court will be required to be improved. On July 18, 2005 the Public Works Committee decided to allow a private drive within the proposed public right-of-way. A Driveway Agreement must be recorded upon the land division. A note must be placed on the Certified Survey Map stating that a private drive is to be constructed with the public right-of-way and that no maintenance, plowing or refuse collection will occur within the newly dedicated right-of-way unless it becomes publicly improved to the City of Muskego standards at no cost to the City of Muskego. Alderman Buckmaster made a motion to amend resolution as presented. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 078-2005 was Amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 078-2005 was ADOPTED unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SCHEDULED FOR DEFERRAL None. CONSENT BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 080-2005– Approval of an amended Building, Site, and Operation Plan and a Conditional Use Grant for self storage units for Burback Builders LLC located in the Muskego Industrial Park in the NW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2221.016.001 / W185 S8095 Racine Avenue). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. A Public Hearing for this item was held prior to the start of the Plan Commission meeting. Petitioner proposing to construct two additional buildings on site. One building will measure 200’ x 40’ and will contain a total of 44 storage units. The other building will measure 100’ x 40’ and will contain a total of 10 climate controlled storage units. Ten parking stalls are illustrated and all meet code requirements. No signage, lighting or dumpster enclosure are proposed. No outdoor storage will be allowed. The Engineering Department will review the site for stormwater before any permits are issued. An annual review will be required to insure site is in compliance. Commissioner Simpson made a motion to amend the resolution to read, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the site will be asphalted rather than gravel. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 080-2005 was Amended unanimously. Commissioner Michalski requested that brick be placed on the buildings to meet the masonry requirements. Commissioner Schaumberg agreed. Mr. Burback addressed the Commission stating that he would be willing to comply with the required additional brick work. Commissioner Michalski stated he would like to see a stone beltline on the proposed buildings matching the existing principal structure. Commissioner Michalski made a motion to defer this item allowing petitioner to submit elevations showing the additional masonry required. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 080-2005 was DEFERRED unanimously. PAGE 2 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 19, 2005 RESOLUTION #P.C. 076-2005 – Approval of a Preliminary Plat for Woodland Creek Estates II located in the NE ¼ of Section 20 (Tax Key Nos. 2237.994). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Petitioner proposing seventeen single family lots with three outlots. This plat is an extension of the Woodland Creek Estates preliminary plat. The parcels meet the zoning code requirements and all roadways meet City requirements. Due to recommendations from the Conservation Commission and stormwater needs, the outlot configurations may change. The Commission reviewed the plat and determined that lots 62-68 and Outlot 2 will require a tree survey before Final Plat. The City Forester will determine what trees will be saved and the building envelopes needed. The Conservation Commission recommended that a trail link to the existing City Engel Conservation property be made on the plat. The Park and Rec Board reviewed the plat and recommended a trail be continued on Eagle View Drive right-of-way to where the outlot meets the right-of-way in order to fulfill the connection to the Engel conservation property. The plat appears to use the lay of the land well. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 076-2005 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 079-2005 – Recommendation to Common Council to rezone land from A Agricultural to B-2 Local Service Center District, and a 2010 Plan Amendment from Landfill and Extractive to Commercial for a property located in the SE ¼ of Section 36 (Tax Key No. th 2304.996 / 124 Street). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. A Public Hearing was held on June 28, 2005 in front of the Common Council. No negative comments were made. The use of this property was commercial, although that use has ceased for over two years. The old commercial use was legal non-conforming. The Zoning Ordinance reads: “Where any such use is discontinued for a period of 12 consecutive or for 18 accumulative months during any 3 year period, any future use of the land shall conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located.” The new owners intend to revitalize the property and operate a restaurant/tavern. According to the ordinance, the use of the property can be agricultural/residential since the zoning is currently agricultural and the commercial use has ceased. The property is located on the southeast corner of the City, surrounded by landfill property. The 2010 plan indicates this property for landfill and extractive uses. Upon consideration of property location, existing uses and past use of property, it was determined that the newly proposed zoning would not have a negative affect in this area. A Building, Site and Operation Plan will be required before any improvements take place. Since the building location is non-conforming, there will be cost restrictions on what can be done to the building. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 079- 2005 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 081-2005 – Recommendation to Common Council to rezone land from RS-2/OHS Suburban Residence District with a Highway Service Overlay District to RS-2 Suburban Residence District for properties located in the SE ¼ of Section 11 and the NE ¼ of Section 14 (Tax Key Nos. 2204.995, 2204.996, 2204.996.001, 2213.984, 2213.985, 2213.988, 2213.997, 2213.997.001, & 2213.999 / Durham Drive). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. At the May 12, 2005 Committee of the Whole meeting, it was recommended to the Plan Staff to pursue a rezoning for the properties referenced above to remove the OHS Highway Service Overlay District. This request was the result of an Alderman’s constituent proposing to add on to their property. Due to increased offsets required by the OHS, the resident was unable to add on suitably. The Committee of the Whole studied the area and realized that none of the PAGE 3 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 19, 2005 properties were utilizing the OHS District. Another consideration is the future realignment of Durham Drive which will bypass this area. Removing the OHS District will help future development as the side yard offset will decrease. One resident, located at tax key number 2213.984, has submitted a formal request to keep and increase the OHS Zoning District on his property. This resident’s request for a Building Site and Operation Plan will be addressed under Resolution #P.C. 088- 2005, but is in connection with this item. A Public Hearing was held on July 12, 2005 in front of the Common Council to eliminate the OHS Zoning District. Alderman Madden believed that the OHS should be removed. This is a residential area and the overlay has created problems for some of her constituents. The property owners in that area that she talked to would like the OHS removed. Six property owners spoke against keeping the OHS District. Their concerns were attributed to the proposed business that is requesting to keep and expand the OHS District. Some of the comments were: this is a residential setting; landscaping business is fine, however, wood cutting business should not be allowed; stacked logs are dangerous; weight limit of trucks; and noise from chainsaws. The resident in favor of the OHS bought the property solely for the operation of the business. A formal written complaint by surrounding property owners was received against the landscaping/tree service business. Mr. Birkley submitted signatures from owners and tenants of surrounding properties in favor of his business. Alderman Buckmaster stated that if the OHS Zoning remained on tax key number 2213.984, that a Building Site and Operation Plan, Conditional Use Grant and Public Hearing would be required. He also gave a brief history of the area stating that years ago it was thought that Durham Drive would be of an intense highway character. Throughout the years, the underlay zoning of RS-2 was more compatible with the residential character. The future realignment of Durham Drive would basically by-pass this area. In keeping this area suburban but allowing use of the OHS District for one property would not be consistent with Comprehensive Plan. The OHS District has not been used. It was his understanding that no approvals have been received for this business which would require a Building, Site and Operation Plan along with a Conditional Use Grant. It is his recommendation to go ahead with the rezoning to remove the OHS from all of the parcels and defer the Building, Site and Operation Plan request until Common Council has made a final decision. The Plan Commission members were given two options to choose from to make a recommendation to Common Council. The first option would approve the removal of the OHS district while allowing the amendment to the district for Tax Key No. 2213.984, subject to a Building Site and Operation Plan. The second option would approve the removal of the OHS District entirely. Alderman Buckmaster made a motion to accept Option #2 which would remove the OHS District. His reasons for this option are that it the area is more compatible with suburban character rather than highway character. The area fits better with the RS-2 zoning and it is more contiguous with existing zoning. Commissioner Simpson seconded. Upon a voice vote option 2 was approved unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 081- 2005 was ADOPTED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 088-2005 – Approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Michael Birkley for a Tree Service/Landscaping business located in the NE ¼ of Section 14 (Tax Key No. 2213.984 / Durham Drive). This resolution was read by title only. Alderman Buckmaster PAGE 4 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 19, 2005 made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Discussion ensued to defer this item to allow Common Council to vote on the OHS rezoning as discussed in Resolution #P.C. 081-2005. Commissioner Michalski made a motion to defer. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 088-2005 was DEFERRED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 082-2005 – Approval of an amended Building, Site, and Operation Plan and recommendation to Common Council to rezone land from A Agricultural District to B-4 Highway Business District for Frey Auto located in the SE ¼ of Section 34 (Tax Key Nos. 2296.996 & 2293.996.002 / Loomis Road). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Petitioner requesting to add saleable vehicle parking, loaner vehicle parking and customer parking. These changes require a Rezoning and a Public Hearing was held on July 12,2005. A Conditional Use Grant is needed which will require another Public Hearing to be scheduled. Petitioner requesting to have a total of 82 vehicles for sale, which is an increase from the approved 24; requesting 14 customer parking stalls, increased from approved 7; requesting 42 vehicles allowed within the existing fenced in area, increased from 32; and requesting 18 loaner cars to be parked across the street on petitioner’s property. The area housing the cars for sale will be asphalted. The loaner cars can be allowed if Common Council approves the rezoning request. The Public Hearing for the rezoning was held on July 12 before Common Council and no public comments were made. The City Forester will need to approve a landscape plan prior to any work being started on the site. The Plan Department did receive a complaint against this property and the Plan Commission may require petitioner to bring site into compliance before any amendments can be approved. The Engineering Department will review submittal for stormwater management and grading. It was noted that there are some concerns regarding the placement of lighting, landscaping, and parking. Some of these items may be located in the right-of-way. An updated and more detailed site plan is needed per staff’s and the Plan Commission requests to ensure proper dimensions and to make sure that nothing will be located within the right-of-way. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a recommendation to Common Council to allow property to be rezoned from Agricultural to Highway Business. Alderman Buckmaster seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to defer this item to allow petitioner the opportunity to resubmit detailed site plans showing dimensions and property lines. Commissioner Michalski seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 082-2005 was DEFERRED unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 084-2005 – Approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Waukesha State Bank located in the SW ¼ of Section 2 (Tax Key No. 2167.995.013 / Janesville Road). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Petitioner proposing to construct a bank on parcel of land along Janesville Road, east of Aldi Foods. A thorough Building Site and Operation Plan had been submitted. The use is allowed and meets the zoning district requirements. The proper access is off Princeton Drive with cross access shown on the western portion of site leading to Aldi Foods. The Community Development Authority reviewed and approved the Building Site and Operation Plans. It was recommended that the trail connection be implemented from the commercial site to promote walk ability in the area. Mr. Stephen Smith, architect, addressed the Commission requesting to place metal halite lighting on the building to be used as an architectural element. Alderman Buckmaster requested that petitioner take into consideration the residential area when addressing the lighting. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 084-2005 was ADOPTED unanimously. PAGE 5 Plan Commission Minutes, continued July 19, 2005 NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE No action intended for these items. The following will be placed on the agenda as a resolution at a future meeting. DOCKET #P.C. 026-2005 – Approval of a four lot Certified Survey Map for the Markgraf property located in the SE ¼ of Section 34 (Tax Key No. 2296.994.003 / Union Church Drive). DOCKET #P.C. 068-2005 – Approval of a two lot Certified Survey Map for the Posbrig property located in the SW ¼ of Section 24 (Tax Key Nos. 2240.997 and 2243.992.001 / Parker Road). DOCKET #P.C. 083-2005 – Approval of an amended Building, Site, and Operation Plan for the Police Firearms Range located in the NE ¼ of Section 36 (Tax Key Nos. 2301.998). DOCKET #P.C. 085-2005 – Approval of a Preliminary Plat for Oakridge Glen Subdivision located in the NE ¼ and SE ¼ of Section 3 (Martin Drive). DOCKET #P.C. 086-2005 – Approval of a Preliminary Plat for Rustic Trials Subdivision located in the SE ¼ of Section 7 (Tax Key No. 2188.999 / Field Drive). DOCKET #P.C. 087-2005 – Approval of a Final Plat for The Nursery Subdivision located in the SW ¼ of Section 12 (Tax Key No. 2208.998 / McShane Drive). DOCKET #P.C. 089-2005 – Approval of an amended Building, Site, and Operation Plan for Sindic Motors located in the SW ¼ of Section 9 (Tax Key No. 2195.981 / Racine Avenue). MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Buckmaster made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary PAGE 6