PCM20040706 PH MEINERZ CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES Tuesday July 6, 2004 Muskego City Hall, Muskego Room, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Public Hearing for petition of Nancy Meinerz to be granted a Conditional Use in accordance with section 6.03 of the Muskego Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of operating a commercial mini-warehouse and storage facility at the property located in the SE ¼ of Section 25 (Tax Key No. 2259.995.004). PRESENT Mayor Slocomb, Alderman Buckmaster, Commissioners Hulbert, Simpson, Stinebaugh, Michalski, Interim Plan Director Muenkel and Recording Secretary Asti. ABSENT Commissioner Schaumberg Mayor Slocomb declared the Public Hearing open at 7:07 p.m. Interim Plan Director Muenkel stated that petitioner is requesting to construct a mini-storage structure. A Conditional Use Grant is needed as part of the B-4 Highway Business Zoning District. The proposed zoning will be going to Common Council for a Public Hearing on July 13, 2004. The Conditional Use Grant is dependent on the rezoning. Mayor Slocomb asked for members in the audience to address the Commission with their input of concerns, questions, comments, etc. Mr. Skip Bartes, S98 W12878 Loomis Drive, stated that this item was brought up several months ago and denied at a Common Council Public Hearing. This is spot zoning which will create serious negative impact on the surrounding residents. Feels that the residents in this area have had to cope with the landfill, and police firing range. This proposal should not be allowed in this area, it should be in the Industrial Park. He is opposing this proposal. Mr. Mark Weissbrodt, S98 W12904 Loomis Drive, stated that this area does not need another storage unit facility. This will bring additional traffic to a quiet residential area. He is opposed to this submittal. Mr. Jeff Arbinger, S99 W13381 Loomis Drive, asked why are we doing this again? This is spot zoning. What happens if this business fails and some other business wants to settle in this area? The residents are faced with the dump and shooting range. If petitioner wants to own this property, build a home on this property. There are children in this area, and police reports indicate that there are more break-ins in areas with mini-storage facilities. We do not need this element. This is absolutely unacceptable to us. Plan Commission Public Hearing Minutes for Meinerz, continued July 6, 2004 Mrs. Karen Lang, S99 W12953 Loomis Drive, will be moving into Ruth White’s property. Mrs. White fought this type of facility in this area and she, too, opposes this submittal. I want a quiet street. Attorney Finerty, petitioner’s representative. Attorney Finerty handed out photos of the proposed area to all members of the Commission. Attorney Finerty addressed each point from the Statement and Plan of Operation, copy attached to these minutes. Attorney Finerty reiterated that the layout of the buildings with their minimum traffic flow on the existing site, have taken into account the maximum protection of the public safety and welfare. Outside of the gated and secured area, there will be three parking spaces for temporary parking by customers visiting the office. Parking in this area will not exceed more than fifteen minutes. There will be no transients at this site. No outdoor storage will be allowed. The proposed landscaping and buffering green space shield the view of the property thereby protecting the use and value of other properties in the neighborhood. There will be no electronic signs and no tower lights. No dumpsters will be on site. There will be no increase in traffic. This is not spot zoning, it is a place of general application. It is a passive use of storage and is limited to the hours of operation. With the location and landscaping, this proposal will fit in very nicely in this area without causing additional burdens to the surrounding residents. This use is not inconsistent with the City Land Use Plan. Mrs. Caroline Paulos-Brace, S99 W12857 Loomis Drive, wanted Attorney Finerty to clarify statements regarding business people dropping off tools at the end of the day and not having enough parking spaces within the property. These people would start to park trucks on the street and block driveways disrupting the neighbors. We want a private road. Do not want trucks parking on the street. We want a nice neighborhood. Attorney Finerty stated that he did not indicate that people would be coming and leaving items. This type of activity is prohibited. This use will be for bringing in household furniture and storing personal items. Parking is allowed only on site. The three parking stalls will be limited to fifteen minutes. This area will be used for people doing business in the office. All other parking on site will be monitored with an access code and security gate system. There will be no parking on the street. Skip Bartes spoke again that he disagrees with Attorney Finerty’s terminology of spot zoning. If you have residential then change to commercial and then residential, that is spot zoning. This proposed use will have an absentee landlord which is unacceptable. Mayor Slocomb stated that this public hearing is on the conditional use, not the rezoning issue. The Common Council will address the rezoning of the property at the Public Hearing on July 13. Comments should be addressed on the conditional use. Mark Weissbrodt addressed the Commission again, stating that we have heard from residents opposing this use. He would like Attorney Finerty to share with the group the names of residents in favor of this proposal, other than people with a vested interest. PAGE 2 Plan Commission Public Hearing Minutes for Meinerz, continued July 6, 2004 Attorney Finerty declined to share the names of the parties that are in favor of this proposal. In the past, the people approving this use have received nasty phone calls and letters when their names were given out. There being no further questions or comments, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary PAGE 3