PCM20030204 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES 7:00 PM February 4, 2003 Muskego City Hall, Muskego Room, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Mayor Slocomb called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT Mayor Slocomb, Alderman Le Doux, Commissioners Hulbert, Schaumberg, Brodel, Stinebaugh, Plan Director Turk and Recording Secretary Asti ABSENT Commissioner Michalski Recording Secretary Asti noted that the meeting was properly noticed on January 29, 2003, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. MINUTES Alderman Le Doux made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 7, January 9 and January 14, 2003 meetings. Commissioner Brodel seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was adopted. PRESENTATION OF 2003-2007 PARK AND OPEN SPACE PLAN The City Forester / Conservation Coordinator, Tom Zagar and Associate Planner, Jeff Muenkel gave a presentation of the 2003-2007 Park and Open Space Plan. Mr. Zagar gave a brief explanation of the updates to the plan. The Conservation Plan declared the ruling document for open space acquisitions. Changes in demographic information. Enhance mapping in GIS format. Inventory updates (new sites, equipment, trails). This item will be addressed as a resolution, however, the Plan Commission will take no action on this item until after the February 11, 2003 Public Hearing. OLD BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 075–2002 – Approval of a Building Site and Operation plan a multi tenant industrial building for the Borchardt property located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2221.016.001 / W185 S8095 Racine Avenue). This item was on the floor and deferred. Plan Director Turk stated that original plans for this item were presented to the Commission on May 21, 2002. In July, 2002 revised plans were submitted and the Commission expressed concerns. A resubmital was presented in August, 2002, however, the outstanding issues were still not resolved. Mr. Borchardt requested this item be deferred for an additional thirty days to allow resubmital to address the outstanding issues. The unresolved issues are the multiple roof materials; minimal attempts to meet requirements of the General Design Guide; material samples and a professional color rendering to be PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued February 4, 2003 submitted; submittal of revised site plan showing additional parking and stormwater management; submittal of landscaping plan, and a sign plan. Any plans submitted, would need to address the complete parcel. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to defer this item for thirty days to allow petitioner time to resolve the outstanding issues. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 075-2002 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 144–2002 – Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan for Pro Waste LLC located in the SE ¼ of Section 17 (Tax Key No. 2228.999.007 / W188 S8393 Mercury Drive). This item was on the floor and deferred to allow petitioner to address a number of questions that were raised at the previous Plan Commission meeting. Mr. Jay Emmer, principal owner, stated that outdoor storage is primarily used for dumpsters that are no longer needed at job sites. Most of the dumpsters are empty, however, on occasion a full one may be left on site. The full dumpster is either left on a truck and parked inside or set aside on site until it can be taken to the landfill. No separation is done inside the building. The operations inside the building consist of parking trucks; changing flat tires; adding oil to trucks. No oil changes or major repair work on trucks is done inside building or on the site. Load combining may be done, however, Mr. Emmer could not estimate the amount of times this occurs during a yearly period. The waste in the trucks is classified as construction and demolition waste consisting of wood, cardboard, concrete, no municipal waste. Commissioner Hulbert asked Mr. Emmer the maximum number of full luggers on site, Mr. Emmer responded that maximum of ten full luggers with fifty total on site. Mr. Emmer also mentioned that he has another site in Racine to use as a backup. Messrs. George and John Boxhorn, co-owners of C.I. Banker Wire & Iron Works, Inc., approached the Commission stating that they do not understand why current owners of the petitioner’s property are not required to bring the property into compliance. Messrs. Boxhorn have no objection to the renters doing business, but would request that the property be required to adhere to the standards of the Industrial Park Rules and Regulations along with City Codes and Ordinances. Plan Director Turk responded that this item is a change of use which meets the permitted uses of the Industrial Park. Mayor Slocomb assured the Boxhorns that he will continue to look into their concerns with this property and respond after reviewing all correspondence. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend this resolution to add, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all loaded lugger boxes will be kept inside the building. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 144-2002 was Amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 144-2002 was Adopted 5-0. Commissioner Brodel was excused from the meeting for a brief period and did not vote. RESOLUTION #P.C. 156–2002 – Recommendation to Common Council to rezone properties to the HC-1 Tess Corners Historic Crossroad District as Recommended by the Mayors Task Force on Economic Development. This item was on the floor and deferred. Plan Director Turk stated that this item has been to Public Hearing receiving majority of positive comments. The text will be given to Common Council for action. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 156- 2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 157–2002 – Approval of the Tess Corners Design Guide as Recommended by the Mayors Task Force on Economic Development, and recommendation of PAGE 2 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued February 4, 2003 same to the Common Council. This item was on the floor and deferred. Plan Director Turk explained that this item is for architecture standards put together by Mayor’s Task Force. This item has been to Public Hearing with positive reaction. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 157-2002 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 003–2003 – Approval of the 2003-2007 Park and Open Space Plan and Recommendation to Common Council to amend Chapter 41, Comprehensive Planning, to adopt the same. This item was on the floor and deferred. At the beginning of this meeting, Mr. Tom Zagar and Mr. Jeff Muenkel gave a presentation on the plan. There will be a Public Hearing on this item February 11, 2003, therefore Plan Commission will not take action until the February 18 meeting. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to defer. Commissioner Brodel seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 003-2003 was Deferred unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SCHEDULED FOR DEFERRAL RESOLUTION #P.C. 172–2001 – Approval of a conceptual Building Site and Operation Plan for Muskego Energy Center LLC located in the NE ¼ of Section 13, T5N R19E (Part of Tax Key No. 2065.999 / Crowbar Road). This item was on the floor and deferred. Commissioner Brodel made a motion to defer. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 172-2001 was Deferred unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS Upon hearing Resolutions #P.C. 004-2003, #P.C. 005-2003 and #P.C. 006-2003 read by title only. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to Adopt these items engross. Commissioner Stinebaugh seconded. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 004–2003 – Recommendation of approval of Legal Lot Status and Certified Survey Map for the Collins property located in the SE ¼ of Section 5 (Tax Key No. 2180.932 / S70 W18896 Gold Drive). Resolution #P.C. 004-2003 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 005–2003 – Recommendation to Common Council to approve the Tenth Amended Water Capacity Assessment District located in Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, and 24 for Towne Realty / Big Muskego Estates. Resolution #P.C. 005-2003 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 006–2003 – Approval of an extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for Norway Business Park LLC, located in the NE ¼ of Section 12, Town of Norway. Resolution #P.C. 006-2003 was Adopted unanimously. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION #P.C. 007–2003 – Approval of a pole sign for Loomis Petro Mart located in the SE ¼ of Section 34 (Tax Key No. 2296.996 / S107 W16311 Loomis Road). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Alderman Le Doux seconded. Petitioner proposes to use the existing base but not the existing round frame. The structure meets bulk requirements, however, there is a design issue with the PAGE 3 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued February 4, 2003 frame. Discussion ensued regarding the design of the existing frame. Mr. Howard Gleason, from Alpha Neon Sign & Lighting, stated that the proposal submitted was based on fabrication purposes. The existing circle does not illuminate and will be removed if the proposed illuminated square design is approved. Mr. Dhillon, owner, stated that his intentions are to hang two flags on either side of the proposed sign. Staff will review the type of flags that will be flown on the pole. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 007-2003 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 009–2003 – Approval of a sketch land division for the Basse property located in the NE ¼ and NW ¼ of Section 10 (Tax Key No. 2197.998 and 2198.999 / Janesville Road). This resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Stinebaugh made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Petitioner proposing 26 single family residences on one parcel and multi-family, four 8 unit side-by-sides and four 16 units, on one parcel. Proposal conforms to the Zoning Code. This is a conceptual proposal with petitioner looking for suggestions from the Commission. Issues of concern were: not enough private road; not enough parking spaces, and storage areas to be incorporated in the design of the project. Mr. Greg Petrauski, petitioner’s representative, stated that he and Mr. Basse are planning to construct an upscale development which will be owned and maintained by the family. Mr. Petrauski stated that the existing home and barn on the property will be removed. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 009-2003 was Adopted unanimously. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE No action intended for these items. The following will be placed on the agenda as a resolution at a future meeting. DOCKET #P.C. 008–2003 – Approval of a Final Plat and recommendation to Common Council to rezone the property from A Agriculture District to RS-2 / OPD Suburban Residence with Planned Development Overlay District, for The Settlement on Woods Road Subdivision, located in the NE ¼ and NW ¼ of Section 20 (Tax Key No. 2237.998 / Woods Road). DOCKET #P.C. 010–2003 – Approval of a Street Tree and Landscape Plan for Nature Estates Subdivision located in the SE ¼ of Section 16 (formerly Tax Key No. 2224.994 / Woods Road). MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Review Additional Research, Elimination of Unsewered Zoning Districts. Plan Director Turk directed the Commission to a memo placed in the Plan Commission packet. The Committee of the Whole and Plan Commission requested staff to review sewered parcels containing higher home size requirements that are affected due to elimination of unsewered districts. A total of eight residences would become non-conforming. Staff recommends language be incorporated into zoning code rewrite to allow “Special Exception” to the bulk requirements of any zoning district, where nonconformity is created by government act or taking. Mr. Turk explained that PAGE 4 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES, Continued February 4, 2003 Special Exceptions differ from Variances in that a Special Exception can disappear over time. Variances run with the property as a right. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 9:31 p.m. Commissioner Brodel seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary PAGE 5